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Capacity building for aviation stakeholders, inside and outside the EU

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - CaBilAvi (Capacity building for aviation stakeholders, inside and outside the EU)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2016-04-01 al 2017-09-30

Testing results and experience gained within the project confirmed that knowledge of current pilots was lack of some important PBN elements, mainly in emergency procedures, so update of training syllabus was really essential and highly recommended. To conclude activity done within the project it is highly recommended that proposed changes should be directly implemented into the EASA Aircrew regulations (Part-FCL and related AMC/GM).
Project clearly shown importance of development of materials and curricula’s due to speed of development and usage of modern technology (esp. based on GNSS). The impact of project CaBilAvi will increase if there will be continues work done after the end of the project. Project results and recommendations should be incorporated into EASA regulations. Based on adoption at the EASA level we can expect further incorporation into national legislation through CAAs regulations. All deliverables and documents of the projects were given to the European Commission and GSA for their use. Consortium partners are offering expert help in negotiation process with EASA and national (CAAs) authorities.
It needs to be mentioned, that both legislative and technical aspects of GNSS are changing rapidly. Activities within the project showed and can be thus concluded that to keeping pace with these changes it is necessary to update all relevant materials more often than in the past. However it is also important to mention that majority of such materials for VFR but mainly for IFR flying are in English language and GA pilots are not required to have any foreign language skills. Therefore, it is essential not to exclude them from ability to learn correct procedures. It is concluded that learning materials shall be provided in the appropriate national language. This is a current problem, since most helpful publications and modern material for IFR flying are released in English only. This phenomenon is not only identified by project consortium, but it was also one of the key recommendations received from expert community of the RAiSG group. It is thus concluded that the tools and education materials should be translated into all EU languages, and that the material (i.e. project outputs) should be bundled and made available on an information holder (USB stick or CD).
Nevertheless, EASA´s activity in pilots´ training domain is increasing in its intensity. This can be also depicted on figure (please see “Images attached to the Summary for publication” EASAregulation vs CaBilAviDeliverables.jpg) that shows EU wide hard laws, EU wide soft laws and Notices to proposals amendment that are all in relation to GNSS and pilot training. Picture depict evolution in time of these regulations in contrast to the timely evolution of CaBilAvi´s deliverables.
It can be concluded, that activities of the CaBilAvi and its planning were performed at right time and right constellation of project partners, GSA agency and EASA agency to provide experts´ inputs into the evolution process on one hand side and to follow the evolution and provide professional outputs to users on other hand side. Nevertheless it needs to be emphasized, that evolution process never stops (neither on technology side, nor legislation side) and thus it shall be essential that such bridging activities as performed under the CaBilAvi project shall continue in following years.
In terms of dissemination results, CaBilAvi is proud to conclude that not only activities as indicated in the original proposal have been successfully executed, but also the new activities such as the organisation of winter trainings, video tutorials and operator breakfasts. Most importantly, the feedback by the target audience has been unanimously positive.
In relation to LPV procedures that were developed for Balkan countries - it is expected that having these procedures in place, and seeing the benefits that they bring to aviation, will push the airlines to invest on this technology and ask other Authorities to implement them. The results of the Business Case showed that the implementation of the new procedures would bring considerable benefits under certain circumstances, in particular when the decommissioning of the existing NAVAIDs take place.
Usage of GNSS applications and technologies in aviation has been growing rapidly during last decade and it is more than predictable that this trend will be the same in coming years. Dissemination of benefits as well as limits and potential problems related to usage of GNSS is enviable. Usage of GNSS has many issues/areas (from information about LPV designs and procedures, usage of uncertified onboard GNSS devices or new avionics and potential problems with GNSS signal due to interferences, etc.). CaBilAvi project has a lot of public deliverables and outcomes that are and will be offered to aviation stakeholders for their use. Consortium partners are confident that these materials are helpful and will continue their work to make aviation even more safe and efficient.
While the maximum allowed size for the summary for publication is 7,480 characters, there is unfortunately not too much opportunity to summarise work performed within the project. This is described in the Technical Report Part B – briefly in chapter 1.1 and in details in chapter 1.2.
Having a procedure in place and flying an equipped aircraft is not enough. Operators or pilots arriving at those destinations (with EGNOS based procedure) needs to use the procedure in order to realise its benefits. In order to be allowed to use the EGNOS procedure, the pilots need to succeed a specific APV IFR training. CaBilAvi wants to build up this ‘soft issue’ capability in all project partners countries and beyond with creating guidelines and proposals for change for EGNOS based flying. The impact of this part of the project is increasing the use of European GNSS systems (EGNOS now, Galileo in the future), which will help the European society and support growth.
The Balkan countries have decent EGNOS coverage but not a lot of knowledge on how to create a legal framework to allow EGNOS operations. The project addressed less developed countries than west Europe, where EGNOS use could boost economies and growth. The States are really interested in having the procedures implemented. A proof of that is that they are working on the signature of the EGNOS Working Agreements with the ESSP. Once this issue is solved, they will proceed with the publication process.
VFR flying is the biggest part of aviation and VFR pilots are the main group, who needs help with creating guidelines to incorporate EGNSS awareness in their specific VFR training modules that are set to be updated, and an informative module on how to use and how not to use EGNOS. The impact of VFR part of the project is almost the same as with IFR part but there is more VFR pilots, therefore there is could be much greater impact on overall use of European GNSS systems, thus on entire society.
Within the last, dissemination part of the project, the expected impact here was that aviation stakeholders at large are better informed about EGNOS and its benefits. The potential of the project is increased use of EGNSS in the whole Europe in aviation, which will bring lower costs for aviation stakeholders and increased safety in aviation.
CaBilAvi leaflet page 2
Specific Objective 1 decomposition
Official logo of the CaBilAvi project
Specific Objective 3 decomposition
EU wide hard laws, EU wide soft laws in relation to CaBilAvi´s deliverables
CaBilAvi in joint presentation with GSA at EFA Prague 2015 event
Cover page of a magazine article about EGNOS Flight Event in Toulouse as published in Flying Revue
Specific Objective 2 decomposition
Special Concepts' webpage for CaBilAvi project
compilation of partners´ logos with EC and GSA
CaBilAvi leaflet page 1
CaBilAvi webpage of videos printscreen
Infographic describing the CaBilAvi project