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Risultati finali
Classification of the different digital solutions, and then analysis of: (i) different functionalities offered by the digital solutions; (ii) processes covered by the digital solutions and the requirements satisfied; (iii) strengths and weaknesses associated to digital solutions; (iv) ways through which legal and ethical issues are managed by the digital solutions (v) Key Performance Indicators used to control the digital solutions; (vi) costs, investments and all other economic and financial issues to be tackled.
Change management and introduction processes of the digital solutions used for assisting elderly people with cognitive impairmentsAnalysis of: (i) main strategies used to introduce the digital solutions into real settings; (ii) KPIs that are considered to maintain a control over the digital solutions; (iii) actors and of the competences that are necessary to efficiently and effectively introduce the digital solutions; (iv) sequence of steps through which a digital solution is introduced in real settings; (v) main barrier to be overcome during these steps; (vi) communication activities through which the benefits associated to the usage of digital solutions is presented to their stakeholders. Analysis of the training programs and all the other activities through which the usage digital solutions is promoted. In addition to what was previously specified, analyses of the training programs and all the other activities through which the usage digital solutions is promoted will be performed.
Key performance indicator to be monitoredThe identification of key performance indicators right from the first stages of the project will allow a constant and durable monitoring of results throughout the entire initiative: short term goals and long terms objectives will help tracing the overall activity progress and planning underway measures whenever needed.
Patient clustersBy clustering patients – who will subsequently be involved in the pilot projects – the whole initiative will benefit from a preliminary definition of the project’s target. Focusing on the real subjects involved, all subsequent activities will be supported by en in-depth vision of the final goal: improving patients’ quality of life and increasing mild to moderate Cognitive Impairment-affected individual’s life span.
Report on assessment methods and resultsThe deliverable will focus on methods implemented in order to assess issues connected with the overall Work Package and will discuss in detail results of the assessment.
Patients, caregivers; and support and clinical organisational needsThis document will focus on the most relevant needs and characteristics of elderly people affected by mild to moderate Cognitive Impairment and will help tracing all the most significant requirements that will have to be taken into consideration during development and pilot projects of the overall initiative.
Business model of the digital solutions used for assisting elderly people with cognitive impairmentsAnalysis of: (i) customer segments and of the relationships to be maintained/nurtured with them; (ii) value proposition offered and the cost structure of the digital solutions; (iii) channels through which the value proposition is delivered to the stakeholders of the digital solutions (iv) key resources / assets on which to focus in order to generate value; (v) revenue streams through which maintain sustainable the digital solutions; (vi) key partnership to be established for keeping sustainable the solutions; (vii) analysis of the investments to be made in order to maximise the impact of the solutions.
Data Management PlanThe document, delivered at month 6 and eventually updated during the overall project duration, will outline how data collected will be handled as part of the project (e.g. as regards patient data management during pilots) and after project completion (e.g. as regards data sharing towards the main scientific community for further exploitation). First of all, it will describe what data will be collected / generated as part of project activities, following what methodology and standards, whether and how this data will be shared, and now it will be curated and preserved. Therefore, this Deliverable will establish policies and rules – both organizational and from an IT perspective - regulating how data will be shared, at what disclosure levels, through which tools/secure communication channels, in which formats and following which security and privacy standards (this will include e.g. encryption and anonymization policies, data protection tools, systems’ users’ rights,…). Then, it will describe what procedures will be pursued aiming to provide access to data to third parties outside the consortium and the scientific community. This will include, for example, which datasets should be disclosed or not, how data will be made accessible, which scientific channels and stakeholders should have access to them.
A business caseThe deliverable will focus on a business case in order to provide detailed information starting from real scenario analyses, therefore assessing the most relevant issues by addressing elements derived from effective case studies.
State-of-the-art of clinical and assistance management models and practices of elderly patients with MCIThis document will form the first base of the whole project and will spread knowledge regarding mild to moderate Cognitive Impairment, the most widespread therapies available for its management and the state of the art approaches adopted by caregivers, proximity networks and support networks while dealing with MCI-affected patients.
The deliverable will focus on the most relevant business models, processes and any relevant information required for an efficient introduction of the digital solution developed as part of the DECI process.
Andrea Pistorio, Paolo Locatelli, Federica Cirilli, Luca Gastaldi, Simona Solvi
Pubblicato in:
Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, 2017, Pagina/e 340-347, ISBN 978-989-758-213-4
SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications
Wander Kenter, Vincenzo De Luca, Maddalena Illario, Miriam Vollenbroek-Hutten
Pubblicato in:
International Journal of Integrated Care, Numero 16/5, 2016, Pagina/e 26, ISSN 1568-4156
Igitur, Utrecht Publishing and Archiving Services
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