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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Contenuto archiviato il 2024-06-16

Integrated wireless sensing


Current aircraft monitoring systems use sensors hard wired to their electronic acquisition unit. It precludes acquisition of major parameters where wires cannot be installed. It results in complex installation It results very often in increasing weightWireless technology is expected to bring a significant step improvement that will strengthen the competitivenessof the European industry : it will allow to monitor new parameters, or can replace existing complex wired solutions It will increase aircraft system security and reliability (non intrusive monitoring, no physical interfaces, bettersegregation..) It will improve aircraft design, maintainability, availability and the associated costs. It will save weight, reducing fuel consumption and by this way contribute to the environmental emissionsCurrent Wireless technologies enable an easy and flexible installation, but their current technology design doesnot match aircraft monitoring needs as : autonomy is limited and power re-loading is requested compatibility with harsh aircraft environment is not reached.Matching aircraft constraints and power autonomy is targeted for wireless monitoring systems, as they requestoperating at low data rate.WISE will research the way to integrate wireless technologies, in the aircraft systems environment, for whichthe sensor powering has to be autonomous.WISE technologies will be usable in any fixed-wing aircraft or rotorcraft.To reach the goals above mentioned, WISE will focus an R&D Activity on : the power management by researching new way to transmit power between the sensing side and theinformation receiver side which is interfaced to the aircraft systems. The sensor module cannot be poweredor re-loaded through the aircraft power source.The energy has also to be managed to optimise the sensor consumption : it requires an integration ofexisting sensors with the wireless transmission techniques...

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Dassault Aviation
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9, Rond-Point des Champs-Elysées-Marcel Dassault

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