Final Report Summary - SQUIRREL (Sensing Quantum Information Correlations)
O1: The project has given rise to 12 texts, either already published in high-impact factors journals, under review or still under preparation but to be shortly released. The project has given rise to four presentations in international conferences (two invited) by the Researcher herself (significantly more if including all co-authors).
I1: The 2PS, the central concept articulating the theoretical proposal, is now a physical reality.
O2: The concept for a new device, the "bundler", generating a new type of light. This has been published in the prestigious Nature Photonic journal, which is exceptional for a purely theoretical work.
I2: A News & Views in Nature Photonics describing the Bundler, by D. Strekalov, opens with "Our concept of light has undergone a remarkable evolution" and concludes with "And in terms of fundamental science, the concept of light has received yet another interesting perspective.
O3,I3: High-profile experimental groups actively pursue further experimental implementations of the theoretical effects predicted by SQUIRREL , including violation of Bell’s inequalities (group of Prof. A. Müller in Florida) and implementation of the bundler (group of Profs. D. Sanvitto in Lecce, J. J. Finley in Munich and J. Vuckovic in Stanford).
Future Directions:
he SQUIRREL project terminated leaving in its trail a direct continuation of its workframe, namely, instead of using sensors to probe the output of a quantum system (tagging its photons in frequency in the process), one addresses the non-perturbative excitation of a quantum source onto a receiving end (typically a polariton). This concept is to be presented as an invited talk in the "Hybrid Photonics and Materials International Conference" in Santorini, Greece, end of May 2015, and in the manuscript "Exciting polaritons with quantum light", to be submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.