Final Report Summary - CHEMICAL DEFENCES (Environment-induced plastic responses in chemical defences of a vertebrate)
With the help of the MC CIG the fellow strengthened, expanded and equipped the newly founded LEERG at the Host Institute (Plant Protection Institute, Centre for Agricultural Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences). The LEERG currently consists of four post-docs, four pre-docs, one PhD-student, four MSc students and a technician. During the project period, while supported by the MC CIG and in collaboration with the rest of the LEERG, the fellow:
- published 23 papers in international scientific journals, and thereby significantly contributed to the scientific output of the Host Institute,
- presented results at 9 national and 8 international conferences,
- published press releases on results of three studies and wrote two articles for popular scientific journals,
- participated as a scientific advisor and an interviewee in the production of educative films on amphibians targeting teenaged schoolchildren,
- gave three invited talks (at the Department of Ecology, Institute of Biology, Szent István University, at the Bolyai Collegium, Eötvös Loránd University and at the Department of Ecology, Institute of Biology, University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest),
- obtained a medium sized and two small research grants, as well as three post-doc fellowships,
- supervised the research of 4 PhD students as well as 8 MSc students,
- organized three workshops for young scientists of the Host Institute,
- participated in the teaching activities of two universities,
- contributed to the Hungarian and the English versions of the webpage of the Host Institute ( and and kept the English webpage of the LEERG up to date (
- developed and maintained tight collaborations with four research groups within the Host Institute and several other groups outside the Host, embarked on a project involving agricultural pests, and studied effects of herbicides on non-target organisms;
- helped other members of the LEERG reach success (supervised MSc student won the yearly competition of the National Scientific Students' Associations Conference (OTDK 2017) in the section Animal Ecology; supervised PhD student was elected ‘Young Ethologist of the Year 2017’ by the Hungarian Ethological Society; another supervised PhD student obtained a small research grant from the Otto Kinne Foundation; a third supervised PhD student was elected first at the Young Researchers’ Yearly Hearing at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS); a fourth supervised PhD student obtained a twelve-months research fellowship to Mexico from the Tempus Public Foundation; one of the senior post-docs obtained a research grant of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH) and a Young Researcher Position from the HAS; the other senior post-doc obtained a prestigious MTA Premium Post-doctoral Fellowship and another Young Researcher Position from the HAS).
Thus, over the course of the project period, the fellow and the LEERG, aided by the MC-CIG, contributed to the training of young researchers, widely disseminated research results, obtained further funding, became fully integrated in the Host Institute and obtained a respected status in the Hungarian, as well as in the international research landscape.