Final Report Summary - ESSE (Pour un espace des sciences sociales europeen)
Intercultural divergences and convergences prevailing within the European space were to be identified; obstacles and filters slowing down if not blocking the free circulation of ideas were to be delineated. The network wished to improve the social conditions for a rational dialogue between participants and to promote the disclosure of a real European space for social and human sciences.
The project aimed at producing a rationally organised network of researchers in order to enable them to overcome the barriers and boundaries laying across the nationals and disciplinary traditions. The project promoted the knowledge, the development and the dissemination of the European scientific and cultural heritage.
It also had a due regard for enhancing the awareness on the social conditions which have enabled for the constitution of such a capital and heritage, social conditions that must be preserved in order to enlarge and empower the scientific and cultural knowledge base. The mechanisms which have limited or slowed down the circulation of European scientific and cultural knowledge and realisations were identified.