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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-29

Towards effective involvement of local government in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in river basins of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region


Following the wide recognition of local government as a key actor in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) LoGo Water aims at pooling the latest research available on IWRM in river basins of the SADC region for developing a strategy local governments can apply to effectively engage in IWRM. To this end, a Consortium of leading African and European researchers and major stakeholders in IWRM will examine existing scientific findings and practical experiences regarding local government involvement in IWRM and further build on this knowledge in consultation with additional partners. Here, focus will be on the actual end-users of the project results: the local governments. The Consortium will therefore enter into a special project relationship with eight selected cities, towns or communities in the Limpopo river basin, the model region for the project.Main deliveries of the project will be: (1) a strategy through which local government can become an effective player in IWRM; (2) self-instruction material providing local governments with the necessary knowledge and know-how to advance in IWRM; (3) detailed proposals for pilot projects by and for the eight associated local governments (4) an implementation workshop for further outreach; (4) policy options for future research; (5) a set of recommendations to major IWRM stakeholders concerning the necessary frameworks for improving the local government's role in IWRM .In addition to distributing the project results via a website and printed material, an international seminar will be dedicated to create further awareness among relevant multipliers in the SADC region. LoGo Water contributes to 'Integrating and Strengthening the European Research Area' as part of the INCO Work Programme by enhancing the co-operation of leading European research institutions with their counterparts in Southern Africa as well as with a range of other major institutions relevant to reaffirming the importance of IWRM in this region

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