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Towards Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering Tools Interoperability Standardisation

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Report on Implementing Sustainable IOS Standardisation Activities

Making it happen – Report on Implementing Sustainable IOS Standardisation Activities.

IOS Success Stories and Business Plans

IOS success stories coming from experienced IOS end-users in the context of the IOS-related projects (e.g., ARTEMIS CESAR, iFEST, MBAT, CRYSTAL, etc.), and tailored IOS business plan definitions for the key IOS stakeholders (e.g., SMEs, large integration platform providers, end-users, OEMs, etc.)

D6.2-2: Report and Plans for CP-SETIS Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Activities

Second Version of D6.2

D2.1-2: Cross-projects cartography of Interoperability Concerns and public Interoperability Scenarios

Second Version of D2.1

Concrete Conceptual Model for Sustainable IOS Standardisation

Concrete Conceptual Model for Sustainable IOS Standardisation Activities

D2.2-2: Basis IOS concept definitions and IOS conceptual architecture

Second Version of D2.2

Assessment of existing sustainable structures for implementing Sustainable IOS Standardisation Activities

Assessment of existing sustainable structures for implementing Sustainable IOS Standardisation Activities.

D3.1-2: IOS Success Stories and Business Plans

Second Version of D3.1

Cross-projects cartography of Interoperability Concerns and public Interoperability Scenarios

Cross-projects cartography of Interoperability Concerns and public Interoperability Scenarios from the industrial end-users involved in IOSrelated projects. Pointers towards IOS Success Stories from the projects.

Report and Plans on CP-SETIS Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Activities.

This report will establish and maintain a communication, dissemination and exploitation plan and list all the communication, dissemination and exploitation items from WP6 activities (e.g., see section 2.2.a and 2.2.b of the proposal about a pre-established list and timeline of these items).

Strategic Agenda for Standardization for Cyber-Physical Systems

Strategic Agenda for Standardization for Cyber-Physical Systems.

Basis IOS concept definitions and IOS conceptual architecture

Harmonized terminology, basic IOS concept definitions, and IOS conceptual architecture to be shared across the IOSrelated projects.

Initial dissemination material

Leaflet, press release, poster (later to be updated on demand)


Towards Standards Federation for Engineering Data & Tool Interoperability in Cyber-Physical Systems Development.

Autoren: Frederic Loiret, Jürgen Niehaus, Jad El Khoury, and Martin Törngren
Veröffentlicht in: Proceedings of Embedded World Conference 2016, 2016
Herausgeber: Weka Fachmedien GmbH

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