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DREAMS European Researcher's Night

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - DREAMS (DREAMS European Researcher's Night)

Berichtszeitraum: 2015-01-01 bis 2015-11-30

Sustainability means creating value by using resources in a responsible way to not jeopardize the needs of future generations. Society, sometimes, has a partial perception of this definition, too often limited to environmental problems, as well as underestimates the importance and responsibility of researchers, essential to pursue sustainable solutions. People usually think about achieving sustainability as too big a problem to be solved by common citizens, a solution too far from them! A sort of DREAM!
DREAMS was a national level project: a network of Italian cities.
DREAMS presented researchers as common citizens directly involved in the making of a new sustainable future: highlighting the European dimension of research, enhancing researchers’ integration, reinforcing the link between researchers and citizens, furthermore helping the youth to understand the attractiveness on pursuing a scientific career. DREAMS was articulated in several appealing activities finely tuned in spectacular and rigorous scientific ways.
DREAMS was coordinated by Frascati Scienza Association (Frascati Scienza) and was hosted in many research areas in Italy where over 5.000 international researchers operate and live.
The events in Trieste, Bologna, Milano, Ferrara, Catania, Pisa, Bari, Cagliari, Pavia and Frascati/Rome, as epicentre of the events, showed the researchers' activities done by the Italian excellence of research institutions - ASI, CNR, ENEA, ESA-ESRIN, INAF, INFN and Rome Universities - the role of Italian researchers in a society and their involvement in making a new sustainable future.
Frascati Scienza was supported in the project by many local, regional and national institutions; the coordinator already had a long experience in managing successfully the Researchers’ Night, since 2006.

Tasks undertaken

Target audiences

o Public at large regardless of age and scientific background;
o Special attention to be paid on kids and young people;

Messages conveyed

o Researchers are amongst us;
o Research is an amazing career;
o Europe cares for tis researchers;
o Research is eco and sustainable;
o Responsible research and innovation for answering societal challenges;
o For 2015 only: Tenth anniversary of the European Researchers’ night

Main communication tools to rely on:

Off line

o Setting up of media partnerships (national newspapers, national radio stations);
o Setting up and implementation of media plan (radio spots, main regional page press advertising, advertising on events periodical (TrovaRoma, Roma c’è), free press;
o Display of spots in metro and bus TV circuit;
o Poster campaign in metro stations, and in the main streets of participating cities,;
o Display of written promotional material-posters, brochures;
o Setting up of a dedicated press office (press releases, coordination of national/international press offices, promotion of ERN message throughout the contacts networks, promotion of European research projects, coordination of web content and newsletters..);
o Specific promotional activities addressing schools (prior to summer break), university conferences, guided tours at science museums…;
o A launching event in a main square in Rome celebrating the 10th anniversary of the ERN (2015);

On line

o Posting of articles, news, interview on Frascati Scienza website;
o Links with cooperating bodies’, institutional and popular websites;
o Revamping of social networks profiles (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube); Publication of advertising and ads;
o Publications (articles interviews, adverts) in on-line press;
o Organisation of a photo context: #humans of ERN (addressing public at large, make a photo and tweet about your involvement with the research worlds and feedback on the DREAMS project). Setting up and animation of sponsored posts blog(calling upon 20 influential bloggers for writing on science and European Researchers ‘night);

Promotional material

o Posters, leaflets, programmes;
o Inserts, banners, ads;
o Mention of "This European Researchers' Night project is funded by the European Commission under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions" on all promotional material displayed;
o Promotional gadgets (displayed through the European corner notably), complying with the general guidelines available at

Patronage of Italian Republic Presidency and of the Research and Foreign affairs Ministry in favour of all Italian funded projects to be obtained via DREAMS’ coordinator.

Cooperation with other funded Italian projects

Setting up of common awareness tools such as common website, results dissemination etc.

Overview of the results

o Conception, realisation of promotional material: posters of various formats, flyers, brochures, leaflets, displayed in main streets of the cities involved;
o Sending of invitations to the general public, students, and directors of research centres;
o Sending of newsletters to contacts mailing lists and through Banzai website;
o Publication of articles, announcements, advertising in national and regional written press
o Airing of announcements, advertising, programmes, interviews on regional radio stations;
o Organisation of a press conference in Italian Parliament premises in Rome (15 September);
o Organisation of pre-events:
o Science Pursuit in Piazza San Lorenzo in Lucina in Rome;
o Launching event in Piazza di Spagna in Rome (January 2015);
o “Occhi su Saturno” organised by Università di Roma Tre;
o “Incontri di Scienza” organised by the Cultural Association ATA in September 2015;
o WIRE15 in Frascati (May 2015) allowing meetings between researchers and potential investors;
o BookiNeri (Piazza del Mercato, Frascati): teaser for the main event;
o Revamping, constant updating and maintenance of project website: (detailed programme, registration facility, general info about science, interviews with researchers, news and articles);
o 31.763 unique visitors in September, 46.265 sessions, 215.500 page views (increase by 25 % compared to previous events);
o Revamping, constant updating and maintenance of social network profiles (Facebook, Twitter, blogs..);
o 2.571 likes on Facebook, 375.000 views, 1.674 followers on Twitter with 100.000 views, 17 scientific blogs involved having published 34 articles about the event;
o Posting of advertising on media papers: web banners on 7 Article on Today
o About 8.000.000 of people made aware of the Researchers'Night and its objectives.


Locations and venues

o Bari: research labs, public areas, pubs, libraries, university premises;
o Bologna: research labs, public areas, pubs, libraries, university premises;
o Cagliari: research labs, public areas, pubs, libraries, university premises;
o Sassari: Università di Sassari
o Catania: research labs, public areas, pubs, libraries, university premises;
o Ferrara: research labs, public areas, pubs, libraries, university premises;
o Frascati: research centres of the main institutions associated (ASI, CNR ARTOV, ENEA, ESA-ESRIN, INAF, INFN), pubs, libraries, city areas and scuderie Aldobrandini, Sapermercato in Piazza del Mercato, Villa Sora;
o Milano: research labs, public areas, pubs, libraries, university premises;
o Pavia: research labs, public areas, pubs, libraries, university premises;
o Pisa: research labs, public areas, pubs, libraries, university premises;
o Roma:research institutes ASI, CNR ARTOV, ENEA, ESA-ESRIN, INAF, INFN, 3 universities of Roma La Sapienza, Roma Tor Vergata and Roma Tre, archaeological areas and pubs and libraries, EATALY, ASTRONOMITALY, Ospedale Pediatrico Bambin Gesù;
o Trieste: research labs, public areas, pubs, libraries, university premises;
o Cooperation with transport authorities under course (enhancement of public services during the night), supply of free parking areas for those coming through private means, special private bus services towards labs;

Types of activities planned

o Seminars, shows, hands-on experiments, speed dating with researchers, science cafés, demos, exhibitions, chats with researchers, various performances, guided tours, school trips, simulations, contests, multimedia activities, book presentations, experiments, EU corners…;
o Connection with events in other cities (web streaming and social networks)

Detailed programme of activities

Theme: “Researchers are common citizens and build a better world”


o Prior to the event, presentation of their jobs and lives by researchers inside high schools of the area;
o Science shows, hands on experiments, demos, simulations, games (play scientists for one evening), interactive lab;
o Science theatre: science through the show, combined with several plays
o Seminars: “researchers at school, debates , informal chats;
o School trips (concrete discoveries such as animal habitats, insects etc. with researchers)


o In research centres of the cities involved;
o Guidance by young researchers having benefited from the Marie Curie programme;
o Explanation of researchers ‘daily life, the importance of their job, the European dimension of science;
o Musical entertainment by musicians/researchers;


o Informal chat about topics such as “how can I be scientifically sustainable in my everyday life?;
o Science aperitifs, meetings and debates with researchers , including music, video, literature and informal chats, testing, book presentations/suggestions, music;
o Science cafés in pubs and libraries in the participating cities, mainly around the current societal challenges Europe is faced to.;


o Twitter night: multimedia activities, storytelling, concept video, based on 2.0 modern media;
o Real time twitter coverage of night activities (exchange about programme, questions, discussions by researchers and experts Twitters with the audience)
o Science Hacks: video experiments at home(notably “how to solve it with science, videos uploaded on YouTube displayed in several locations);


o Meeting and debates with researchers;
o Topics such as: robotics and health, from remote surgery to prosthetic arts, gender balance in science (the first Italian female astronaut will be invited), climate change and art preservation, next generation food, space garbage…, the universe (involving an astrophysicist, a writer and some special guest from show business)


o Interactivity, audio-video media, storytelling, concept design;
o Science exhibition of researchers’ life and jobs in stand in the main squares in the cities involved;
o Discussion about researchers’ experiences and points of views outside the labs;

European corners

Number: at least one per location, i.e. 11;
Location: in each of the cities participating
Activities planned:
o Display of promotional and informative material; Posters, brochures, gadgets;
o Display of information about research projects EU-funded;, by researchers having benefited from MSCA and/or ERC programmes;
o Setting up of games and interactive funny activities;
o Streaming live connection with CERN(Pop Science project) and FameLab presentations in London (Natural history Museum)
o European Researchers' Night MSCA roll-up (entrance of the event) complying with the following content and format requirements: 200 X 85 cm, and the mentions: "European Researchers' Night", "Marie Skłodowska-Curie: an inspiration to follow";

Overview of the results

o Offer of activities during approximately 300 events throughout Italy, as planned and described in Annex I part B to the Grant Agreement, namely:
o 35 Seminars;
o 46 shows, hands-on experiments and simulations;
o 35 speed dating and chats with researchers;
o 25 science cafés;
o 28 demos, exhibitions;
o 51 performances;
o 32 guided tours an school trips;
o 40 competitions and contests, multimedia activities, book presentations;
o 11 EU corners;
o Active involvement of 2.000 researchers in the activities, of whom:
o 8 having benefitted from Marie Curie schemes;
o 33 having benefitted from other EU support;
o Over 60.000 attendees having taken part in the activities offered


Description of the current situation
o Eurobarometer publications (EB 77 Spring 2012), EB 76, Fall 2011, about research and innovation considered amongst the less important features for combatting crisis in Italy, EB 239 about the fact that profit is considered by youth as too influential on research, and the reject of scientific careers (medicine, engineering, natural sciences, mathematics by over the half of the young people interviewed;
o Results of previous impact assessment sin the framework of Frascati’s previous Researchers ‘nights;
o Qualitative survey on social media, to be conducted prior to the event;

o Ex ante, on-going, ex-post surveys, world café sessions (groups of 25-30 participants exchanging about participation in the events and research environment in general);
o Display of 2 questionnaires, one ex ante and the other ex-post and comparison of the answers; (website for the ex-ante, on site for the ex-post, displayed to attendees when leaving the events);
o Questions discussed during World café: which experience did you gain after having taken part to the ERN 2015? Which are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the NIGHT 2015? How can we improve the ERN 2015?

Indicators and parameters to be applied
o For assessing the success of the action: number of attendees, rating of the event, participation in various activities, hits on the website, friends and followers on social networks, views of the streaming activities, videos uploaded on YouTube, number of promotional items displayed, media coverage;
o For assessing the possible impact regarding public perception of researchers: public opinion on researchers and their job, (association with “researcher”, characteristics of actual researchers, of desired researchers, interest expressed for science and research, interest expressed in science careers, typology of attendees, intention to take part in future similar events, involvement of researchers funded by HORIZON 2020, including MSCA actions;

Selection of the sample
o Method: selection of samples reflecting the social groups attending the events(‘all categories, gender balance, age balance, balance between competent and novice attendees);
o Absolute figures: at least 1.000 ex-ante questionnaires and 1.000 ex-post questionnaires filled in for two years.

Overview of the results
o Collection and processing of 927 questionnaires (n. 304 Ex-ante and n. 623 ex-post)
o Conception, realisation of promotional material: 600 posters 70x100 cm, 1000 flyers 30x50 cm, 22.000 brochures, 40.000 leaflets
o Advertising in public places: poster campaign in the main streets of participating cities, display of written promotional material, posters and brochures
o Arising of annoucements/advertising /programmes/interviews on radio and Tv stations : 4 ads per day for 5 days by RADIO GLOBO (Rome and Province of Rome), plus interviews to representatives of DREAMS,
o Invitations sent to the general public, students and Directors of Research Centers. We have sent also 8 newsletters to 10.000 contacts and 1 newsletter to 100.000 contacts through “Banzai” website
o Pre events: “The Science Pursuit” launching events in Piazza San Lorenzo in Lucina in Roma on the 20th of September 2015 celebrating also the 10th Anniversary of the Night, launching event organised by INFN Frascati in Piazza di Spagna in Rome on January 2015, another two pre-events: “Occhi su Saturno” organised by Università di Roma Tre and “Incontri di Scienza” organised by the Cultural Association ATA in September 2015. WIRE15 was organised in Frascati on May 2015 in order to enable researchers to meet the general public and potential investors for their ideas and pilots. Bookineri event was also organised the week before the ERN 2015 in Piazza del Mercato in Frascati in order to attract people for the ERN 2015.
o Press conference: 15 September 2015, Sede Italiana Parlamento Europeo in Rome
o Advertising on papers: Repubblica Roma (reach 455.000) Messaggero Roma (reach 800.000) Leggo Roma (reach 700.000) Metro Roma (reach 847.000) Trovaroma (reach 90.000)
o Advertising on media papers: web banners on 7 Article on Today
o Revamping, constant updating and maintenance of project website: This website includes information about the activities developed within the DREAMS project, integrate a web system allowing visitors to book events but provides also information about science through interviews with researchers, news and articles on specific topic of every scientific field
o Number of hits and unique visitors on website: during the month of September 2015 we reached 31,763 unique visitors through our website, 46,265 sessions and 215,500 page visitors. With reference to the activities developed during ERN of 2014, we increased the number of visitors of 25%.
o Only during September 2015 we achieved the following results on social networks: Facebook: 2.571 likes, 375,000. Twitter: 1.674 followers, 100,000. Blogs: the project has involved 17 scientific blogs. They written 34 article about Frascati Scienza’s ERN
o 17 influent bloggers of science communication have collaborated with Frascati Scienza and spread the news about the ERN 2015 organised by the DREAMS project in more than 30 blog articles.
o The overall number of people likely to have been aware of the Researchers'Night and its objectives
: 8.000.000 of people
o Active involvement of 2000 researchers of whom 8 having benefitted from Marie Curie schemes and 33 from other EU support;
o Over 60.000 attendees having taken part in the activities offered
o 300 events throughout Italy with 60.000 total attendees engaged in hands-on experiments, science shows, workshops, kids programmes, guided visits, world cafés.
o Collection and processing of 927 questionnaires (n. 304 Ex-ante and n. 623 ex-post)
o Conception, realisation of promotional material: 600 posters 70x100 cm, 1000 flyers 30x50 cm, 22.000 brochures, 40.000 leaflets
o Advertising in public places: poster campaign in the main streets of participating cities, display of written promotional material, posters and brochures
o Arising of annoucements/advertising /programmes/interviews on radio and Tv stations : 4 ads per day for 5 days by RADIO GLOBO (Rome and Province of Rome), plus interviews to representatives of DREAMS,
o Invitations sent to the general public, students and Directors of Research Centers. We have sent also 8 newsletters to 10.000 contacts and 1 newsletter to 100.000 contacts through “Banzai” website
o Pre events: “The Science Pursuit” launching events in Piazza San Lorenzo in Lucina in Roma on the 20th of September 2015 celebrating also the 10th Anniversary of the Night, launching event organised by INFN Frascati in Piazza di Spagna in Rome on January 2015, another two pre-events: “Occhi su Saturno” organised by Università di Roma Tre and “Incontri di Scienza” organised by the Cultural Association ATA in September 2015. WIRE15 was organised in Frascati on May 2015 in order to enable researchers to meet the general public and potential investors for their ideas and pilots. Bookineri event was also organised the week before the ERN 2015 in Piazza del Mercato in Frascati in order to attract people for the ERN 2015.
o Press conference: 15 September 2015, Sede Italiana Parlamento Europeo in Rome
o Advertising on papers: Repubblica Roma (reach 455.000) Messaggero Roma (reach 800.000) Leggo Roma (reach 700.000) Metro Roma (reach 847.000) Trovaroma (reach 90.000)
o Advertising on media papers: web banners on 7 Article on Today
o Revamping, constant updating and maintenance of project website: This website includes information about the activities developed within the DREAMS project, integrate a web system allowing visitors to book events but provides also information about science through interviews with researchers, news and articles on specific topic of every scientific field
o Number of hits and unique visitors on website: during the month of September 2015 we reached 31,763 unique visitors through our website, 46,265 sessions and 215,500 page visitors. With reference to the activities developed during ERN of 2014, we increased the number of visitors of 25%.
o Only during September 2015 we achieved the following results on social networks: Facebook: 2.571 likes, 375,000. Twitter: 1.674 followers, 100,000. Blogs: the project has involved 17 scientific blogs. They written 34 article about Frascati Scienza’s ERN
o 17 influent bloggers of science communication have collaborated with Frascati Scienza and spread the news about the ERN 2015 organised by the DREAMS project in more than 30 blog articles.
o The overall number of people likely to have been aware of the Researchers'Night and its objectives : 8.000.000 of people
o Active involvement of 2000 researchers of whom 8 having benefitted from Marie Curie schemes and 33 from other EU support;
o Over 60.000 attendees having taken part in the activities offered
o 300 events throughout Italy with 60.000 total attendees engaged in hands-on experiments, science shows, workshops, kids programmes, guided visits, world cafés.
o Collection, analysis and processing of 927 feedbacks (both ex ante and ex post);
o Main conclusions:
o Typology of visitors: balanced gender representation with a slight majority of female responders, 4-7 % aged 30-39, majority of visitors aged 40-49 and 20-29, with an increase in youth representation (by 22 % for female responders and 11 % for male responders), 32 % from Milan, 24 % from Rome and 15 % from Tuscolana area, 36 % having an university degree, 26 % a high school diploma, 25 % employees and 19 % university students, majority of newcomers (38 % having already participated in one or several previous similar events);
o Knowledge about the event: word of mouth (friends, family): 28 %, Internet :18 %, and 16 % as a result of direct contacts with participating institutions;
o Overall positive feedback about the events themselves (activities, interest, contacts with researchers, locations and venues, scheduling, concrete professional organisation, choice of speakers);
o Most successful activities: riqualification of the covered market of Frascati’s municipality into a specific kids' programme (SAPERmercato) with scientific laboratories of biology, chemistry and vulcanology, book presentations, scientific aperitifs, conference-show, live concerts played by researchers;
o Less successful activities:cancellation of some open air activities, namely 3 TRIPS due to heavy weather conditions;
o Improved public image of researcher and their work: 53 % responders considering research not adequately funded against 64 % considering it adequately funded;
o Efficiency of Researchers' Night events: raising awareness about researchers' work (27 %), bringing researchers and general public closer to each other (23 and 24 % prior and after the event), promotion of researchers' role and research careers (majority of responders);
o Clear awareness about importance of research's societal role;
o Higher trust in European than Italian funding in favour of research and researchers;
o Suggestions from responders with a view to future similar events:
o Intensification of the awareness campaign, and extension beyond event's locations;
o Reinforcement of schools' involvement, notably through more numerous visits to schools prior to the event;
o Selection of larger venues and accurate planning as to avoid possible overlaps between activities;
o Multiplication of this kind of event throughout the year.