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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-29

European Network on Random Geometry


The Royal Road of theoretical Physics, the search for a unified quantum theory of space, time and matter, has led to a point where non-perturbative and background-independent methods are essential if the journey is to be completed. The further development of such methods, analytic and numerical techniques of random geometry and random matrices, and their application to this central goal, is the overarching scientific objective of this proposal. More specific objectives include the construction of a four-dimensional quantum space-time and the recovery of classical space-time in a continuum limit, and the elucidation of the fundamental formulation of string theory as a matrix model.

This forms the context for a program of networking in which the training and nurturing of the most talented young scientists attracted by the fundamental nature of the research, is the core activity and the major objective of the proposal. Specific objectives include the transfer of expertise in the highly versatile tools of random geometry across East-West boundaries, further development of internationally completive research activity at the Krakow site, transfer of knowledge from pure to applied topics such as networks and biology, retention in an attraction to Europe of the most creative young scientists and the training of young researchers in transferable research skills of the highest intellectual and technical level as preparation for research careers in- en outside academia.

The heart of the network program is the series of three conference/workshops showcasing young researchers' work, two major network schools and five intensive topical schools. These, together with the program of long-term secondments for postdoctoral workers, collaborative visits and a student communication network will be the instruments by which the objectives will be achieved.

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