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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-29

Urban rail infrastructure


This four year research project aims at developing, testing and validating innovative products for urban rail track infrastructure, in full accordance with the ERRAC 2020 vision: high capacity, reliability, high comfort & safety, easy access, seamless travel. Building blocks and a comprehensive toolbox will be developed.

They are categorised in 3 classes:
- innovative new products & solutions: prefabricated track modules, green tram tracks, embedded metro tracks, alternative low cost tracks for floating slab in tunnel & at grade;
- innovative new methods: innovative track installation methods, automated track installation, fast renewal & refurbishment methods, cost/benefit analysis method for infra works, preventive & predictive maintenance methods, techniques for reducing wear in curves & turnouts;
- harmonised reference documents: standard for 'Rail Transit Track Inspection and Maintenance', LCC calculation method, functional performance specifications.

The building blocks will be integrated into a family of solutions in function of the track type (metro, tram shared, tram segregated) & in function of the network's specific needs. Validation will be carried out in ten networks (each validating another type of infrastructure or solution). The evaluation will be based on criteria such as availability & cost. By validating the developed solutions also in Asia and South America, dissemination in emerging markets is ensured, creating worldwide opportunities for the European urban railway industry.

The project is driven by the network operators. There are network operators (eight), research institutes, engineering companies & industry from ten different countries. Partner UNIFE & UITP will disseminate towards their members.

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IP - Integrated Project


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Beteiligte (27)