CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-29

CAPRI-DynaSpat - Common Agricultural Policy Regional Impact Assessment - The Dynamic and Spatial Dimension

Final Report Summary - CAPRI-DYNASPAT (Common Agricultural Policy Regional Impact Assessment - The Dynamic and Spatial Dimension)

The 'Common agricultural policy regional impact assessment' (CAPRI) modelling system is used to assess the impacts of agricultural policy within the European Union (EU). However, the eastward expansion of the EU, along with the challenges posed by climate change, limited energy resources and rural employment, means that the CAPRI modelling system is in need of updating and expansion. Therefore, the CAPRI-DYNASPAT project built upon the existing CAPRI modelling system to provide an improved tool, including the dynamic and spatial dimensions, for assessing policy impacts in the EU-25.

The main objective of the proposal was to provide policy makers and society with reliable ex-ante impact assessment of CAP measures on agricultural income, production and land use, environmental indicators and employment at farm type, regional, national and EU level by regular yearly baseline and scenario analysis.

Are projects as CAPRI-DYNASPAT useful to support policy making of the European Commission (EC), especially when looking at the New Member States (NMS)? The researchers involved in such projects certainly believe that they are and the paper tried to document it. The policy makers' perspective will be presented in other papers, but from the researcher's perspectives there are several pros to be mentioned. The research funds of the EC promote projects which are policy relevant, link European researchers and at the same time evaluated by scientists. More specifically, the 'Specific Targeted Research Projects' (STREPs) let researchers and decision makers or those preparing the decisions collaborate on specific policy questions.

A first advantage compared to many possible funds or promoted instruments rests in importance put on policy relevance, letting researchers leave their ivory towers and employ existing and develop new knowledge or tools for the benefit of society. A second one is linked to the pan-European character of these projects, which exploit the richness of the European research scene.

Specifically for the new NMS, it is important that not only results for the new NMS are generated and analysed, but that researchers from the NMS are involved in the process, both to increase the quality of results and to improve their integration into the European research community. It is equally clear that methods cannot be applied in a uniform way for old and NMS. Firstly, data limitations for the NMS often require amendments, specifically for econometric applications. Secondly, structural change in NMS follows a speed and pattern often not found in old Member States and thus asks for innovative approaches and solutions.