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Multi-source Big Data Fusion Driven Proactivity for Intelligent Mobility

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Report on System-aware Optimization for ITS

This report is the enhanced version of D4.4. On top of the system-awareness model developed in D4.4, this deliverable reports on optimization strategies to be applied in ITS systems. The provided optimization strategies will be evaluated in the use cases how the developed model for system-awareness can be applied and incorporates lessons learnt and required modification identified during the first round of pilots.

Planning Pilot Cases Report – 2nd iteration

This deliverable will report on planning and preparation issues for the second iteration of the OPTIMUM pilots

Modelling System-awareness for ITS

This report provides an analysis of system-awareness in traffic modelling. The deliverable discusses system-awareness, elaborates on system-aware strategies and concludes in a model towards system-aware ITS solutions.

OPTIMUM Conceptual Architecture

Report that will include the conceptual and non-technical specification of the platform.

Planning Pilot Cases Report – 1st iteration

This deliverable will report on planning and preparation issues for the first iteration of the OPTIMUM pilots

Traveller Behaviour Prediction Models – Initial version

The initial version of the models that will be used for predicting the behaviours of travellers. These models will impact on the persuasive strategies to be selected.

Requirements Specification

A technical report that will contain the user requirements for the platform.

Persuasive Strategies Framework for Sustainable Mobility

This report provides an analysis of persuasive strategies for sustainable behaviours and couples persuasive technologies and elements of choice architecture with information personalization and proactivity based on big data.

Proactive ITS Decisions Blueprint

This report provides an analysis of existing approaches implementing proactive decisions, compiling both theoretical foundations and best practices of the field and describes the OPTIMUM framework for proactive decisions for ITS.

Report on Data Infrastructure Architecture and Implementation Plan

This deliverable will report on the developed data infrastructure and architecture to support project use cases and possibly related scenarios which might appear beyond the duration of the project, while a detailed execution plan for the rest of the workpackage will be also provided.

State-of-the-art Report

A state-of-the-art report with the latest research practices in subject domains relevant to OPTIMUM’s objectives.

Orientation and Forecasting Blueprint

A technical report with the detailed design of OPTIMUM’s prediction and forecasting engine.

Traveller Behaviour Prediction Models – Final version

The final version of the models that will be used for predicting the behaviours of travellers. These models will impact on the persuasive strategies to be selected. - This deliverable, although a demonstrator, will be accompanied be the corresponding report.


A complete analysis of the system and functional requirements for the OPTIMUM Platform. This report will also include a set of samples from the data sources that will be integrated as part of the OPTIMUM platform.

Methods for Complex Events Processing – Initial version

The initial version of the methods for complex event Processing will be provided. The focus will be on the dynamicity of the processing infrastructure that includes definition of complex event patterns and setting up the infrastructure (sources and processing elements)

Personalization and Recommendation Services – Final version

This report consists the updated version D5.3 and incorporates lessons learnt and required modifications from the first pilots.

Online Stream Analytics Functions – Initial version

The initial version of software routines for the processing and analysis of high-speed real-time data streams. These routines will support the operation of the models that will be developed by the other tasks of the work-package. - This deliverable, although a demonstrator, will be accompanied be the corresponding report.

Data Harmonisation – Final version

This deliverable will include a software module for data preparation, enrichment and alignment. - This deliverable, although a demonstrator, will be accompanied be the corresponding report.

Data Infrastructure for ITS Multi-modal Data and Social Media Streams – Final version

This deliverable will report on the modules that will be developed as part of the data infrastructure in order to address data modalities related to transport such as social media, video, audio, structured data. - This deliverable, although a demonstrator, will be accompanied be the corresponding report.

Methods for Complex Events Processing – Final version

The final version of the methods for complex event Processing will be provided. The focus will be on the dynamicity of the processing infrastructure that includes definition of complex event patterns and setting up the infrastructure (sources and processing elements) - This deliverable, although a demonstrator, will be accompanied be the corresponding report.

Dynamic Charging and Crediting Models – Initial version

This deliverable will report on the dynamic charging and crediting model and the relevant software services.

Online Stream Analytics Functions – Final version

The final version of software routines for the processing and analysis of high-speed real-time data streams. These routines will support the operation of the models that will be developed by the other tasks of the work-package.

Persuasive Interventions – Final version

This report is the updated version of D5.2 and incorporates lessons learnt and required modification identified during the first round of pilots.

Integrated Car2X Pilot – 2nd iteration

This deliverable will report on the deployment of the final OPTIMUM platform to the ADRIA pilot and the evaluation results, lessons learned and good practices from the second pilot iteration

Data Infrastructure for ITS High-Throughput Sensor based Setups – Initial version

This deliverable will include the software module implementing the pipeline for sensor data acquisition, cleaning, storing, simple enrichment, indexing and querying. - This deliverable, although a demonstrator, will be accompanied be the corresponding report.

OPTIMUM Mobile and Web Applications – Final version

This deliverable will report on the final version of the mobile and web applications and will document the on-going usability and user experience feedback received with respect to the developed concepts and components.

Traffic Forecasting Engine – Initial version

The initial version of a suite of models and software libraries that will form the different elements of the traffic forecasting engine. The output of the engine will be used for the multi-modal routing and dynamic crediting and charging components of the platform. - This deliverable, although a demonstrator, will be accompanied be the corresponding report.

Dynamic Charging and Crediting Models – Final version

This deliverable will report on the dynamic charging and crediting model and the relevant software services.

Persuasive Interventions – Initial version

This report involves the specification and related implementation of the user and behavioural model as well as the taxonomy of persuasive interventions and mobility types.

Proactive Charging Pilot – 2nd iteration

This deliverable will report on the deployment of the final OPTIMUM platform to the EP+LS pilot and the evaluation results, lessons learned and good practices from the second pilot iteration

Proactive Transport System Improvement Pilots - 1st iteration

This deliverable will report on the deployment of the first version of the OPTIMUM platform to the Vienna, West Midlands and LPP pilots and the evaluation results from the first pilot iteration

OPTIMUM Mobile and Web Applications – Initial version

This deliverable will report on the initial version of the mobile and web applications and will document the on-going usability and user experience feedback received with respect to the developed concepts and components.

Data Harmonisation – Initial version

This deliverable will include a software module for data preparation, enrichment and alignment. - This deliverable, although a demonstrator, will be accompanied be the corresponding report.

Integrated OPTIMUM Platform– Initial version

This deliverable will document the initial version of the integrated OPTIMUM platform, while it will include a description of the software quality assurance measures considered in order to ensure the delivery of a robust and technically validated platform.

Real-time and System-aware Multimodal Routing Algorithms

Demonstrator and report for system-aware multi-modal routing services. The demonstrator will support multi-modal routing incorporating system-aware optimization delineated in D4.4. The routing services will be evaluated in the case study. The report details on system-aware multi modal routing algorithms and the developed demonstrator.

Data Infrastructure for ITS High-throughput Sensor based Setups – Final version

This deliverable will include the software module implementing the pipeline for sensor data acquisition, cleaning, storing, simple enrichment, indexing and querying. - This deliverable, although a demonstrator, will be accompanied be the corresponding report.

Final Data Operators

This deliverable will include library of data operators required for higher level functionalities. - This deliverable, although a demonstrator, will be accompanied be the corresponding report.

OPTIMUM Technical Architecture

This deliverable will report on the detailed technical architecture for the OPTIMUM integrated system and the security and data access mechanisms realizing the different data access policies represented using the OPTIMUM Access Policy Model as defined in T6.2

Integrated Car2X Pilot – 1st iteration

This deliverable will report on the deployment of the first version of the OPTIMUM platform to the ADRIA pilot and the evaluation results from the first pilot iteration

Traffic Forecasting Engine – Final version

The final version of a suite of models and software libraries that will form the different elements of the traffic forecasting engine. The output of the engine will be used for the multi-modal routing and dynamic crediting and charging components of the platform. - This deliverable, although a demonstrator, will be accompanied be the corresponding report.

Proactive Transport System Improvement Pilots – 2nd iteration

This deliverable will report on the deployment of the final OPTIMUM platform to the Vienna, West Midlands and LPP pilots and the evaluation results, lessons learned and good practices from the second iteration of the pilots

Personalization and Recommendation Services – Initial version

Prototype and report of the Personalisation & Recommendation Services, incorporating contextual information and a model for proactivity for identifying situations where information needs to be pushed proactively to the user.

Integrated OPTIMUM Platform– Final version

This deliverable will document the final version of the integrated OPTIMUM platform, while it will include a description of the software quality assurance measures considered in order to ensure the delivery of a robust and technically validated platform.

Initial Data Operators

This deliverable will include library of data operators required for higher level functionalities. - This deliverable, although a demonstrator, will be accompanied be the corresponding report.

Data Infrastructure for ITS Multi-modal Data and Social Media Streams – Initial version

This deliverable will report on the modules that will be developed as part of the data infrastructure in order to address data modalities related to transport such as social media, video, audio, structured data. - This deliverable, although a demonstrator, will be accompanied be the corresponding report.

Proactive Charging Pilot – 1st iteration

This deliverable will report on the deployment of the first version of the OPTIMUM platform to the EP+LS pilot and the evaluation results from the first pilot iteration

Real-time Multimodal Routing Algorithms

Prototype and report of real-time multimodal routing algorithms. The deliverable will report on multi-modal routing algorithms. The demonstrator service will enable multimodal routing algorithms on the basis of the ARIADNE toolchain which will be utilized in the use cases.

Periodic Dissemination and Collaboration Activities Report Y3

This deliverable will report on the dissemination activities of the period, including press releases and newsletters, on the collaboration activities with other ITS projects and on possible standardization activities. Since the Data Management is expected to mature during the project, more developed versions of the plan delivered in D8.4 will also be included in the Dissemination Activities Reports.

Project Brochure

This deliverable will include a high-quality colour illustrated project brochure


This deliverable will outline the OPTIMUM’s website

Conference Package

This will include roll-ups, flyers, and gadgets to be used for dissemination in conferences

Periodic Dissemination and Collaboration Activities Report Y1

This deliverable will report on the dissemination activities of the period, including press releases and newsletters, on the collaboration activities with other ITS projects and on possible standardization activities. Since the Data Management is expected to mature during the project, more developed versions of the plan delivered in D8.4 will also be included in the Dissemination Activities Reports.

Periodic Dissemination and Collaboration Activities Report Y2

This deliverable will report on the dissemination activities of the period, including press releases and newsletters, on the collaboration activities with other ITS projects and on possible standardization activities. Since the Data Management is expected to mature during the project, more developed versions of the plan delivered in D8.4 will also be included in the Dissemination Activities Reports.


Curious Cat2 – Conversational Crowd-Based and Context-Aware Knowledge Acquisition Chat Bot

Autoren: Luka Bradeško, Janez Starc, Dunja Mladenic, Marko Grobelnik, Michael Witbrock
Veröffentlicht in: 2016
Herausgeber: Jožef Stefan Institute

Travel Time Prediction on Highways

Autoren: John Davies, Alistair Duke, Sandra Stincic Clarke, Jan Rupnik, Blaž Fortuna
Veröffentlicht in: 2016
Herausgeber: Jozef Stefan Institute

Memory Priming and User Preferences

Autoren: Evangelia Anagnostopoulou, Efthimios Bothos, Babis Magoutas, Gregoris Mentzas
Veröffentlicht in: Poster Proceedings of ACM RecSys 2016, 2016
Herausgeber: Ido Guy, Yahoo Research, Israel and Amit Sharma, Microsoft Research, USA

Estimating the State of Battery Charge in an Intelligent Mobile Home

Autoren: Matej Senozetnik, Luka Bradesko, Luka Stopar, Dunja Mladeni
Veröffentlicht in: 2016
Herausgeber: Jozef Stefan Institute

Near Real-Time Transportation Mode Detection Based on Accelerometer Readings

Autoren: Jasna Urban, Luka Bradeško, Matej Senožetnik
Veröffentlicht in: 2016
Herausgeber: Jožef Stefan Institute

Spatio-temporal Clustering Methods

Autoren: Matej Senožetnik, Luka Bradeško, Blaž Kaži, Dunja Mladeni, Tine Šubic
Veröffentlicht in: 2016
Herausgeber: Jožef Stefan Institute

Personalized persuasion for sustainable mobility

Autoren: Evangelia Anagnostopoulou
Veröffentlicht in: Adjunct Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Persuasive Technology, 2016, Seite(n) 101-102
Herausgeber: Alexander Meschtscherjakov, Boris De Ruyter, Verena Fuchsberger, Martin Murer and Manfred Tscheligi

Persuasive Technologies for Sustainable Urban Mobility

Autoren: Evangelia Anagnostopoulou, Efthimios Bothos, Babis Magoutas, Johann Schrammel, Gregoris Mentzas
Veröffentlicht in: "Proceedings of the Persuasive 2016 Workshop ""Where are we bound for? Persuasion in Transport Applications""", 2016
Herausgeber: arXiv

A Big data architecture for Traffic Forecasting using Multi-source Information

Autoren: Ioannis Petalas, Ahmad Ammari, Panagiotis Georgakis and Christopher Nwagboso
Veröffentlicht in: ALGOCLOUD 2016, 2016
Herausgeber: ALGOCLOUD - International Workshop on Algorithmic Aspects of Cloud Computing

Factors affecting Interurban Freight Route Choice – Perspectives from Freight Forwarders and Truck Drivers.

Autoren: Tsirimpa, A., Tsouros, I.
Veröffentlicht in: International Choice Modelling Conference, Ausgabe Biennial conference with Proceedings
Herausgeber: University of Aegean

How different user segments perceive multimodal alternatives: A survey of 3 EU cities

Autoren: Polydoropoulou, A., Tsouros, I.
Veröffentlicht in: International Choice Modelling Conference, Ausgabe Biennial conference with Proceedings
Herausgeber: University of Aegean

Can Incentives Encourage Users Towards the Use of Friendlier Environmental Modes?

Autoren: Polydoropoulou, A., Pagoni, I., Tsirimpa, A., Tsouros, I
Veröffentlicht in: 8th International Conference on Transportation Research in Greece, Ausgabe Biennial conference with Proceedings
Herausgeber: University of Aegean

Choice of multimodal travel modes: Does personality matter?

Autoren: Polydoropoulou, A., Tsirimpa, A., Tsouros, I., Pagoni, I.
Veröffentlicht in: hEART 2018 – 7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Ausgabe Annual conference with Proceedings
Herausgeber: University of Aegean

Multimodal alternatives: How do users perceive the different combination of modes?

Autoren: Ioannis Tsouros, Amalia Polydoropoulou, Athena Tsirimpa
Veröffentlicht in: 2017 5th IEEE International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS), 2017, Seite(n) 497-502, ISBN 978-1-5090-6484-7
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/MTITS.2017.8005723

Using persuasive technology and reward schemes to promote sustainable travel choices.

Autoren: Tsirimpa, A., Polydoropoulou, A., Pagoni, I., Anagnostopoulou, E., Magoutas, B., Bothos, E., Tsouros, I.
Veröffentlicht in: 15th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, Ausgabe Triennial Conference with Proceedings
Herausgeber: University of Aegean

Modelling travelers’ behavior in the presence of reward schemes offered for green multimodal choices.

Autoren: Polydoropoulou, A., Pagoni, I., Tsirimpa, A., Tsouros, I.
Veröffentlicht in: 4th CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE URBAN MOBILITY, Ausgabe Biennial Conference with Proceedings
Herausgeber: University of Aegean

User interface support for a big ETL data processing pipeline an application scenario on highway toll charging models

Autoren: Paulo Figueiras, Ruben Costa, Guilherme Guerreiro, Hugo Antunes, Antonio Rosa, Ricardo Jardim-Goncalves
Veröffentlicht in: 2017 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), 2017, Seite(n) 1437-1444, ISBN 978-1-5386-0774-9
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/ICE.2017.8280052

TensiStrength: Stress and relaxation magnitude detection for social media texts

Autoren: Mike Thelwall
Veröffentlicht in: Information Processing & Management, 2016, ISSN 0306-4573
Herausgeber: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ipm.2016.06.009

Inspiring change in transport networks

Autoren: Regional Environmental Center (REC)
Veröffentlicht in: 2015
Herausgeber: Regional Environmetal Center (REC)

Information on the Move

Autoren: Regional Environmental Center (REC)
Veröffentlicht in: 2015
Herausgeber: Regional Environmental Center

Data Processing and Harmonization for Intelligent Transportation Systems: An Application Scenario on Highway Traffic Flows

Autoren: Paulo Figueiras, Guilherme Guerreiro, Ricardo Silva, Ruben Costa, Ricardo Jardim-Gonçalves
Veröffentlicht in: 2018, Seite(n) 281-301, ISBN 978-3-319-75180-1
Herausgeber: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-75181-8_14

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