CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

MINImising Carbon footprint in maritime sHIPping

Final Report Summary - MINI-CHIP (MINImising Carbon footprint in maritime sHIPping)

Sea transport is a vital component of the world’s economy as the largest carrier of freight around the globe. Marine shipping is responsible for about 3.3% of the global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. International Maritime Organization in 2009 has set the target for 15% reduction in the maritime emissions by 2018. This requirement calls for further research into minimising carbon footprint of maritime shipping through collaboration between industry and academia.
The MINI-CHIP project has been motivated to respond to this call in a timely manner. The MINI-CHIP project aims to help freight carriers to lower their fuel consumption, minimise their carbon footprint and cutting back their costs without compromising on the quality of their shipping operations. It supports informed decision making through assessing the environmental impact of the operational decisions in maritime transport. In order to achieve its aim, MINI-CHIP has the following list of objectives:
* Developing a mathematical model for liner shipping to minimise carbon footprint and to optimise service level
* Developing an efficient metaheuristic optmisation technique to guide the search in an interactive mode with the simulation module for trade-off analysis in the form of Pareto optimal frontier.
* Developing an innovative decision support tool for liner schedulers, port operators and logistic service provides to characterise carbon footprint and service level in their operational decision making.
* Testing and validating the decision support tool using case studies from ARKAS.
* Disseminating results to practitioners as well as academic beneficiaries

The project objectiveswere achieved through the implementation of tasks which were grouped into five work packages as described below.
In Work package 1 (WP1), scientific and research tasks were successfully implemented to develop three versions of the MINI-CHIP DSS prototype (D1.4 D1.6 and D1.8) during the project period. The first version of the DSS was experimented with ARKAS captains during August and September 2015. The experiments produced feedbacks for improvements mainly for user interfaces. The second version was delivered in month 32 and used at the second experiments by the ARKAS captains in October 2016. The experiment led to revision of the second version of the DSS in the area of functionality including integration of third party systems for weather forecasting and port distance calcuation systems. The final outcome (D1.8 MINI-CHIP DSS v3) was produced based on the feedbacks.
WP2 is concerned with training a recruited staff at Brunel University London and a seconded staff from ARKAS to BUL. D2.1 that summarises all training activities implemented were submitted in month 24. The recruited and seconded staff attended total 6 courses for training. New recruited staff attended BUL introductory workshop, data protection, fire safety and equally difference trainings. In addition, seconded and recruited staff attended a researcher development briefing. BUL introductory workshop provided information about the university and the research environment. Data protection training provided information about the data protection act 1998 and using public data in academic research. Fire safety training explained the general fire precautions and fire safety duties. Equally difference training informed the recruited staff about the working rights and ethics. Lastly, researcher development briefing provided information about research programs and funding opportunities in the UK and writing successful project applications. D2.2 that summarises training activities of the staffs were submitted in month 48. The training activities during the period 2 were implemented through three training mechanisms: attending seminars, taking staff development courses, and attending research meetings. The staffs at Brunel attended total 8 research seminars in the area of information systems and operations management. They also took staff development courses including presentation skills, effective report writing, process management and NVIVO10 software course. They also attended reserach meetings of Brunel Business School in which all reserach centre members present their activities and discuss about future research collaborations.
WP3 has tasks for knowledge transfer between seconded staffs and hosting organizations. Two deliverables (D3.1 and D3.2) that summarise knowledge transfer activities in two periods (month 1 - 24 and month 25 - 48) were successfully submitted. The deliverables summarised all those activities during two periods. Each seconded staff used diverse knowledge transfer mechanisms including seminar presentation, group work, learning by doing and interview during their secondment. Dr Nursen Aydin (UBRUN) mainly transferred her knowledge on optimization techniques. Prof Habin Lee (UBRUN) interacted with staffs at ARKAS and PROMATECH in the area of software engineering and data analytics. Prof Afshin Mansouri (UBRUN) attended diverse knowledge transfer events for his knowledge on meta-heuristic optimization. Those three staffs also worked together for academic paper publication for knowledge transfer via a learning by doing approach. Prof Ismail Cicek and Mr Ahmet Bilici from PROMATECH interacted with UBRUN staffs to deliver their expertise in maritime engineering and software development. They also attended to workshops and seminars at UBRUN to obtain knowledge in business and management. Mr Baran Turgut from ARKAS brought his knowlege on maritime shipping. In particular he worked with UBRUN team in several tasks in the requirement engineering and design of the GREENDC DSS to reflect the feedbacks from the ARKAS captains.
WP4 is related to the dissemination activities of the MINI-CHIP project. The project website contains the basic information of the project and update progress made during the project period. Also, posters (can be seen at the end of this section), flyers, and standing posters were made to be used in dissemination activities. During the project period, three academic papers were published on high impact internaional journals including European Journal of Operational Research, Computers & Operations Research, and Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review journal. Also, two special tracks on green information systems were organised in June 2015 and Nov 2016 in collaboration with international conference and workshop. Total 12 papers were presented in international conferences and workshops. There were total 5 presentations in industrial events and 4 publications on magazines targeting industrial audiences. Finally, total 9 out reach activities including IAPP ambassadors, mini-chip open day, special track and summer school were implemented during the project period.
After successful development and experiments of the MINI-CHIP DSS, following impacts were driven.
* MINI-CHIP decision support tool was tested and verified that it saves time and efforts of vessel controllers for gathering data and calculate optimal arrival time and vessel speeds.
* Social impact: MINI-CHIP concept was proved to be useful for shipping companies to minimise their carbon emission in maritime operations. Minimising carbon emission is expected to contribute to maintaining environmental sustainability which is an influential factor on society’s long-term future.
* Economic impact: MINI-CHIP DSS supports decision making process of freight carriers to lower their fuel consumption. The experiment showed the potential to save 5 -10% of total fuel consumption.