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Inhalt archiviert am 2024-06-25

New Energy Externalities Development for Sustainability


The NEEDS proposal addresses Priority 6.1: Sustainable Energy Systems and, more specifically, Sub-priority Socio-economic tools and concepts for energy strategy. Its ultimate objective is to evaluate the full costs and benefits (i.e. direct + external) of energy policies and of future energy systems, both for individual countries and for the enlarged EU as a whole.
Major advancements will be achieved in the three main areas of:
-Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of energy technologies
-monetary valuation of externalities from energy production, transport, conversion and use
-integration of LCA and externalities information into policy formulation and scenario building.
The NEEDS IP is built as a series of "research streams ":
1a) LCA of new energy technologies
1b) New and improved methods to estimate the external costs of energy conversion
1c) Externalities associated to the extraction and transport of energy
1d) Extension of the geographical coverage of the current knowledge of energy externalities
2a) Modelling internalisation strategies, including scenario building
2b) Energy Technology Roadmap and Stakeholder Perspectives
3a) Transferability and generalisation
3b) Dissemination/communication
A dedicated Integration Stream will deal with all interlink ages between streams.
The consortium includes 80 partners (of which over 20% are SMEs), representing 30 Countries (13 EU Member States, 10 NAS, 3 Mediterranean Countries, and 4 Countries from other parts of the World), and a balanced mix of Universities, Research Institutions, Industry, NGOs.
Most leading institutions in the area of energy externalities research are represented.
The Consortium is coordinated by ISIS, Institute for System Integration Studies (Rome)
Over the 4-year duration of the IP, the resources mobilised amount to ca. 1118 person. months, corresponding to a total value of ca. 11.699 MEuro.

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IP - Integrated Project


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