CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Convergence between EU and MAGHREB MPC innovation systems in the field of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RE&EE) – A test-bed for fostering Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Space (EMIS)

Final Report Summary - MAGHRENOV (Convergence between EU and MAGHREB MPC innovation systems in the field of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RE&EE) – A test-bed for fostering Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Space (EMIS))

Executive Summary:
Research and Innovation (R&I) is expected to play a central role in successfully overcoming the Euro-Mediterranean area’s challenges as per the former (Now replaced by the GSO, Euro-Mediterranean Group of Senior Officials in Research and Innovation) Monitoring Committee for the Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation in Research and Technical Development (RTD). Its report, offering advice on a Common Research and Innovation Agenda, stresses that “there is increasing evidence that the Mediterranean region as a whole is undergoing rapid social, demographic, economic, environmental and political changes, transients to long-lasting changes that represent formidable challenges in the years to come. Drivers of these changes result both from natural and man-induced pressures, which may have implications on the sustainability of the social models and economic development.”
(Final Report of the Euro-Mediterranean Barcelona Conference on Research and Innovation, held in Barcelona in April 2012;

The Final Report of the Euro-Mediterranean Barcelona Conference on Research and Innovation (2012) highlights that Research and innovation (R&I) offer significant opportunities for Mediterranean countries to develop and exploit their assets for the benefit of their economies and of their peoples, especially as drivers of economic development. Increased knowledge and R&I are keys to the successful deployment of specific solutions, which, in turn, may deliver economic benefits on a wider scale.

The MAGHRENOV Project follows up on these initiatives and relates them to the critical theme of Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency (RE&EE) for the EuroMed area. This theme, which was treated in a full session of the Barcelona Conference, includes several fundamental issues related to innovation and market development such as growing needs in energy and electricity demand, integration of renewable energies and grid development, developing a shared vision for a common Mediterranean R&I strategy for renewable energy, and defining integrated energy innovation strategies targeting both supply for domestic markets and export.

MAGHRENOV addresses Mediterranean innovative markets in the field of Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency with three main objectives:
1) Explore practical methods devoted to capacity building and to fostering innovation on
Mediterranean RE& EE markets;
2) Favour convergence between EU and MPCs initiatives both for the development of sustainable energies adapted to regional specificities and for the establishment of a shared and dynamic Research and Innovation Systems (R&IS) in the domain; and
3) Create real mobility between young academics and entrepreneurs in both regions (EU and MPC) making use of the build-up capacity.

MAGHRENOV aims to significantly boost the research output of academic and R&D communities located in the Mediterranean area. It will do so by boosting mobility and creating new opportunities for exchange between researchers, industrialists, investment partners and policy makers at national and pan-European levels. Through the setting up of a Master’s Programme on RE&EE, the organisation of international networking events, the inter-connecting of international research initiatives and the continuous promotion of project-related materials through formal channels and social media, the project serves to generate new partnerships and new employment opportunities.
Synergies will be developed with existing inter-regional research initiatives that aim to reinforce ties between universities and the business sector in the Maghreb Region.
Project Context and Objectives:
In 2013, the MAGHRENOV project started under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration (FP7). Its main goal is to support innovation and capacity building in Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency (RE & EE) in the Euro-Mediterranean and Maghreb context. To do so, MAGHRENOV addresses three main pillars: Innovation & Business Creation, Education and Research & Infrastructure. The creation, implementation and development of a Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Space (EMIS) is at the core of the project structure.
The MAGHRENOV Consortium brings together partners from Europe (France, Spain, Netherlands, and Belgium) and the Maghreb Region (Morocco and Tunisia), with expertise both from private and public sector, as well as research and education. It is composed by KIC InnoEnergy (coordinator), IRESEN and R&D Maroc (Morocco),UPC Barcelona Technical University (Spain), ANME(Tunisia) and ITEMS Int. (France). Their shared goal is to establish a common Euro-Mediterranean innovation space in the Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency (RE&EE) sector.

MAGHRENOV supports and fosters innovation and sustainability trough the launch of two Joint Calls for Innovation Projects in 2015 and 2016 on Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Biomass, targeting Euro-Moroccan consortia. The call is co-financed by two of the partners from the MAGHRENOV consortium, KIC InnoEnergy S.E. and IRESEN (Moroccan partner).

The creation, implementation and development of a Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Space (EMIS) constitute the driving integrating concern at core of the project.

The common innovation area shall be built around three major objectives of MAGHRENOV:
- Building human resource and knowledge capacity to foster innovation on existing and emerging Mediterranean RE&EE markets;
- Support RE&EE initiatives in the EU and Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC) in order to favour development of sustainable energies at business level and establish dynamic Research and Innovation Systems specific to regional needs;
- Creating mobility of young academics among businesses and research sector in the EU and MPC.

Among the key actions and results of MAGHRENOV we can mention:
- The creation of a Knowledge Database, a virtual think tank in Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency to share knowledge and information between the MPC countries.
- The support of innovative ideas by launching two editions of the MAGHRENOV Call for Innovation Proposals on Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Biomass. An overall of three projects have been selected for funding.
- A dissemination and synergising activity: organisation of the MAGHRENOV International Conference (Marseille 11th – 12th February 2016), which aimed at drawing key recommendations on Euro-Med policies, education, business and innovative structures ; policy workshop in the European Parliament, September 8th 2017 where the final policy recommendations of the project were presented ; side-event at the COP22 in Marrakech, November 15th to inscribe Maghrenov innovative experience in the fight against Climate change especially in the Mediterranean and sub-Sahara areas.

Specific already identified action lines are the following:
- Reinforcing the human potential for innovation and entrepreneurship by educating and training ‘game changers’ aware of specific climate, societal and market Euro-Med conditions;
- Supporting and accompanying innovative enterprises and business creation in the sector, especially through the establishment of a network of Euro-Med clusters, the ‘meta-cluster’;
- Financing innovative projects oriented toward specific Euro-Med markets on the basis of trans-regional Public-Private-Partnerships.
Moving ahead along these lines challenges the deeper integration of the Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Space. The issue is now for Euro-Mediterranean countries in the field of sustainable energy, to transform the collaborative area into an integrated innovation system or namely, to shift from a collaborative space to an integrated system, ‘from EMIS to EMIS’. This opens the floor to a RE&EE Euro-Mediterranean internal market.

Research and Innovation (R&I) is expected to play a central role in successfully overcoming the Euro-Mediterranean area’s challenges as per the Monitoring Committee for the Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation in Research and Technical Development (RTD). Its report, offering advice on a Common Research and Innovation Agenda, stresses that “there is increasing evidence that the Mediterranean region as a whole is undergoing rapid social, demographic, economic, environmental and political changes, transients to long-lasting changes that represent formidable challenges in the years to come. Drivers of these changes result both from natural and man-induced pressures, which may have implications on the sustainability of the social models and economic development.”
(Final Report of the Euro-Mediterranean Barcelona Conference on Research and Innovation, held in Barcelona in April 2012;

The Final Report of the Euro-Mediterranean Barcelona Conference on Research and Innovation (2012) highlights that Research and innovation (R&I) offer significant opportunities for Mediterranean countries to develop and exploit their assets for the benefit of their economies and of their peoples, especially as drivers of economic development. Increased knowledge and R&I are keys to the successful deployment of specific solutions, which, in turn, may deliver economic benefits on a wider scale.

The MAGHRENOV Project follows up on these initiatives and relates them to the critical theme of Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency (RE&EE) for the EuroMed area. This theme, which was treated in a full session of the Barcelona Conference, includes several fundamental issues related to innovation and market development such as growing needs in energy and electricity demand, integration of renewable energies and grid development, developing a shared vision for a common Mediterranean R&I strategy for renewable energy, and defining integrated energy innovation strategies targeting both supply for domestic markets and export.

MAGHRENOV addresses Mediterranean innovative markets in the field of Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency with three main objectives:
1) Explore practical methods devoted to capacity building and to fostering innovation on Mediterranean RE& EE markets;
2) Favour convergence between EU and MPCs initiatives both for the development of sustainable energies adapted to regional specificities and for the establishment of a shared and dynamic Research and Innovation Systems (R&IS) in the domain; and
3) Create real mobility between young academics and entrepreneurs in both regions (EU and MPC) making use of the build-up capacity.

MAGHRENOV aims to significantly boost the research output of academic and R&D communities located in the Mediterranean area. It will do so by boosting mobility and creating new opportunities for exchange between researchers, industrialists, investment partners and policy makers at national and pan-European levels. Through the setting up of a Master’s Programme on RE&EE, the organisation of international networking events, the inter-connecting of international research initiatives and the continuous promotion of project-related materials through formal channels and social media, the project serves to generate new partnerships and new employment opportunities. Synergies will be developed with existing inter-regional research initiatives that aim to reinforce ties between universities and the business sector in the Maghreb Region.

Project Results:
The main result of the MAGHRENOV project is about creating in-depth Policy support for the creation of a sustainable Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Space (EMIS).
The project tried to influence on the 3 main domains of education, research & infrastructure and innovation & business creation.
The project tried to depict a common position of R2I projects for the fulfilment of a real Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Space (EMIS). This common position is reinforced by the experience of the R2I projects, which were test-beds for the EMIS. The development of a Common Knowledge and Infrastructure for Innovation is a shared aim for both Europe and Mediterranean partner countries (MPC). In this spirit, the MAGHRENOV project highlights the key recommendations to create a real EMIS.

Understanding the context of the R2I projects in the Euro-Med region

During the MAGHRENOV International Conference (Feb. 2016), actors from both sides of the Mediterranean Sea voiced a clear interest to further deepen the current cooperation. This interest is translated in the initiative of MAGHRENOV, ETRERA2020 and MARE to have a stronger impact through this common vision of the key R2I projects operating in the region. A link was also established with MEDSPRING, ERANAETMED, EUROSUNMED as well as other R2Is dedicated to other themes (water, forestry, manufacturing, etc.)
Behind the initiative, the recent review of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) can be seen as a strong incentive to strengthen the political commitment in order to further develop the cooperation opportunities within the Euro-Med region. In its Joint Communication, the EEAS and the European Commission set the energy cooperation as the second highest priority in the framework of the ENP. (Review of the European Neighbourhood Policy, Joint Communication to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of Regions (18.11.2015)

The main actions of this initiative are:

1. Support greater energy independence through support to diversification of energy sources, better cooperation on energy efficiency, and transition to the low carbon economy;
2. Set a new framework for cooperation with partners beyond the neighbourhood.
These initiatives are in the line with the main goals for MAGHRENOV and the creation of the EMIS. If the EU is committed to strengthen its energy dialogue with its neighbouring countries, we might have a first step to encourage the participation and the building of a stable energy network across the Euro Mediterranean region.

The key output results of the other R2I projects and the possible synergies among them are summarized below:

- ETRERA2020. This project gives a good analysis of energy thematic: SWOT analysis of each renewable energy technology; mapping of key stakeholders within energy sector in the MPC; a platform to upload the know-how developed in each research centre that belongs to the ETRERA_2020 network; experiments of calls on R2I technical and business advice to the companies located in the MPC; energy prize for the best innovation done in partnership between academia and company.
- FP4BATIW. Organise calls on R2I technical advice to the companies located in the MPC. The flow of the project, including the detection of the needs from the industrial side (Chamber of Commerce’ role), connects with the support of the academia through the technical assistance. Gives the possibility of funding to travel to EU or MPC (R2B2R missions) and the tools to share the demands and offers through the market place.
- MENFRI. The project develops three products: toolkit for forestry innovation, calls on innovation (difficult to find the resources, key stakeholders, SWOT analysis in the research sector). Policy guides to promote forestry as a job creating business and a platform for connection and networking to engage public and private world. Need of common policies between EU-MPC from business point of view.
- MARE. Follows the approach to support research and SMEs to find their way into commercialization of products and research. They did a SWOT in market pull and technology push related to energy and a catalogue of 50 innovative specific technologies. The project provides support on exploitation plans and consultancy services. Company missions as tours to promote the technologies selected and generate a landscape analysis.

The R2I Metacluster

From these potential synergies, we highlight the necessity to create a R2I Metacluster.
- A cluster can be defined as a “geographic concentration of interconnected companies, specialized suppliers, service providers, firms in related industries, and associated institutions in particular fields that compete but also cooperate” Michael E. Porter (1998)
- Cluster initiatives: “are organised efforts to increase the growth and competitiveness of clusters within a region, involving cluster firms, government and/or the research community
- Meta-Cluster can be defined as a trans-regional network of cluster, which focuses on the same or complementary specific technological field or sector. A meta-cluster consists of at least three clusters in three different regions. (Alberto SORACI, "The R2I experiences as starting point for Research and Innovation: a meta cluster development", UNIMED GENERAL ASSEMBLY, Rome, 21 October 2015)

The R2I Metacluster is worth creating as:

1. There is the space for a new initiative completely different from most of existing networks
2. There is the need to exploit the achieved results and to proceed along the path defined by the W/F/E nexus approach
3. There is the need to be inclusive and to enhance the relationship with the MPC countries
4. There is the need to facilitate the exchange of relationships between innovators and researches of the two shores of the Mediterranean Sea, because innovator and researches are facing similar problems in similar environmental conditions.

From this analysis, the creation of a nexus R2I Metacluster appears as worth creating towards a “common Euro-Mediterranean research and innovation alliance”. The first step of this Meta-cluster will be the merge of the partnership of the current R2I projects active in the Mediterranean area plus new other initiatives. We aim to create an open alliance/platform focused on the three nexus themes: water, energy and food (W/E/F). The partners of the alliance will be a balanced mix of organisations located in Europe and MPC countries composed by: research centres, enterprises, public institutions, technology transfer organization and financial organization. (Alberto SORACI, "The R2I experiences as starting point for Research and Innovation: a Meta cluster development", UNIMED GENERAL ASSEMBLY, Rome, 21 October 2015)

The driving thematic aspect of the above-mentioned Metacluster is the Nexus Food/Water/Energy. Solar energy and biomass are the key vehicles for an ever-closer North-South cooperation as the climate change severely affects the Mediterranean area in its northern and southern shores in a similar way.
At this point, we can mention the ‘10 Messina Points’ which are policy recommendations to be considered for future proposals to define the integral innovation scheme. These ‘Messina points’ were jointly agreed on by the R2I projects’ representatives who gathered in Messina for the R2I Policy Dialogue Meeting on 29 September 2015:

The ‘10 Messina points’
1. Identify what are the missing parts and actors in the MPC area for future sustainable activities, e.g. innovation agencies in some MPC countries. To support the set-up of innovation and actors there could be a network of innovation agencies. There is also the need of operational activities and the need for funding.
2. Smart specialization strategy/culture lack in MPC region on specific activities. There is the need to concentrate the resources around few key priorities strategy following the EU smart specialization model.
3. Medium size research infrastructure and network of testing platforms open to innovation actors, to test and benchmark products and technologies. Local Clusters are key. Need to define each countries’ specialization and the list of specialized and localized infrastructure.
4. Need of soft skills, the capacity to use the research infrastructure and the capacity to exploit, upgrade, maintain and commercialize/valorise such facilities. These soft skills should be addressed in two ways, trans-national and inter-sectoral mobility
5. Innovation call/innovation procedure, where innovators can promote the cooperation between the actors of the innovation value chain.
6. Stimulate the business creation, new start-ups and new ventures. Need of involvement of Business Schools and Technical Universities to combine Master programmes, research teams, develop of technologies and market uptake.
7. Company missions to stimulate the transfer and to promote to the companies’ technologies ready to be used or scaled up. Need to provide tools to the entrepreneurs and all the innovation actors in the different value chains.
8. Development of a public procurement platform where to create some network of enterprise to be able to access international tenders. Need to improve the South-South cooperation.
9. Integration of NEXUS technologies and stimulation of non-used land (unknown property or different owners or scavengers present at the time of use) to reuse the territory, develop know how, competence not used so far for future networking missions and to validate the R2I propositions.
10. The diaspora issue and the involvement of key staff on the procedures and networks to be developed due to their knowledge and gained experience, especially on the creation of spin-offs and start-ups in Europe.

What do we still need to do for the creation of the EMIS?

The Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Space (EMIS) can be defined as a structure or platform, virtual or based on existing infrastructures such as the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) which could act as a meta-cluster to foster innovation in all fields, but starting from the basis of what has been tested by the different projects. This could be achieved through the establishment of a formal virtual association that could merge together different tested tools by the projects (i.e. Knowledge database accessible freely for everyone, call for proposals based on co-funding schemes for all interested actors, networking and project matching events limited to the registered members).
The following recommendations for education, business creation and infrastructures were based on the conclusions of the three dialogues and three workshops organised at the MAGHRENOV International Conference:


The convergence of the education systems across the EU and the Maghreb Member Partner Countries (MPC) is key to develop a stable Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Space. Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency have a huge potential to make an impact on the energy system and its sustainability. This convergence on educational programmes is an opportunity to create a whole new generation of “game changers” across the Euro-Mediterranean area. Human resources are key for a sustainable EMIS.
As recommended by the SET-Plan Education and Training Roadmap, cooperation in this area should focus on building networks, both in the university based education sector and in the vocational education and training sector, establishing close links to business and research.
- Strong link between education and the development of the Euro-Mediterranean region and the Innovation Space
- The key issues are the education programmes and the governance and management of universities
- The three keys to facilitate the emergence of game changers are: the promotion of the entrepreneurial skills, the knowledge exchange and the new education tools
- Initiatives like the Knowledge Database developed by MAGHRENOV are useful tools to further develop the EMIS and to promote the exchange of knowledge and expertise

Taking into count the different frameworks between the two regions and their socio-economic characteristics, the political will appears as the common challenge for bridging the gap between the education systems and promoting the exchange of knowledge and human capacities, increasing the synergies between regions and countries.
If we want to address the main challenges of education in both sides of the Mediterranean Sea, we have to take into consideration the global perspective applied at all levels and matters: talent, knowledge exchanges, education tools (specially the new ones), training of teachers and students etc.
Education can have a true impact on the socio-economic development of both regions. That’s why the promotion of the bilateral governance and the creation of synergies between education systems appear as a key to develop the knowledge triangle.
In addition, the role of education is crucial to facilitate the emergence of game-changers and to foster the innovation space across the Euro-Mediterranean Region. The education programmes, the knowledge exchange and the promotion of the entrepreneurial spirit are the three keys for the future of sustainability ion both sides of the Mediterranean.
At this point, some guidelines and recommendations have arisen to go further in the promotion of sustainability and the job creation in the energy field.

The education programmes should:
- Use new tools for education
- Be oriented to the entrepreneurial skills and encourage the
participation of the students in innovation projects and start-ups
- Attract good students and teachers to share experiences
- Promote team spirit
- Integrate multidisciplinary approach

Universities should work to:
- Create a strong link among education and industry
- Clarify the roles of every training stage
- Share the education processes with industry experts
- Offer new tools, new education, innovative courses through research
and innovation, online education (individual and collaborative)
- Create innovation groups (database with innovative projects
& knowledge sharing)
- Training teachers is essential to face energy education in general
and multi-disciplinarity in particular
- Push for the promotion and the creation of new jobs in the energy field
to strengthen the economy of energy

The use of new tools in education is especially remarkable in the context of the euro med region, since the needs of high quality higher education are going to rise significantly in the next 20 years, while the investment capacity for creating more university seats is limited. Accordingly, the development of on-line education through different tools is going to be essential:
- MOOCs: Massive On-line Open Courses, oriented to individual training.
- SPOCs: Short Professional Open Courses, oriented to individual professional training, essential for life-long learning strategies.
- Collaborative platforms: essential and effective to foster teamwork and active collaboration with worldwide students, researchers, industry experts and entrepreneurs.


The jointly collaboration across the Euro-Med region within specialized research centres and test platforms is considered as a huge opportunity to foster the EMIS and to share the knowledge and expertise in these fields. Moreover, the standardization and the unification of the certifications, the accreditations and the databases is key to achieve to ensure the common development and the improvement of the technology and the innovation infrastructures. This commitment appears linked to the national and regional strategy for research infrastructures.
Euro-Mediterranean policies should be further developed to favour and reinforce existing trends by better coordinating individual country efforts and by inscribing them efficiently in integrated EU policies.
- Infrastructures are linked with technology, organization and education.
The development of E-Infrastructure is key for the future of international projects;
- Specific roadmaps are key for both regions: the goals and the challenges faced are common;
- We have to extend the debate on infrastructures, technology and renewables to the European, Mediterranean and African level (COP22 was held in Morocco in November 2016);

When talking about infrastructure and technology, roadmaps are very important in order to know what we want to reach, what are the goals. Roadmaps across Europe and the Maghreb region are similar: all aim to reduce greenhouse gases, increase energy efficiency as well as increase the use of renewable energy. But when it comes to develop the ideas, some challenges arise: the funding, the impact criteria and the introduction of this innovation into the market (employability, export potential etc.) At this point, building the Consortium is key to ensure the path that innovation will take. Gathering members at all levels and fields (technology, industry, and research) will truly have an impact on reaching these common goals due to the fact of having more competences and added value in the projects.
Moreover, we have to extend the debate on renewable technologies and its goals from the European level, to the Mediterranean and African level. The best example of this international perspective is the celebration of the COP22 in Morocco this year. This shows that we need to address the whole geo-political vision at the Maghreb and African level to achieve the common objectives and face the common challenges at both sides of the Mediterranean.
But, how to reach energy efficiency and increase the use of renewables through innovative projects and infrastructures?
There are different types of infrastructures, such as outstanding facilities, modelling or demonstration, all of them linked to technology, industry and education. But at this point, what comes really necessary is the development of E-infrastructure with ICT solutions to link projects carried out at different regions and countries. This it will also be useful for the coordination of actions and to stimulate the exchange and use of RI dedicated to accelerate lifetime testing and predictions. Therefore, the next steps shall go in the way of concentration and clustering of RI platforms via the formation of alliances in regions, and the simplification of barriers to access to open R&D platforms. In the end, this will facilitate the trans-regional and trans-national collaboration, a must for the future of energy.

Business creation

RE & EE in the Euro-Med context carries a wealth of opportunities for innovation and business development. This is linked to specific climate conditions but also to the need to develop employment and economy as well as to the necessity to satisfy people needs. In southern countries especially, demand-side specificities may prove efficient drivers to market opening. Efforts have been done by all countries to address these needs but they have to be reinforced and enlarged through collaboration and networking adapted to innovation constraints. This includes the sharing of technological, market and policies knowledge between all actors as well as coordinated support actions for undertaking and capacity building.
- Business creation has to be the result of the combination of the region’s specific resources, with the local and national strategy as well as the local market and the specific constrains;
The business creation across the Euro-Mediterranean Region should be the result of the combination of resources (solar energy and PV appears as key for the future of sustainability at the Euro-Med level), the stability of the market and the coordination between local and national strategy. At this point, bottom-up strategies can be very convenient to address the energy needs and the market development. This is the key for the success of business creation.
The energy market has a huge potential, not only in terms of sustainability but also for social and economic development. Business creation means growth, innovation and job creation, three keys linked to the European initiatives such as the Horizon 2020, the SET Plan and the Energy Union.
The EMIS offers unique opportunities to capture innovation in the sustainable energy field at all levels. If we want to fully achieve a EuroMed Clean Tech Market, we have to facilitate and develop the proper context for education, infrastructures and business creation in new technologies. This appears again related to innovation, entrepreneurship and the knowledge triangle. (Diego Pavía, “Maghrenov International Conference Euro-Med innovation in Sustainable Energy”, MAGHRENOV International Conference, Marseille, 11 February 2016)

The Maghreb region also has a huge potential for solar energy and technologies, due to its environmental conditions. This is one of the main pillars of renewable energy that could be the path to further continue the collaboration across the EMIS.
In addition, if innovation and market development appears linked to growth, the “energy” field can also explore the nexus between “water” and “food” issues. At this level, social development and social welfare of regions appears linked to these fields.
Finally, the Maghreb region will have its crucial moment of visibility during the celebration of the COP22 in Morocco. We expect that this high-level meeting on climate will give the Euro-Mediterranean collaboration and cooperation the importance that it deserves, putting on the stage all the challenges that we common face and the opportunities that we can take together.


The development of the EMIS carries a wealth of opportunities for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the Euro-Med context. The aim of this analysis is to set the next steps to foster the collaboration across this region and to set a common position on how to promote and integrate innovation at the three levels: education, business creation and infrastructures.
The three MAGHRENOV White Papers have settled the basis on how to build the EMIS through a stable platform of cooperation and collaboration between regions and countries at both sides of the Mediterranean. At this level, originality is key. We have to take into consideration the specificities of each region, meaning not only their social, political and economic context, but also their market, their environmental framework and their facilities. The challenge is to empower people and institutions to foster the collaboration and increase the impact of innovation. The establishing of a Clean-Tech market, the promotion of innovation and the entrepreneurial spirit arise as the needed next steps on building the economy of energy and innovation. The EMIS and their promoters have to be very clear on how to consolidate a joint position to develop the convergence and sustain the collaboration. This position has to cover three main points: the role of game changers and the building of human resources, the joint investment and the development of infrastructure by reinforcing the market with further public support actions and funds (around EUR 30 – 50 million over five years).
The “10 Messina Points” analyse the political, administrative and regulatory conditions to give recommendations on how to favour the EMIS convergence and to define the integral innovation scheme. Out of these 10 points, the 1st and 3rd ones are considered as key priorities, because they address to two crucial points that we have mention along this deliverable: the need of building consortium through innovation networks and the key role of the local approach on initiatives, clusters and infrastructure:

1. Identify what are the missing parts and actors in the MPC area for future sustainable activities, e.g. innovation agencies in some MPC countries. To support the set-up of innovation and actors there could be a network of innovation agencies. There is also the need of operational activities and the need for funding.

3. Medium size research infrastructure and network of testing platforms open to innovation actors, to test and benchmark products and technologies. Local Clusters are key. Need to define each countries’ specialization and the list of specialized and localized infrastructure.

5. Innovation call/innovation procedure, where innovators can promote the cooperation between the actors of the innovation value chain.

The 5th recommendation also deserve a special mention, as long as the continuity and stability of joint calls are a great opportunity to foster the collaboration, to exchange knowledge and expertise and to increase the impact of innovative techniques at both sides of the Mediterranean.
The two MAGHRENOV calls for innovation proposals are great examples of this trans-regional collaborative spirit across the EMIS.
Finally, regarding the three main innovative fields, education, infrastructures and business creation for MAGHRENOV, we can mention some key steps and recommendations to achieve a major impact in the consolidation of the EMIS and the promotion of innovation.

Concerning the Education field, the need to train game changers and specialists to act as vectors of change is clear. Education programmes have to provide, not only knowledge, but also entrepreneurial skills and multidisciplinary tools to the students. At this level, the links between education, research and innovation should be closer and more effective than ever before.

- Establishing a political dialogue about the Euro-Med cooperation in the field of Higher Education.
- Improvement of the South-South coordination
- Extending the existing Higher Education bilateral cooperation activities (North-South and South-South) to integrate a Euro-Mediterranean dimension.
- Leveraging the 5 + 5 Dialogue to launch sub-regional initiatives in Higher Education.
- Creating a new Euro-Mediterranean Master program to train a core group of game changers in renewable energy, highly competent and having entrepreneurial spirit.
- Promoting the use of new educational tools to spread quantitatively the Euro-Med concepts in MPC.
- Creating a Euro-Med network of training structures in RE and EE.

Regarding the Infrastructures across the Euro-Mediterranean Region, some notable efforts have been made: the developing of research platforms, the creation of small databases and a successful implementation of national research infrastructures in RE and EE (but without a coherent national strategy). Nevertheless, this field needs further commitments in the adoption of a regional strategy, a complementary integration of Maghreb industry with the European industry, and a vision of added value for capacity building.

- Integrating the issue of Research Infrastructures within the Euro-Mediterranean Research and Innovation Policy Dialogue and Instruments.
- Equipping specialized research centres in MPCs with test platforms and promoting standardization, accreditation and certification in the RE and EE sector.
- Fostering a shared use of big equipment and complementarity of Research Infrastructures in the Euro-Med region.
- Developing and unifying databases related to the RE and EE sector in the MPCs to better serve the needs of Research and Industry.
- Implementing networks of expertise and promoting the common commitment in industrial R&D as part of technological platforms.

Finally, concerning the Business Creation and the innovative business stimulation, we can state that there has been a significant progress at all levels of the creation process: from the ideation phase, through the incubation phase and the development phase. However, several shortcomings still characterize each of these phases, which therefore, strongly limits the overall effectiveness of the current systems of innovative businesses creation. If we want to develop the energy and the innovation market, we have to promote the local initiatives and the cluster development, combined with a stable regional and national strategy for business creation in the RE&EE field.

- Promoting creation of spin-offs and innovative companies' in southern Mediterranean countries and valorising the research results available in the Euro-Med region.
- Strengthening innovative capacities of local industry of RE and EE and encouraging the emergence of strong Euro-Med clusters.
- Promoting large scale projects and encouraging the increase RE and EE market demand in the southern Mediterranean countries.
- Initiate a dialogue between the MPCs and the EU to boost or re-launch mega projects in the field of RE across the Euro-Med region.

Note: regarding Scientific and Technical results, MAGHRENOV is a coordination and support action, so no concrete “scientific and technical deliverables” were produces, so the “list of scientific publications” and the “patents, trademarks” tables in this report stays empty.

Potential Impact:
The MAGHRENOV Project has created opportunities in terms of business development and job creation and has promoted economic growth in the Mediterranean basin region. Energy cooperation is a key topic in the Euro-Med relation and can help for the further integration of both regions. The idea is to co-develop the sustainable energy value-chain on both sides of Mediterranean and develop a shared vision to stimulate the transition of EMIS, from a collaborative innovative space to a fully-structured innovation system. Public-private partnership is key in the EMIS transition.

For EU, cooperation with southern Mediterranean is strategic in terms of domestic and external policy. This leads us to reinforced partnerships based on three pillars:
- Environment and Climate Change
- Social development
- Economic growth

MAGHRENOV has clearly taken the approach supported by the EU which is to exchange information, cooperate and to cluster to have a greater integration and a bigger impact at the national and regional level.
The challenge to “Work together, co-create together” is approached via the following actions:
- Focus on innovation markets
- Develop Euro-Med human resources by educating and training of game changers
- Adapt to markets’ specificities
- Promote joint calls for tenders
- Support Euro-Med business creation, especially through consolidation and extension of a network of clusters, the ‘Meta-cluster’
- Share of research and testing platforms
- Share of best practices in the research field
- Share and work on the complementarity of research infrastructures
- And ensure that funding is available for innovation

How the project clustered activities and R2I Projects:
MAGHRENOV has taken a holistic and global approach straightening the knowledge and supporting the scientific capacities in terms of needs for clean energy within the Euro-Med region.
Maghreb is playing a key role on collaboration with R2Is projects in the region that will allow to network, coordinate and create links. Good examples of these EU-funded R2I projects are MARE, ETRERA 2020, FP4BATIW as well as MEDSPRING, previous INCONET and BILAT, EUROSUNMED, ERANETMED.
The European Commission must encourage partners to take part in the H2020 calls. Bilaterally speaking, Europe has cooperation agreements with Maghreb, such as in Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt and Jordan. We must promote and support national and regional dialogues within the economic development and the Food-Water-Energy NEXUS.
The European Neighbourhood Policy must focus as well on strengthening the cooperation in technology at regional and national level. Now, it’s time to think in terms of the future of MAGHRENOV.

European Framework:
The Junker Plan is not only applied for Europe but also for the outside Europe and its neighbour countries. If we want a solid Mediterranean solar Industry, it must be done all together and for this, the Maghreb region is key.
It would be interesting to build infrastructures out of Europe because of the interest to experiment in a different environment but today, the investment remains Euro-centred. This can be explained by the fact that only a few member countries finance the infrastructure development.
The concretization and industrialization is central in Europe, but also in the Mediterranean Region. The Climate Change will affect all Mediterranean countries. But the solar energy is efficient to solve intermittency on the energy grid. This source of energy has more potential in the South river of the Mediterranean.
The Euro-Med collaboration in energy needs venture capital. EDF created a fund, as far as the energy field is very capitalistic. The return on investment is 10-20 years long. EDF (1st operator of renewables in Europe) identified the south region as a strategical region for enterprises working in solar energy.

Morocco is hugely dependent on energy import so the Moroccan government The Moroccan government aims at satisfying 52% of its energy needs by renewable energies by 2030.
The aim is to have more renewables than fossil fuels:
- Solar programs, wind projects, consolidate hydroelectric system... the idea is to reduce greenhouse emissions by a strategic use of renewables
- Technological development is clearly important
It’s not a question of consuming in an environmental- friendly way but also to think that way in the field of research and development
Morocco must maximize the efficiency by linking the chain of innovation, with the implementation and incubation of technology. MAGHRENOV has produced opportunities in this regard through its model, the knowledge triangle: training, RDI and business creation.
We need to develop training structures between North and South that will boost cooperation. On this matter, COP22 will be key. This is one of the best ways to have the technology transfer, useful to develop research programs, promote innovation and help European companies to grow and develop regarding the needs of the Maghreb market.

Innovation is essential for a successful economy: you must be active and open to new ideas and technology. In Tunisia, during the recent years we realized that the situation is changing and that we must double the efforts to fund the R&D and to create instruments to promote this innovation:
- Identify innovation needs and solutions;
- Promote a culture of innovation;
- Make these programs widely accessible to the broad population;
- Engage public bodies to support business with information and partnerships;
- Develop research structures: universities and technical centres;
- And turn knowledge into services and products.
The idea is to help start-ups and new projects, by creating an environment which is propitious to this. We also should boost competitiveness of companies in Tunisia to help them to reach international markets: training, know-how, human resources, certificates...
Further promote the Euro-Med cooperation and the South-South cooperation.

Dissemination results end of project
The MAGHRENOV International Conference that was held on 11-12 February in Marseille and that gathered more than 170 participants coming from 18 different countries. Several energy sectors were represented with universities, research centres, companies, start-ups and finally policy makers.
The MAGHRENOV International Conference was the opportunity to get a better insight into the state of innovation in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the Euro-Mediterranean region gathering other R2I projects as guests of honour such as MARE and ETRERA2020. The exchanges in dialogues and workshops, which were managed by the R2I projects, further nurtured our cooperation under the umbrella of the Euro-Med Partnership.
The MAGHRENOV approach inscribes in the framework of the current EUROMED dialogue on research and innovation. Especially, we take full account of the analyses and recommendations delivered in the context of the works carried out by the Inco-Net MIRA (Mediterranean Innovation and Research Coordination Action) toward the establishment of a Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Space (EMIS).

18-19 July 2016, MAGHRENOV participated in a preparation workshop/conference for the COP22. MEDCOP22 took place in Tanger, Morocco and the MAGHRENOV project presented the main project result in 9m2 booth in the “Médinas of Solutions”.

On the 8th of September 2016, the MAGHRENOV Project held an institutional and dissemination session at the European Parliament in Brussels. This event was organised to celebrate the end of the Maghrenov project and to pave the way to new steps to support sustainable energy solutions in the EMIS. The first session was hosted by the European Parliament’s Delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union owing to the support of M. Pier Antonio Panzeri, Chair of the Delegation.
The objective of this event was to disseminate the MAGHRENOV findings and activities as well as to promote the debate within policy-makers and other relevant actors, such as researchers, national agencies, diplomats and consultants among others. In addition, this event was part of the continuum of the policy support activities in MAGHRENOV (WP6): the International Conference in Marseille and the MedCOP22. These events lead us to Marrakesh for the COP22, which will be a key spot for the continuity of the spirit of MAGHRENOV: the collaboration and the co-creation of solutions that will promote innovation and sustainability across the Euro-Mediterranean basin.
The event was divided in two sessions, an institutional one and another more technical-oriented session. The speakers came from the Consortium of the Maghrenov project, from the European Commission’s services and from other relevant institutions such as Euro-Med FP7 and H2020 projects, national agencies and international advisors in energy.

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Guillaume Gillet
Manager EU Business Unit

Rue Montoyer, 24
1000 Brussels