CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Prospecting Secondary raw materials in the Urban mine and Mining waste


EUIN Business Plan

Business Plan identifying the long term operation and maintenance of the EUIN beyond the lifetime of the project.

CRM Trends and Scenarios

Report describing the trends for the future development of CRM parameters in products and components.

CRM Sample Preparation and Chemical Analysis

Report on the validated sampling and analytical methods developed and the results of the analysis undertaken.

CRM Assessment Strategy

Report identifying the procedure to select relevant waste flows and deposits and evaluation of data for those waste flows.

Waste and Tailings Characterisation

Report detailing the methodology used for sampling and analysis and the results of the sampling and analysis.

Protocol for Stocks and Flows Update and Quality Assessment

Report on the protocols and recommendations to harmonise and update the data in future.

SRM Availability

Report and maps of SRM availability and future scenarios.

Final Project Report

A final report will be written and published containing the outputs and results of the project and how the objectives were met. This will consolidate all of the reports, methodologies, protocols and recommendations produced throughout the project.

Qualification of Flow Data and Coherent Estimates

Report outlining the results of activity to define material flow analysis and improve data reliability.

CRM Data Consolidation and Datasets

Report of the procedure used to develop the datasets to be used in the EU-UMKDP.

Protocols for CRM Content in Waste Flows and Data Quality Assessment

Protocol for updating the waste data using harmonised approaches for the EU-UMKDP.

Historic and Current Stocks

Report of assessment of current stocks of products.

Review and Harmonisation of Data

Review of work undertaken to harmonise project data sets with national and EU datasets and data sources.

EU-UMKDP Business Plan

Business Plan identifying the long term management options for the EU-UMKDP beyond the lifetime of the project.

Complementary Product Flows

Report on the flows of waste end of life products not captured in nationally reported collection data.

Available CRM Data for Components

Report of the screening exercise of available data to identify CRM parameters e.g. content, speciation and residence time.

Waste Flow Studies

Inventory of the reported collection and treatment volumes and capacities.

CRM Parameters Characterisation

Report of the findings of Task 2.1 to characterise products and components in terms of CRM content, speciation and product residence time including future trends.

List of EEAB Members

Membership of the External Expert Advisory Board established.

Data Model and Codes List

Report on the data models and code lists to manage existing and new data.

CRM Stocks and Flows Methodology

Report of the methodology used to produce the CRM stocks and flows model.

Protocols on CRM Product and Component Content and Quality Assessment

Quality Assessment Protocols will be established for characterising products and components.

Specification of End User Requirements

Report identifying the assessment of the granularity of data required to meet potential end user needs.

Factors Affecting CRM Parameters Composition

Report identifying the factors affecting CRM parameters for product and components and technologies.


Report of recommendations, standard methodologies and opportunities to improve harmonised data.

Communication Plan

Plan identifying communication activity for the lifetime of the project.

Creation of the Meta Data System

Meta data system for spatial and not spatial data and structured and non-structured data.


Final version of the portal.

Product Stocks and Flows

Model for stocks and flows of end of life products.


Launch of the Information Network to engage stakeholders in the project.

CRM Stocks and Flows Model

Model of stocks and flows of end of life products together with an inventory of CRMs.

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