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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Contenuto archiviato il 2024-05-29

Synthesis, Raman scattering and infra-red spectroscopy investigations of correlated behaviour in transition metal oxyhalides


A range of first row transition metal ox halide materials with structures closely related to the layered parasite Huddleston-Popper series of significance to high Tic cuprites and CMR magnates are to be investigated. In particular magnetic and electronic interactions within manganese, iron, cobalt and copper containing systems will be studied using Raman scattering and Infra-red (IR) spectroscopy to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms that govern correlated behaviour. The materials offer the potential to control transition metal oxidation state through variation of the halide to oxide ratio and also inter and intra-layer metal to metal separations through choice of the halide ion, i.e. Fuqua; Aliquot; Briquette; The dimensionality of the systems also varies from single metal-oxide layer K2NiP4-type materials through to double and triple layer compounds with increasing three-dimensional character. The ability to influence these factors makes them ideal for in-depth studies probing correlated behaviour. The ant ferromagnetic transitions within the materials will be characterised using variable temperature Raman and IR techniques to reveal information on local structural effects and charge carrier delocalisation as Kneel is crossed. Systematic studies on structurally analogous series will allow the identification of effects specific to transition metal, e.g. John-Teller interactions, to be determined. The impact of changing halide size on exchange pathways and consequently the strength and type of magnetic correlation will also be studied. The experiments will be performed on high quality polycrystalline and single crystal samples, which are to be synthesised as part of the interdisciplinary project. The synthetic programme will also aim to prepare new ox halide materials with enhanced properties by introducing additional charge carriers into the systems via variation of the halide: oxide ratio and A-site action substitution.

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