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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Metrics, Models and Foresight for European Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security


Protocol for defining the nutritional adequacy of total diets and foods consumed in EU countries

Protocol for defining the nutritional adequacy of total diets and foods consumed in EU countries The deliverable will report on Task 22 It will provide an overview of relevant nutritional indicators and will provide a protocol for defining the nutritional adequacy includes the choice of key nutrients definition of food groups nutrient contribution of foods and nutrient density scores

Early warning systems for commodity markets

Early warning systems for commodity markets This deliverable will report on Task 83 It will describe a novel methodology for forecasting commodity prices on the European market on a horizon spanning from three months to one year The early warning system derived from the system will be tested for supply shocks in grain commodity markets

WOperationalising the assessment framework in the SUSFANS toolbox

Operationalising the assessment framework in the SUSFANS toolbox This deliverable will report on Task 91 It will provide a work plan for taking the framework developed in Task 13 to the operational level It will document a the input and output data linkages between the various models used in SUSFANS whether up and downscaling of information is required and how this will be done b a discussion of the model improvements foreseen for each model with a plan on how these will be shared so as to achieve synergy effects across models c a first reflection on what outcome indicators on SFNS should be used from what model for use in a consistent and accurate assessment of EU SFNS

Quantified future challenges to sustainable food and nutrition security in the EU

Quantified uture challenges to sustainable food and nutrition security in the EU. This deliverable will report on Task 10.2. It will address the implementation in the SUSFANS toolbox of four major challenges to EU’s sustainable food and nutrition security i.e. diet transition, climate change, technological change, and policy reform.

Spatially explicit farm and environmental indicators at a scale of 1 km x 1 km

Spatially explicit farm and environmental indicators at a scale of 1 km x 1 km This deliverable will report on Task 45 It will provide details on the spatial disaggregation of production and environmental data to the subregional level 1x1 km grids The analysis improves subregional inputoutput relationships at the level of primary production The analysis supports the design of sustainability metrics

The drivers of livestock production in the EU

The drivers of livestock production in the EU This deliverable will report on Task 41 It will provide a literature review for the analysis of livestock production and its biophysical economic political and managerial drivers at regional level in the EU The report will deliver understanding of the interplay between drivers and response in terms of supply resource use and environmental externalities The analysis supports the design of sustainability metrics

Enhanced modelling of sustainable food and nutrition security: food consumption and nutrition behaviour of European households

Enhanced modelling of sustainable food and nutrition security food consumption and nutrition behaviour of European households This deliverable will report on Task 92 It will describe the enhanced modelling of food consumption and nutrition behaviour under constraints of European households and population health impacts of changes in diets applied to four case study countries which enables the analysis of SFNS over time and in response to policy shocks

The drivers of crop production at regional level in the EU: an econometric analysis

The drivers of crop production at regional level in the EU an econometric analysis The deliverable will report on Task 44 It will provide an econometric analysis of crop production and its biophysical economic political and managerial drivers at regional level in the EU The report delivers understanding of the interplay between drivers and response in terms of supply resource use and environmental externalities The analysis supports the design of sustainability metrics A preliminary partial report will be submitted in month 18

Consumers’ knowledge about the determinants for a sustainable diet

Consumers knowledge about the relevant determinants for a sustainable diet The deliverable will report on Task 21 Drawing on the results of a websurvey it will discuss the importance of incorporating national and regional habits into metrics and models for the SFNS diet

Final report on the role of market power in EU Food supply chains

The role of market power in EU food supply chains This deliverable will report on Task 34 It will provide an empirical analysis of the functioning of the EU food supply chain in terms of market power and institutional constraints with relevance for economic sustainability metrics

The role of information in consumer food choices for fruit and vegetables: an online choice experiment

The role of information in consumer food choices for fruit and vegetables an online choice experiment The deliverable will report on Task 23 It will provide analysis of the online choice experiment on fruit and vegetables determining the importance of nutritional and environmental benefits and the level of information The report assesses whether combination of health and environmental benefits or the level of information has added value as a driver of change in consumer food choice and how important these drivers of change are relatively to one another

Innovation pathways towards more sustainable production and consumption in the fruit-vegetable supply chain and their uptake in the SUSFANS models

Innovation pathways towards more sustainable production and consumption in the fruitvegetable supply chain and their uptake in the SUSFANS models This deliverable will report on Task 53 It will 1 report on potential innovation pathways and 2 indicate additional technical parameters for the livestockfish supply chain if required for the quantification of pathways using the SUSFANS toolbox

Minutes of the Plenary Project Meetings and Project Advisory Board (month 1- 48)

This deliverable embodies the cumulative reports and proceedings from all meetings.

Academic paper on SUSFANS Europe tour with the most important conclusions and commitment per country to use SUSFANS as a standard to analyze sustainable FNS

Academic paper on SUSFANS Europe tour with the most important conclusions and commitment per country to use SUSFANS as a standard to analyze sustainable FNS. This deliverable will report on Task 11.6. It will make use of the reports and observations from the Europe tour to establish the main results on feasibility and acceptance of the SUSFANS Toolbox, and its results and insights on sustainable FNS.

Final report on models for designing policies aimed at market stabilization
Enhanced modelling of sustainable food and nutrition security: food supply and use of scarce resources

Enhanced modelling of sustainable food and nutrition security food supply and use of scarce resources This deliverable will report on Task 93 Report on the methodological respecification of food supply and use of scarce resources

Firms’ strategies in food innovation and reformulation and their responses to regulatory nutritional policies

Firms strategies in food innovation and reformulation and their responses to regulatory nutritional policies This deliverable will report on Task 33 It will report on firms behaviours in relation to health issues and their responses to nutritional policies The paper explores the scope of several government policy instruments for dealing with health issues related to food consumption including partnerships with food industry and more coercive policies based on the ban of some ingredients the implementation of quality standards or advertising regulations

Sustainability impacts of potential innovations in the supply chain of livestock and fish, and fruit and vegetables, and sustainable future diets

Sustainability impacts of potential innovations in the supply chain of livestock and fish, and fruit and vegetables, and sustainable future diets. This deliverable will report on Task 5.4. It will assess the multi-dimensional, and sometimes, conflicting impacts of innovation pathways in supply chains of livestock and fish, and fruit and vegetables in comparison with a business-as-usual scenario.

A systematic review of existing EU-wide scenarios related to the EU sustainable food and nutrition security, identification of most salient features, and resulting synthesis scenarios for exploring sustainable diets

A systematic review of existing EUwide scenarios related to the EU sustainable food and nutrition security identification of most salient features and resulting synthesis scenarios for exploring sustainable diets This deliverable will report on Task 63 It will present stakeholdertested perspectives on SUSFANS pathways that focus on policy and innovation strategies in government farming and the food chain to maximize beneficial outcomes for FNS and avoid undesirable outcomes and contribute the parameters for the quantification of such pathways

Foresight of EU sustainable food and nutrition security: the interplay between major challenges and policy responses at different spatiotemporal scales

Foresight of EU sustainable food and nutrition security: the interplay between major challenges and policy responses at different spatiotemporal scales. This deliverable will report on Task 10.4. Based on a quantification of a set of plausible combinations of future challenges and policies, It will deliver summary of the major challenges and efficient policy solutions for the EU sustainable FNS, co-shaped by stakeholder knowledge and priorities to ensure its suitability for decision-making. It will provide input into the Impact channel in WP11.

Towards modelling SHARP diets, based on nutritional adequacy, sustainability metrics and population diversity parameters

D7.4 : Towards modelling SHARP diets, based on nutritional adequacy, sustainability metrics and population diversity parameters [42] This deliverable will report on Task 7.4. It will describe an early version of the extended model to design SHARP diets, using SUSFANS sustainability metrics, and population diversity parameters.

The application of sustainability metrics to national food intake data

D72 The application of sustainability metrics to national food intake data 36This deliverable will report on part of Task 72 It will characterize usual food intakes in different EU regions for a set of sustainability metrics overall and in relevant population subgroups The metrics will be matched to available databases

A modelling strategy for quantifying the sustainability of food and nutrition security in the EU

A modelling strategy for quantifying metrics and methods for quantifying the sustainability of EU FNS This deliverable will report on Task 13 builds on Task 12 and sets the scene for operationalization of the SUSFANS Toolbox under Task Models will be assessed in terms of data needs their limitations and the questions they can address related to sustainable FNS in the short term and the long term

An integrated set of metrics for assessing the overall sustainability of food and nutrition security in the EU

An integrated set of metrics for assessing the overall sustainability of food and nutrition security in the EU This deliverable will report on Task 14 It will demonstrate how individual quantifiable metrics encompassing a range of world views can be integrated to assess the overall sustainability of EU FNS The paper synthesises transdisciplinary outputs from the stakeholder workshops with the review of metrics T12 perspectives on modelling T13 and the setup of Case Studies T51 and analyses sustainability from a range of perspectives to ensure the integrated set of metrics is balanced across sectors and range of world views

The role of different food chain actors on setting private food standards

The role of different food chain actors on setting private food standards The deliverable will report on Task 31 It will analyses the role different actors in the food supply chain play in the establishment of private food standards and their impact on the sustainability of the food supply chain A preliminary partial report will be submitted in month 18

The SUSFANS Stakeholder Core Group, drawn across different sectors and roles in European sustainable food and nutrition security

The SUSFANS Stakeholder Core Group drawn across different sectors and roles in European sustainable food and nutrition security This deliverable will report on Task 61 which establishes the stakeholder groups and indicates the level and type of engagement with the group during the project

Innovation pathways towards more sustainable production and consumption in the livestock-fish supply chain and their uptake in the SUSFANS models

Innovation pathways towards more sustainable production and consumption in the livestockfish supply chain and their uptake in the SUSFANS models This deliverable will report on Task 52 It will 1 report on potential innovation pathways and 2 indicate additional technical parameters for the livestockfish supply chain if required for the quantification of pathways using the SUSFANS toolbox

The final SHARP model and its application to different EU regions

D7.5 : The final SHARP model and its application to different EU regions [48] This deliverable will report on Task 7.5. It presents the final SHARP model, its application to different EU regions and diversified food consumption patterns, and how the outcomes translate to a macro-economic context.

Quantified SUSFANS scenario drivers ready to be used by the modeling toolbox

Quantified SUSFANS scenario drivers ready to be used by the modeling toolbox This deliverable will report on Task 101 It will quantify the most relevant scenario narratives spanning across the range of future challenges for the EU sustainable FNS will be consistently for use in the SUSFANS toolbox It will build on the stakeholder consultation in WP6

The role of the post-farm food chain for sustainability indices

The role of the postfarm food chain for sustainability indices The deliverable will report on Task 32 Based on a literature study on the postfarm food chain it will systematically compile information and data on postfarm gate biomass streams and emissions to inform the definition of environmental sustainability metrics

The potential role of producer and consumer food policies in the EU to sustainable food and nutrition security

The potential role of agro-food policies in the EU sustainable food and nutrition security. This deliverable will report on Task 10.3. It will test the efficiency of agro-food policies with respect to their capacity to enable sustainable FNS in the EU. Policy instruments under scrutiny include health and nutrition policies, the Common Agricultural & Fisheries Policy and market stabilisation policy.

Stakeholder consultations organised in the form of workshops (months 6, 18, 24,36 and 47/48), with workshop reports published

Five or six stakeholder consultations organised in the form of workshops (month 6-18-30-36,47/48), with workshop reports published. This deliverable will report on Task 6.2. It will report on the exchanges of ideas regarding the SUSFANS Conceptual Framework, case studies, modelling tools and relevant sustainability metrics. (A workshop report will be submitted within 90 of each meeting).

The drivers of fisheries and aquaculture production in the EU

The drivers of fisheries and aquaculture production in the EU This deliverable will report on Task 42 It will provide a literature review for the analysis of drivers in terms of fisheries and environmental management as well as economic and biological drivers The report will deliver understanding of the interplay between drivers and response in terms of supply resource use and environmental externalities The analysis supports the design of sustainability metrics

The initial model to design SHARP diets, based on nutritional adequacy and preliminary sustainability metrics

D73 The initial model to design SHARP diets based on nutritional adequacy and preliminary sustainability metrics 36This deliverable will report on Task 72 and 73 It will present a first model using Multiple Integer Linear Programming MILP andor other mathematical modelling techniques allowing tradeoff assessments of SHARP indicators in nutritionally adequate diets and uses data from the SFNS Assessment pillar and literature

The SUSFANS toolbox for assessing EU sustainable food and nutrition security

The SUSFANS toolbox for assessing EU sustainable food and nutrition security. This deliverable will report on Task 9.5. It will document the toolbox as a multidisciplinary instrument for analysing and monitoring SFNS in the EU, providing a set of mutually consistent indicators and signals for (un)sustainable food (in)secure situations.

Baseline sustainability assessment of the current state of livestock/fish and fruit/vegetables supply chains

Baseline sustainability assessment of the current state of livestockfish and fruitvegetables supply chains This deliverable reports on Task 51 It will report on the operationalization of the SUSFANS conceptual framework applied to two case studies the livestockfish and fruitvegetables supply chains as a proof of principle for the systemwide assessment of the current state of sustainability

The economic model of the diet: a simulation of diet recommendations and assessment of their economic, environmental and nutritional impacts

The economic model of the diet a simulation of diet recommendations and assessment of their economic environmental and nutritional impacts Report on Task 25 It will provide 1 improvement of the current version of the economic model of diets 2 estimation of a complete system of demand based on data for Denmark France and Finland 3 simulations of various foodbased and nutrientbased recommendations

Establishing a novel accounting system for modelling emission leakages

Establishing a novel accounting system for modelling emission leakages This deliverable will report on Task 43 It will report on a novel consistent accounting system for emission leakages that ensures comparable commoditybased assessment of agricultural products in Europe and globally This concept will be crucial to improve the LCA methodology of the CAPRI model

The decomposition of agricultural commodity markets volatility between fundamentals and market speculation

The decomposition of agricultural commodity markets volatility between fundamentals and market speculation This deliverable will report on Task 81 It will use a suite of econometric models to identify determinants of agricultural commodity markets behaviour based on historical market information and hindcasted predictions from long term equilibrium models

The SUSFANS conceptual framework

The SUSFANS conceptual framework This deliverable will report on Task 11 Drawing on a literature review the report will highlight the benefits of adopting a food systems approach to analysing EU sustainable food and nutrition security It will be based on food system concepts to identify how the range of food system activities contribute to sustainable food and nutrition security in the EU and how they are influenced by environmental economic social and policy factors

An agricultural commodity prices forecasting model with a time horizon 3-12 months

An agricultural commodity prices forecasting model with a time horizon 312 months This deliverable will report on Task 82 It will construct shortrun predictive econometric model averages using predictions on the market fundamentals from the GE and PE models Preliminary technical report on the forecastaveraging exercise for shortterm prediction of commodity prices benchmarking and validation in month 18

Enhanced modelling of sustainable food and nutrition security: the agri-food commodity and nutrient flows and the food supply chains

Enhanced modelling of sustainable food and nutrition security the agrifood commodity and nutrient flows and the food supply chains This deliverable will report on Task 94 It will describe the enhanced modelling if agrifood commodity and nutrient flows and representation of the food supply chains and markets in economic models

The SUSFANS communication plan

The SUSFANS communication plan This deliverable will report on Task 111 The communication plan including long list of the future users of the SUSFANS toolbox and first clusters of regions and target groups It will be updated at the beginning of each reporting period

Report on the strengths and limitations of the SUSFANS metrics and models for assessing sustainable food and nutrition security in Europe

Report on the strengths and limitations of the SUSFANS metrics and models for assessing sustainable food and nutrition security in Europe.

Sustainability metrics for the whole food system: a review across economic, environmental and social/cultural/health considerations

Literature review and report describing how different food system activities encompass different sustainability metrics This deliverable will report on Task 12 Sustainability metrics for the whole food system will be developed which integrate specific economic environmental and socialculturalhealth considerations preliminary report in M18

Consumer choice related to meat/fish consumption and their possible replacement by plant-based products: results from lab experiments and cost-benefit analysis

Consumer choice related to meatfish consumption and their possible replacement by plantbased products results from lab experiments and costbenefit analysis The deliverable will report on Task 24 It will analyse results of lab experiments and use these results for determining a costbenefit analysis on the basis of a model of diet changes induced by the adoption of nutritional and environmental recommendations Preliminary report in Month 18

The diversity and nutritional adequacy of EU diets

D71 The diversity and nutritional adequacy of EU diets 26This deliverable will report on Task 71 It will characterize diets in different EU regions for a set of diet quality metrics overall and in relevant population subgroups The metrics will be matched to available databases

SUSFANS Impact Pathway Strategy

Impact pathways are defined for each of the three impacts that SUSFANS aims to achieve, specifying the approach for how to achieve the impact with the target groups or audiences connected to each impact. The deliverable will distinguish impact instruments from impact outcomes for each pathway. It guides the communication activities and provides a framework for evaluating if and how SUSFANS has achieved the expected societal impact.

Standardized presentation of the SUSFANS Toolbox

Standardized presentation of the SUSFANS Toolbox. This deliverable will report on Task 11.4a. It will contain a view, generic for the EU (i.e. not specific to country or region), on the toolbox including different layers of information from basic indicators to complex relations

Logo and website

Logo and website This deliverable will report on Task 112 The project website including the project logo and a SUSFANS community on LinkedIn will have an external and internal structure The website will offer completed research output as well as provide key data that will allow the user to interact with the research findings

First leaflet and press release

First leaflet and press release Results from Task 113 Dissemination materials include a Two project leaflets b Press releases on the project in English and translated into the partners languages c Two articles for specific magazines and relevant audiences d An entity poster or rollup stand featuring the logo and key messages of the project for use at booths and workshops d A yearly electronic newsletter

Database on farm-level production and sustainability indices for assessing sustainable diets

Database on farmlevel production and sustainability indices for assessing sustainable diets This deliverable reports on Task 46 The database refers to sustainability at the farm level defined and collected for the purpose of sustainable FNS The data support the consolidation of metrics Task 14 and operationalization of metrics in the case studies WP5


Fundamentals, speculation or macroeconomic conditions? Modelling and forecasting Arabica coffee prices

Autoren: Jesus Crespo Cuaresma, Jaroslava Hlouskova, Michael Obersteiner
Veröffentlicht in: European Review of Agricultural Economics, 2018, ISSN 0165-1587
Herausgeber: Oxford University Press
DOI: 10.1093/erae/jby010

Some Dynamic Aspects of Food Standards

Autoren: Johan Swinnen
Veröffentlicht in: American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Ausgabe 99/2, 2017, Seite(n) 321-338, ISSN 0002-9092
Herausgeber: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
DOI: 10.1093/ajae/aax022

"Economics and politics of food standards, trade, and development#"

Autoren: Johan Swinnen
Veröffentlicht in: Agricultural Economics, Ausgabe 47/S1, 2016, Seite(n) 7-19, ISSN 0169-5150
Herausgeber: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1111/agec.12316

Geographic and socioeconomic diversity of food and nutrient intakes: a comparison of four European countries

Autoren: Elly Mertens, Anneleen Kuijsten, Marcela Dofková, Lorenza Mistura, Laura D’Addezio, Aida Turrini, Carine Dubuisson, Sandra Favret, Sabrina Havard, Ellen Trolle, Pieter van’t Veer, Johanna M. Geleijnse
Veröffentlicht in: European Journal of Nutrition, 2018, ISSN 1436-6207
Herausgeber: Dr. Dietrich Steinkopff Verlag
DOI: 10.1007/s00394-018-1673-6

Melitz Meets Milk: The Impact of Quota Abolition on EU Dairy Export Competitiveness

Autoren: George Philippidis, Robert Waschik
Veröffentlicht in: Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2018, Seite(n) 321 -338, ISSN 0021-857X
Herausgeber: Imperial College of Science
DOI: 10.1111/1477-9552.12276

Food reformulation and nutritional quality of food consumption: an analysis based on households panel data in France

Autoren: Marine Spiteri, Louis-Georges Soler
Veröffentlicht in: European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Ausgabe 72/2, 2018, Seite(n) 228-235, ISSN 0954-3007
Herausgeber: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41430-017-0044-3

Operationalising the health aspects of sustainable diets: a review

Autoren: Elly Mertens, Pieter van’t Veer, Gerrit J Hiddink, Jan MJM Steijns, Anneleen Kuijsten
Veröffentlicht in: Public Health Nutrition, Ausgabe 20/04, 2017, Seite(n) 739-757, ISSN 1368-9800
Herausgeber: CABI Publishing
DOI: 10.1017/S1368980016002664

Metrics, models and foresight for European sustainable food and nutrition security: The vision of the SUSFANS project

Autoren: Martine Rutten, Thom J. Achterbosch, Imke J.M. de Boer, Jesus Crespo Cuaresma, Johanna M. Geleijnse, Petr Havlík, Thomas Heckelei, John Ingram, Adrian Leip, Stéphan Marette, Hans van Meijl, Louis-Georges Soler, Johan Swinnen, Pieter van't Veer, Joost Vervoort, Andrea Zimmermann, Karin L. Zimmermann, Monika Zurek
Veröffentlicht in: Agricultural Systems, Ausgabe 163, 2018, Seite(n) 45-57, ISSN 0308-521X
Herausgeber: Applied Science Publishers
DOI: 10.1016/j.agsy.2016.10.014

The Impact of Information on Willingness to Pay and Quantity Choices for Meat and Meat Substitute

Autoren: Elena Castellari, Stéphan Marette, Daniele Moro, Paolo Sckokai
Veröffentlicht in: Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization, Ausgabe 17/1, 2018, ISSN 1542-0485
Herausgeber: Berkeley Electronic Press
DOI: 10.1515/jafio-2017-0028

Defining a land boundary for sustainable livestock consumption

Autoren: Hannah H. E. Van Zanten, Mario Herrero, Ollie Van Hal, Elin Röös, Adrian Muller, Tara Garnett, Pierre J. Gerber, Christian Schader, Imke J. M. De Boer
Veröffentlicht in: Global Change Biology, Ausgabe 24/9, 2018, Seite(n) 4185-4194, ISSN 1354-1013
Herausgeber: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14321

Structural change as a key component for agricultural non-CO2 mitigation efforts

Autoren: Stefan Frank, Robert Beach, Petr Havlík, Hugo Valin, Mario Herrero, Aline Mosnier, Tomoko Hasegawa, Jared Creason, Shaun Ragnauth, Michael Obersteiner
Veröffentlicht in: Nature Communications, Ausgabe 9/1, 2018, ISSN 2041-1723
Herausgeber: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-03489-1

Agricultural non-CO2 emission reduction potential in the context of the 1.5 °C target

Autoren: Stefan Frank, Petr Havlík, Elke Stehfest, Hans van Meijl, Peter Witzke, Ignacio Pérez-Domínguez, Michiel van Dijk, Jonathan C. Doelman, Thomas Fellmann, Jason F. L. Koopman, Andrzej Tabeau, Hugo Valin
Veröffentlicht in: Nature Climate Change, Ausgabe 9/1, 2019, Seite(n) 66-72, ISSN 1758-678X
Herausgeber: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41558-018-0358-8

The potential of future foods for sustainable and healthy diets

Autoren: A. Parodi, A. Leip, I. J. M. De Boer, P. M. Slegers, F. Ziegler, E. H. M. Temme, M. Herrero, H. Tuomisto, H. Valin, C. E. Van Middelaar, J. J. A. Van Loon, H. H. E. Van Zanten
Veröffentlicht in: Nature Sustainability, Ausgabe 1/12, 2018, Seite(n) 782-789, ISSN 2398-9629
Herausgeber: Nature Sustainability
DOI: 10.1038/s41893-018-0189-7

Healthy Diets and Reduced Land Pressure: Towards a Double Gain for Future Food Systems in Nigeria

Autoren: Zuzana Smeets-Kristkova, Thom Achterbosch, Marijke Kuiper
Veröffentlicht in: Sustainability, Ausgabe 11/3, 2019, Seite(n) 835, ISSN 2071-1050
Herausgeber: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su11030835

FFQ versus repeated 24-h recalls for estimating diet-related environmental impact

Autoren: Elly Mertens, Anneleen Kuijsten, Johanna M. Geleijnse, Hendriek C. Boshuizen, Edith J. M. Feskens, Pieter van’t Veer
Veröffentlicht in: Nutrition Journal, Ausgabe 18/1, 2019, ISSN 1475-2891
Herausgeber: BioMed Central
DOI: 10.1186/s12937-018-0425-z

Assessing Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security of the EU Food System—An Integrated Approach

Autoren: Monika Zurek, Aniek Hebinck, Adrian Leip, Joost Vervoort, Marijke Kuiper, Maria Garrone, Petr Havlík, Thomas Heckelei, Sara Hornborg, John Ingram, Anneleen Kuijsten, Lindsay Shutes, Johanna Geleijnse, Ida Terluin, Pieter van ’t Veer, Jo Wijnands, Andrea Zimmermann, Thom Achterbosch
Veröffentlicht in: Sustainability, Ausgabe 10/11, 2018, Seite(n) 4271, ISSN 2071-1050
Herausgeber: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su10114271

Beyond Wishful Thinking: Integrating Consumer Preferences in the Assessment of Dietary Recommendations

Autoren: Xavier Irz, Pascal Leroy, Vincent Réquillart, Louis-Georges Soler
Veröffentlicht in: PLOS ONE, Ausgabe 11/6, 2016, Seite(n) e0158453, ISSN 1932-6203
Herausgeber: Public Library of Science
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0158453

SHARP-Indicators Database towards a public database for environmental sustainability

Autoren: Elly Mertens, Gerdine Kaptijn, Anneleen Kuijsten, Hannah van Zanten, Johanna M. Geleijnse, Pieter van 't Veer
Veröffentlicht in: Data in Brief, Ausgabe 27, 2019, Seite(n) 104617, ISSN 2352-3409
Herausgeber: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2019.104617

Dietary choices and environmental impact in four European countries

Autoren: Elly Mertens, Anneleen Kuijsten, Hannah HE. van Zanten, Gerdine Kaptijn, Marcela Dofková, Lorenza Mistura, Laura D'Addezio, Aida Turrini, Carine Dubuisson, Sabrina Havard, Ellen Trolle, Johanna M. Geleijnse, Pieter van ’t Veer
Veröffentlicht in: Journal of Cleaner Production, Ausgabe 237, 2019, Seite(n) 117827, ISSN 0959-6526
Herausgeber: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.117827

A Cross-Country Comparison of the Sustainability Effects of Dietary Recommendations

Autoren: Irz, X. Jensen, J. D. Leroy, P. Réquillart, V. Soler, L-G.
Veröffentlicht in: Contributed paper presented at the EAAE Congress, August 29th- September 1st, Parma, Italy, 2017
Herausgeber: EAAE
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3529483

Quality, Market Mechanisms and Regulation in the Food Chain

Autoren: Marette, S.
Veröffentlicht in: Bio-based and Applied Economics, 2017
Herausgeber: Firenze University Press
DOI: 10.13128/bae-18766

Alimentation durable: un autre sujet de discorde?

Autoren: Marette S., G. Millet
Veröffentlicht in: Telos, 2019
Herausgeber: Telos
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3529271

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