CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

PROVIding smart DElivery of public goods by EU agriculture and forestry


Project website

Project website (including links to all partners in the networks, i.e. community of practice around the toolbox)

The toolbox beyond PROVIDE protocol

The toolbox beyond PROVIDE protocol (task 6.4): toolbox suitable and create a community committed to make it evolve after the end of the project

Report on practicability and transferability

Report on practicability and transferability (Task 5.4)

Conceptual paper on the ‘unpacked’ notion of PG
Guidelines and report on workshops supporting WP4 and WP5

Guidelines and report on workshops supporting WP4 and WP5 (tasks 2.2.3, 2.2.4 and 2.2.5)

Report synthesizing the findings of the CSR level mapping of public good demand and supply, its underlying determinants, producers and beneficiaries

Report synthesizing the findings of the CSR level mapping of public good demand and supply, its underlying determinants, producers and beneficiaries (task 3.3)

Guidelines and report on initial interviews and workshops

Guidelines and report on initial interviews and workshops (tasks 2.2.1 and task 2.2.2)

Report on selection of tools and guidelines

Report on selection of tools and guidelines (Tasks 4.1 and 4.2)

Report on governance mechanisms selection, methodology adaptation and guidelines for evaluation

Report on governance mechanisms selection, methodology adaptation and guidelines for evaluation (Task 5.1 and Task 5.2).

Report on value determinants and transferability

Report on value determinants and transferability (Task 4.4 and 4.5)

Guidelines for the choice and evaluation of mechanisms to boost the production of public goods by agriculture and forestry

Guidelines for the choice and evaluation of mechanisms to boost the production of public goods by agriculture and forestry (Task 5.5)

Report on the evaluation process, including lessons learnt, knowledge co-construction process and gender/minority issues

Report on the evaluation process, including lessons learnt, knowledge co-construction process and gender/minority issues (task 2.3)

Set of maps and short analysis showing demand, supply and hot-spots of public goods in the EU at 1 km2 and relevant NUTS levels

Set of maps and short analysis showing demand, supply and hot-spots of public goods in the EU at 1 km2 and relevant NUTS levels (task 3.2)

Report on Operational Framework including inventory of methods, valorisation procedures, procedures and rules for reducing complexity (scaling, spatio-temporal dynamics, joint delivery), value streams (mechanisms), impact diagrams

Report on Operational Framework Living document. Draft 1 (month 6), final (month 36), (drafts PP, final version public)

Report on comparative evaluation results

Report on comparative evaluation results (Task 5.3)

Paper (draft version for submitting to scientific journal) analysing the issues and hot-spots identified by mapping public good demand and supply at multiple scales in Europe

Paper (draft version for submitting to scientific journal) analysing the issues and hot-spots identified by mapping public good demand and supply at multiple scales in Europe (task 3.3 and 3.4)

Report on valuation results

Report on valuation results (Task 4.3)

Public goods valuation guidelines

Public goods valuation guidelines (Task 4.6)

PROVIDE toolbox

PROVIDE toolbox (relates to Task 6.3). Prototype at month 24 and final version at month 36.


What do we know about decision support systems for landscape and environmental management? A review and expert survey within EU research projects

Autoren: Ingo Zasada, Annette Piorr, Paula Novo, Anastasio J. Villanueva, István Valánszki
Veröffentlicht in: Environmental Modelling & Software, Ausgabe 98, 2017, Seite(n) 63-74, ISSN 1364-8152
Herausgeber: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2017.09.012

Aesthetic appreciation of the cultural landscape through social media: An analysis of revealed preference in the Dutch river landscape

Autoren: Koen F. Tieskens, Boris T. Van Zanten, Catharina J.E. Schulp, Peter H. Verburg
Veröffentlicht in: Landscape and Urban Planning, Ausgabe 177, 2018, Seite(n) 128-137, ISSN 0169-2046
Herausgeber: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2018.05.002

Integrating nature-based tourism and forestry in private lands under heterogeneous visitor preferences for forest attributes

Autoren: Erkki Mäntymaa, Ville Ovaskainen, Artti Juutinen, Liisa Tyrväinen
Veröffentlicht in: Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, Ausgabe 61/4, 2017, Seite(n) 724-746, ISSN 0964-0568
Herausgeber: Carfax Publishing Ltd.
DOI: 10.1080/09640568.2017.1333408

How do farmers manage crop biodiversity? A dynamic acreage model with productive feedback

Autoren: François Bareille, Elodie Letort
Veröffentlicht in: European Review of Agricultural Economics, Ausgabe 45/4, 2018, Seite(n) 617-639, ISSN 0165-1587
Herausgeber: Oxford University Press
DOI: 10.1093/erae/jby011

A conceptual model to integrate the regional context in landscape policy, management and contribution to rural development: Literature review and European case study evidence

Autoren: Ingo Zasada, Kati Häfner, Lena Schaller, Boris T. van Zanten, Marianne Lefebvre, Agata Malak-Rawlikowska, Dimitre Nikolov, Macario Rodríguez-Entrena, Rosa Manrique, Fabrizio Ungaro, Matteo Zavalloni, Laurence Delattre, Annette Piorr, Jochen Kantelhardt, Peter H. Verburg, Davide Viaggi
Veröffentlicht in: Geoforum, Ausgabe 82, 2017, Seite(n) 1-12, ISSN 0016-7185
Herausgeber: Pergamon Press
DOI: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2017.03.012

Análisis de la heterogeneidad de la demanda de bienes públicos procedentes del olivar de montaña en Andalucía

Autoren: Rubén Granado-Díaz, Anastasio J. Villanueva, José A. Gómez-Limón, Macario Rodríguez-Entrena
Veröffentlicht in: Informacion Tecnica Economica Agraria, Ausgabe 114/2, 2018, Seite(n) 158-182, ISSN 2386-3765
Herausgeber: Asociación Interprofe-sional para el Desarrollo Agrario
DOI: 10.12706/itea.2018.011

Valoración de la oferta de bienes públicos por parte de los sistemas agrarios: el caso del olivar de montaña en Andalucía

Autoren: Anastasio J. Villanueva, José A. Gómez-Limón, Macario Rodríguez-Entrena
Veröffentlicht in: Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales, Ausgabe 17/1, 2017, Seite(n) 25, ISSN 1578-0732
Herausgeber: Associacion Espanola de Economia Agraria
DOI: 10.7201/earn.2017.01.02

Public Goods in Bulgaria Provided by Agriculture and Forestry – Importance and Tendency.

Autoren: D. Nikolov, I. Boevsky, P. Borisov, T. Radev
Veröffentlicht in: Agricultural economics and management, Ausgabe """2-4", 2016, Seite(n) 101-115, ISSN 0205-3845


Autoren: D. Nikolov, P. Borisov, T. Radev
Veröffentlicht in: Agricultural economics and management, Ausgabe """2-4", 2016, Seite(n) 90-100, ISSN 0205-3845

Paiements pour services environnementaux : nouveaux instruments de politique publique environnementale

Autoren: Claire Etrillard
Veröffentlicht in: Développement durable et territoires, Ausgabe Vol. 7, n°1, 2016, Seite(n) 16_, ISSN 1772-9971
Herausgeber: Calenda, Réseau « Développement durable et territoires fragiles »
DOI: 10.4000/developpementdurable.11274

Biodiversity productive effects in milk farms of western France: a multi-output primal system

Autoren: Bareille F., Dupraz P.
Veröffentlicht in: 2016
Herausgeber: European Association of Agricultural Economists.


Autoren: Dimitre Nikolov, Adriana Agapie, Ivan Boevski, Petar Borisov, Teodor Radev
Veröffentlicht in: """Risk in the food economy""  ", 2016, ISBN 978-83-7658-681-6
Herausgeber: IAFE-NRI

Määrittelemättömät omistusoikeudet ja omistajuus

Autoren: Salmi, P., Setälä, J., Mäntymaa, E., Peltola, R., Pouta, E. & Miettinen, A.
Veröffentlicht in: 2017, ISSN 2342-7647
Herausgeber: Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)

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