CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-29

Realising the potential of biological ageing research


AGEACTION aims to structure a process to: (i) develop a stronger sense of common purpose to deliver the knowledge base that will extend health, reduce dependency, and improve quality of life for Europe's older people; (ii) identify the links between biological ageing research and the underpinning mechanisms of a very wide range of medical conditions (disability, frailty, disease) for which age is the single biggest risk factor; (iii) identify links between biological ageing research and social factors such as nutrition, education, lifestyle, housing, transport and culture that will help to exploit synergies that can lead to extended health, reduced dependency, and improved quality of life for older people; (iv) stimulate new interactions between biological ageing research and technological innovation that can lead to extended health, reduced dependency, and improved quality of life for older people; (v) stimulate closer engagement between biological ageing research and industry across a range of activity leading to creation of new business opportunities and particularly the formation of SMEs to exploit and develop Europe's growing research capability in biological ageing research; (vi) create closer interactions between biological ageing research and those involved in financial planning in order to take better account of new insights into factors that affect life expectancy, health expectancy, and projected financial needs (including health and social support) for older people; (v) provide for Europe's older people {and younger people - the future old) opportunities for greater awareness and more accurate reporting of advances in biological understanding of the ageing process that can lead to informed decision making and empowerment to maximise opportunities for healthy old age; (vi) provide for Europe's policy makers a clearer understanding of the nature of the ageing process and of the potential arising from the above activities'.

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