CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Federated Interoperable Semantic IoT/cloud Testbeds and Applications

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - FIESTA (Federated Interoperable Semantic IoT/cloud Testbeds and Applications)

Berichtszeitraum: 2017-02-01 bis 2018-06-30

FIESTA IoT - Federated Interoperable Semantic IoT/cloud Testbeds and Applications

FIESTA-IoT Consortium has worked collaboratively towards innovate the way IoT testbed data is produced and shared in Europe with the objective to enable the IoT testbeds Interoperability and create high impact in the IoT European and International Testbeds landscape. The main goal of the FIESTA-IoT project is to open new horizons in the development and deployment of IoT applications and experiments at the EU (and global) scale, based on the interconnection and interoperability of diverse IoT platforms and testbeds. The work performed by the FIESTA-IoT consortium has produced the first European IoT Federated data services platform, by introducing the notion of Experimentation as a Service (EaaS) about integrating and making interoperable of almost every IoT technology, by using an agnostic approach specification and enabling the concepts of testbed providers and experimenters the replication of connected IoT testbed data services across different deployed IoT infrastructures is possible.

FIESTA-IoT project enables the integration of IoT platform’s resources, testbeds infrastructure and their associated applications. FIESTA-IoT opens up new opportunities in the development and deployment of experiments using data from IoT testbeds. The FIESTA-IoT infrastructure enables experimenters to use a single EaaS API (i.e. the FIESTA-IoT EaaS API) for executing experiments over multiple IoT federated testbeds in a testbed agnostic way i.e. like accessing a single large scale virtualised testbed.
The FIESTA-IoT project consortium is organised having into consideration three dimensions, the first one defined as Horizontal workpackages spanning the whole duration of the project. These workpackages deal with umbrella areas that are pertinent to all the activities of the FIESTA-IoT project.

The second one is the Core scientific and technological development work packages, dealing with the core research and technological development areas of the project and realizing the FIESTA-IoT ambitions, including: (a) Requirements and Specification activities that will provide the detailed technical specification of the FIESTA-IoT experimental infrastructure, (b) Development of the middleware for the adaptation of the testbeds to the FIESTA-IoT meta-cloud/meta-testbed infrastructure and (c) The development of tools and techniques for virtualized testbed-agnostic access to datasets and IoT services towards designing and executing large scale, portable and interoperable experiments.

The third one focused on activities relating to the experimentation and the establishment, validation and take-up of the global market confidence programme of the project. These workpackages will begin early in the project (i.e. during the first six months) in order to: (a) Facilitate the desing and conduction of relevant IoT experiments, (b) Enable building and fostering of a community of stakeholders around the global market confidence programme, (c) Ensure that the project puts the right emphasis on the sustainability of its results from the very beginning of the project.
FIESTA-IoT WPs were launched upon the project’s plan and the competition were completed gradually within the proposed plan and thus based on an overall duration of the 36 months. Nevertheless, extensions were requested to evaluate external experiments, execution of the evaluation and integration of Feedback.

WP1: Project Management:
• Data Management Plan: The Data Management Plan has been generated as part of the organisation and execution of the FIESTA-IoT project and it span and was updated along the duration of the project.
• Open Calls: The organization of the FIESTA-IoT 1st Open Call has been totally carried out and reported accordantly. The FIESTA-IoT 2nd Open Call has been organised and carried out. The FIESTA-IoT 3rd Open Call was organised and launched and resolved successfully and the FIESTA-IoT 4th Open Call has been carried out successfully and all the experiments and testbed evaluated positively.
• GDPR and DPIA Delivery: FIESTA-IoT consortium has identified a gap in relation to Data Protection for the collected data. This gap is an important aspect that by design was not described nor considered or included as part of the execution of work plan back in 2013. i.e. it is not described in the Document of Activities (DoA). This gap is a consequence of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that has been announced and released as a draft since October 2017.

WP2: Requirements and Specifications:
• KPI’s and Requirements: The KPIs and the functional and non-functional requirements for global market confidence and certification were described.
• FIESTA-IoT Architecture Design and Specifications.
• FIESTA-IoT implementation Plan: The training platforms and design platform for the implementation activities that are synchronized across all the work packages.

WP3: Federated Virtualized Testbeds Infrastructure and Tools
• Integrated FIESTA-IoT Platform: The first and foremost achievement of this WP has been the integration of the FIESTA-IoT Platform.
• FIESTA Tools and EPIs: The integrated FIESTA-IoT Platform facilitated the EaaS paradigm by exporting a set of tools and APIs that experimenters can use to access the datasets and data-streams produced by the underlying testbeds in a completely agnostic manner.

WP4 - Federated Virtualized Testbeds Infrastructure and Tools
• Tools for testbed Federation: In addition to the Platform set-up, the mandatory next step that has been also the federation of four testbeds within it.
• FIESTA-IoT feedback for Improvement: The feedback received from the real testbeds that have been federated has been used to tune the Platform interfaces and requirements imposed by the FIESTA-IoT Platform towards the testbeds integration in a larger scale, so that it is as simple and effortless as possible to federate new infrastructures.

WP5 – Experiments Design, Delivery and Evaluation
• Experiments Design and Specifications: Experiments have already been implemented and demonstrated are able for consuming the EaaS interfaces that the FIESTA-IoT Platform offers.
• Experiments Deployment and Execution: Actual experimentation on top the existing platform is the most important to assess the functional and non-functional requirements of the FIESTA-IoT Platform.
• FIESTA-IoT Support Model: FIESTA-IoT has studies and analysed an operative model for ecosystem desk to act as a single point of first contact to support both experimental users and SMEs;

WP6 – Global Market Confidence Program
• Certification On-line Program: The certification suite comprises, for the moment, a scorecard, the semantic data validator and the interoperability-testing tool, for testing the openness and interoperability of a given IoT platform or testbed. Based on Testbed Provider Services specifications, test cases are developed to test the compliance and interoperability between FIESTA-IoT Platform and testbeds.

WP7 - Dissemination, Exploitation, Sustainability Work Package
• FIESTA-IoT Sustainable Infrastructure: FIESTA-IoT has developed a plan for exploiting key results in order to create a sustainable experimental IoT facility. Developing a strong sustainability plan, and then align the architectural development of the platform with this plan.
Figure 5 FIESTA-IoT Logo
Figure 5 FIESTA-IoT TPI Architecture
Table 1: Benefits for FIESTA-IoT Federation
Figure 2 FIESTA-IoT Implementation view
Figure 4 FIESTA-IoT Ontology
Figure 1 FIESTA-IoT High-level Functional View
Figure 3 FIESTA-IoT Reference Architecture