The ERAdiate project is aimed at unlocking and strengthening the research potential and promoting excellence of the University of Zilina (UNIZA) as well as of the Zilina region in the field of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). Systematic development of human resources, effective exploitation of unique research infrastructures and advanced transformations of the institution steered towards enhanced competitiveness in the European Research Area (ERA) are the key instruments to reach the ERAdiate goals. The project focuses on sustainable development of human resources and key competences under leadership of an experienced scientist and manager, an ERA Chair Holder, and his/her team. Major challenges such as creating competitive environment, increasing of critical mass of excellent researchers, significant improvement of the UNIZA performance in competitive research funding, implementation of the ERA culture, contribution to growth and jobs based on the SMART specialization strategies, are addressed. Synergic effect between cohesion funds and research funding is the corner-stone for building up a unique research and innovation hub located in the Zilina region and oriented on global societal and environmental challenges connected to the solving of transportation issues with implementation of the ITS. Realization of the ERAdiate project will enhance the UNIZA and the Zilina region performance in research, innovation as well as education for the benefits of enlarged Union.
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010 26 Zilina