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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-27

"Magnetically responsive nanoparticle-vesicle hydrogels as ""smart"" biomaterials for the spatiotemporal control of cellular responses"

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Release of proteins and enzymes from vesicular compartments by alternating magnetic fields

Autoren: Andrew Booth; Inmaculada C. Pintre; Yue Lin; Julie E. Gough; Simon J. Webb
Veröffentlicht in: Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)Booth , A , Pintre , I C , Y. Lin , Y , Gough , J & Webb , S J 2015 , ' Release of proteins and enzymes from vesicular compartments by alternating magnetic fields ' , Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics , vol. 17 , pp. 15579-15588 . 2015
Dauerhafte ID: Digital Object Identifier:10.1039/c4cp05872k; PubMed ID:25785572; Microsoft Academic Graph Identifier:2090351153

Abstracts of the UK-Russia Researcher Links Workshop: Extracellular vesicles - mechanisms of biogenesis and roles in disease pathogenesis

Autoren: Moscow, Russia, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Veröffentlicht in: Journal of Extracellular VesiclesJournal of Extracellular Vesicles; Vol 4 (2015) incl supplements 2015

Abstracts of the UK-Russia Researcher Links Workshop: Extracellular vesicles – mechanisms of biogenesis and roles in disease pathogenesis

Autoren: Inmaculada C. Pintre; Simon J. Webb
Veröffentlicht in: Co-Action PublishingJournal of Extracellular Vesicles

Fructose controlled ionophoric activity of a cholate–boronic acid

Autoren: James R. D. Brown; Inmaculada C. Pintre; Simon J. Webb
Veröffentlicht in: Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 2014
Dauerhafte ID: Digital Object Identifier:10.1039/c4ob00165f; PubMed ID:24615337; Microsoft Academic Graph Identifier:2146765060

Abstracts of the UK‐Russia Researcher Links Workshop: Extracellular vesicles – mechanisms of biogenesis and roles in disease pathogenesis

Veröffentlicht in: WileyJ Extracell Vesicles 2015
Dauerhafte ID: Digital Object Identifier:10.3402/jev.v4.28165

Abstracts of the UK-Russia Researcher Links Workshop: Extracellular vesicles - mechanisms of biogenesis and roles in disease pathogenesis.

Dauerhafte ID: PubMed ID:25979356; PubMed Central ID:PMC4433486

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