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Wireless Software and Hardware platforms for Flexible and Unified radio and network controL

CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.

I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .

Risultati finali

First Dissemination Report

This public deliverable will report on dissemination and promotion activities within the first year of the project.

Final implementation of testbed on the move

This public document gives a detailed description of the capabilities and operation of the testbed on the move in year 3. This deliverable provides consolidated guidelines for packaging, transport, insurance and initial setup of the hardware.

Support of Third Party extensions in Year 3

This public deliverable reports on the support given by the WiSHFUL consortium to Third Parties for extension. This report includes the lessons learnt.

Results of first set of showcases

This public deliverable will report on the results of the first set of showcases that have been implemented. This deliverable will also include the specifications of the second set of showcases to be implemented by the end of Year 2. This deliverable reports on activities in WP3, WP4, WP5 and WP6 that are related to the showcases.

Specification of testbed on the move

This public deliverable will report on the specifications for equipment portability, wireless control channel and deployment strategies for testbeds on the move. The document will serve as a guideline for the preparation of equipment and the implementation of the wireless control channel that will be offered in the first open calls at the end of year 1.

Final operational radio control software platform

This public document gives a detailed description of the full functionality of the final radio control software platform.

Final operational intelligence framework

This public document gives a detailed description of the full functionality of the final intelligence framework.

First implementation of testbed on the move

This public document gives a detailed description of the capabilities and operation of the testbed on the move in year 1. This deliverable also provides guidelines for packaging, transport, insurance and initial setup of the hardware. This deliverable will also include the improvements and extensions to be implemented in year 2.

Implementation of final experimentation tools

This public document gives a detailed description of the capabilities and operation of the final experimentation tools implemented in year 3.

Initial implementation of experimentation tools

This public document gives a detailed description of the capabilities and operation of the new and extended experimentation tools implemented in year 1. This deliverable will also include a list of improvements and extensions to be implemented in year 2.

Optimised implementation of testbed on the move

This public document gives a detailed description of the capabilities and operation of the testbed on the move in year 2. This deliverable provides optimised guidelines for packaging, transport, insurance and initial setup of the hardware. This deliverable will also include the improvements and extensions to be implemented in year 3.

Support of Third Party experiments in Year 2

This public deliverable reports on the support given by the WiSHFUL consortium to experiments by Third Parties.

Final operational network control

This public document gives a detailed description of the full functionality of the final network control software platform.

Design of software architecture for radio control

This public deliverable will report on the generalised software architecture for radio control and its unified programming interfaces. The document will serve as a guideline for the implementation of the basic radio control software platform that will be offered for the first open calls at the end of year 1.

Support of Third Party experiments in Year 3

This public deliverable reports on the support given by the WiSHFUL consortium to experiments by Third Parties. This report includes the lessons learnt.

Design of software architecture for intelligent control and showcases

This public deliverable will report on the generalized software architecture for intelligent radio and network control. The document will serve as a guideline for the implementation of the basic intelligence modules that will be offered for the 3rd open call of WiSHFUL. This public deliverable will also provide a detailed description on how the showcases defined in D2.2 are augmented with intelligent adaptations.

Specification of first showcases

This public deliverable will provide a detailed description of the first set of showcases to be implemented by the end of Year 1 and according key functionalities that will be demonstrated. This document will serve as guideline for showcase implementations in WP3, WP4, WP5 and WP6.

Results of first set of showcases using basic intelligence

This public deliverable will report on the results of the first set of showcases that have been implemented and use basic intelligence in the form of static rules.

Standardization and Regulation Report

This public deliverable will report on standardization and regulation activities within the first and second year of the project.

Design of software architecture for network control

This public deliverable will report on the generalised software architecture for network control and its unified programming interfaces. The document will serve as a guideline for the implementation of the basic network control software platform that will be offered for the first open calls at the end of year 1.

Second Dissemination Report

This public deliverable will report on dissemination activities within the second year of the project.

Second operational network control software platform

This public document gives a detailed description of the capabilities and performance of the network control software platform that follows the Path 2 innovation strategy (white-box). This deliverable will also include a list of improvements and extensions to be implemented in year 3.

First operational network control software platform

This public document gives a detailed description of the capabilities and performance of the first network control software platform that follows the Path 1 innovation strategy (black-box). This deliverable will also include a list of improvements and extensions to be implemented in year 2.

Support of Third Party extensions in Year 2

This public deliverable reports on the support given by the WiSHFUL consortium to Third Parties for extension.

First operational radio control software platform

This public document gives a detailed description of the capabilities and performance of the first radio control software platform that follows the Path 1 innovation strategy (black-box). This deliverable will also include a list of improvements and extensions to be implemented in year 2.

Results of final set of showcases

This public deliverable will report on the results of the third and final set of showcases that have been implemented, including showcases using optimised, advanced and flexible implementations of the intelligence engine. This deliverable reports on activities in WP3, WP4, WP5, WP6 and WP10 that are related to the showcases.

Design of experimentation tools

This public deliverable will report on the design of extensions to existing experimentation tools and new experimentation tools, both complying with the FED4FIRE interoperability standards. The document will serve as a guideline for the implementation of the experimentation tools that will be offered for the first open calls at the end of year 1.

Implementation of optimised experimentation tools

This public document gives a detailed description of the capabilities and operation of the optimized experimentation tools implemented in year 2. This deliverable will also include a list of improvements and extensions to be implemented in year 3.

Third Dissemination Report

This public deliverable will report on dissemination activities within the third year of the project.

High level requirements for testbeds and software platforms

This public deliverable will give a high-level description of the basic capabilities of WiSHFUL native testbeds and software platforms, and will serve as a guide for implementations in WP3, WP4, WP5 and WP6. This deliverable relates to the activities in Task 2.1, Task 2.2 and Task 2.3.

Results of second set of showcases

This publication deliverable will report on the results of the first set of showcases that have been implemented. This deliverable will also include the specifications of the third set of showcases to be implemented by the end of Year 3. This deliverable reports on activities in WP3, WP4, WP5 and WP6 that are related to the showcases.

Final intelligent modules and hierarchical control software prototype

This software deliverable will consist of the final implementation of the modules populating the Intelligence Framework.

Second experimentation toolset

Second release of new and extended experimentation tools on the WiSHFUL portal, together with the supporting documentation.

Final testbed-on-the-move toolset

Final release of software tools on the WiSHFUL portal for setting up a testbed on the move, together with the supporting documentation (including scenarios where a wireless control channel is feasible and instruction manual for deployment).

Second operational radio control software platform

This public document gives a detailed description of the capabilities and performance of the radio control software platform that follows the Path 2 innovation strategy (white-box). This deliverable will also include a list of improvements and extensions to be implemented in year 3.

Second testbed-on-the-move toolset

Second release of software tools on the WiSHFUL portal for setting up a testbed on the move, together with the supporting documentation (including scenarios where a wireless control channel is feasible and instruction manual for deployment).

First intelligent modules and hierarchical control software prototype

This software deliverable will consist of the initial implementation of the modules populating the Intelligence Framework. The framework will be made available for the 3rd, 4th and 5th open call for experimentation.

First software development kit and toolset for radio control

Software deliverable. First release of the radio control software on the WiSHFUL portal, together with the supporting documentation (black-box innovation path)

First experimentation toolset

First release of new and extended experimentation tools on the WiSHFUL portal, together with the supporting documentation.

Final software development kit and toolset for radio control

Software deliverable. Final release of the radio control software on the WiSHFUL portal, together with the supporting documentation.

Final experimentation toolset

Final release of new and extended experimentation tools on the WiSHFUL portal, together with the supporting documentation.

Second software development kit and toolset for radio control

Software deliverable. Second release of the radio control software on the WiSHFUL portal, together with the supporting documentation (white-box innovation path)

Second software development kit and toolset for network control

Software deliverable. Second release of the network control software on the WiSHFUL portal, together with the supporting documentation (white-box innovation path)

First testbed-on-the-move toolset

First release of software tools on the WiSHFUL portal for setting up a testbed on the move, together with the supporting documentation (including scenarios where a wireless control channel is feasible and instruction manual for deployment).

Final software development kit and toolset for network control

Software deliverable. Final release of the network control software on the WiSHFUL portal, together with the supporting documentation.

First software development kit and toolset for network control

Software deliverable. First release of the network control software on the WiSHFUL portal, together with the supporting documentation (black-box innovation path)


Practical distributed channel assignment in home Wi-Fi networks

Autori: Sven Zehl, Anatolij Zubow, Adam Wolisz
Pubblicato in: 2017 IEEE 18th International Symposium on A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), 2017, Pagina/e 1-4, ISBN 978-1-5386-2723-5
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/WoWMoM.2017.7974331

An Ultra-Wide Overlay Cognitive Radio System for Wireless Backhauling for Small Cells

Autori: Michael Döring, Anatolij Zubow, Pablo Leyva, Adam Wolisz
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 15th ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access - MobiWac '17, 2017, Pagina/e 55-62, ISBN 9781-450351638
Editore: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/3132062.3132067

Coexistence between IEEE802.15.4 and IEEE802.11 through cross-technology signaling

Autori: Jan Bauwens, Bart Jooris, Peter Ruckebusch, Domenico Garlisi, Josesph Szurley, Marc Moonen, Spilios Giannoulis, Ingrid Moerman, Eli De Poorter
Pubblicato in: 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), 2017, Pagina/e 529-534, ISBN 978-1-5386-2784-6
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/INFCOMW.2017.8116433

Implementation of PHY rate and A-MPDU length adaptation algorithm on WiSHFUL framework

Autori: Changmok Yang, Seongho Byeon, Peter Ruckebusch, Spilios Giannoulis, Ingrid Moerman, Sunghyun Choi
Pubblicato in: 2017 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC), 2017, Pagina/e 8-13, ISBN 978-1-5090-4032-2
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/ICTC.2017.8190931

WiSCoP - Wireless Sensor Communication Prototyping Platform

Autori: T.Kazaz, X.Jiao, M.Kulin, I.Moerman
Pubblicato in: EWSN ’17 Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks, 2017, Pagina/e 246-247, ISBN 978-0-9949886-1-4
Editore: Junction Publishing , Canada ©2017

Hotspot slicer: Slicing virtualized home Wi-Fi networks for air-time guarantee and traffic isolation

Autori: Sven Zehl, Anatolij Zubow, Adam Wolisz
Pubblicato in: 2017 IEEE 18th International Symposium on A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), 2017, Pagina/e 1-3, ISBN 978-1-5386-2723-5
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/WoWMoM.2017.7974329

Poster: Towards a Cognitive MAC Layer: Predicting the MAC-level Performance in Dynamic WSN using Machine Learning

Autori: Merima Kulin, Eli de Poorter, Tarik Kazaz, Ingrid Moerman
Pubblicato in: EWSN ’17 Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks, 2017, Pagina/e 214-215, ISBN 978-0-9949886-1-4
Editore: Junction Publishing , Canada ©2017

NxWLAN: Towards transparent and secure usage of neighbors' access points in residential WLANs

Autori: Piotr Gawlowicz, Sven Zehl, Anatolij Zubow, Adam Wolisz
Pubblicato in: 2017 IEEE 13th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob), 2017, Pagina/e 1-10, ISBN 978-1-5386-3839-2
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/WiMOB.2017.8115746

Error-Based Interference Detection in WiFi Networks

Autori: Nicola Inzerillo, Daniele Croce, Domenico Garlisi, Fabrizio Giuliano, Ilenia Tinnirello
Pubblicato in: GLOBECOM 2017 - 2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 2017, Pagina/e 1-6, ISBN 978-1-5090-5019-2
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/GLOCOM.2017.8254097

Poster - Integration of WiFi ToF Positioning System in the Open, Flexible and Adaptive WiSHFUL Architecture

Autori: Maurizio Rea, Hector Cordobes, Domenico Giustiniano, Domenico Garlisi, Pierluigi Gallo, Spilios Giannoulis, Ingrid Moerman
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental evaluation & CHaracterization - WiNTECH '17, 2017, Pagina/e 103-104, ISBN 9781-450351478
Editore: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/3131473.3133334

SENSEFUL: An SDN-based joint access and backhaul coordination for Dense Wi-Fi Small Cells

Autori: Eduard Garcia-Villegas, David Sesto-Castilla, Sven Zehl, Anatolij Zubow, August Betzler, Daniel Camps-Mur
Pubblicato in: 2017 13th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), 2017, Pagina/e 494-499, ISBN 978-1-5090-4372-9
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/IWCMC.2017.7986335

Demo - Dynamic Adaptations of WiFi Channel Widths Without TX/RX Coordination

Autori: Alice Lo Valvo, Ilenia Tinnirello, Fabrizio Giuliano, Giuseppe Santaromita
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking - MobiCom '17, 2017, Pagina/e 507-509, ISBN 9781-450349161
Editore: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/3117811.3119861

UniFlex: A framework for simplifying wireless network control

Autori: Piotr Gawlowicz, Anatolij Zubow, Mikolaj Chwalisz, Adam Wolisz
Pubblicato in: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2017, Pagina/e 1-7, ISBN 978-1-4673-8999-0
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/ICC.2017.7997075

SDR Virtualization in Future Mobile Networks: Enabling Multi-Programmable Air-Interfaces

Autori: Maicon Kist, Juergen Rochol, Luiz DaSilva, and Cristiano Bonato Both
Pubblicato in: IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2018
Editore: IEEE

Random access with repeated contentions for emerging wireless technologies

Autori: Andrea Baiocchi, Ilenia Tinnirello, Domenico Garlisi, Alice Lo Valvo
Pubblicato in: IEEE INFOCOM 2017 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 2017, Pagina/e 1-9, ISBN 978-1-5090-5336-0
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/INFOCOM.2017.8057050

Demo abstract: Cross-technology TDMA synchronization using energy pattern beacons

Autori: Jan Bauwens, Bart Jooris, Peter Ruckebusch, Domenico Garlisi, Josesph Szurley, Marc Moonen, Spilios Giannoulis, Ingrid Moerman, Eli De Poorter
Pubblicato in: 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), 2017, Pagina/e 948-949, ISBN 978-1-5386-2784-6
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/INFCOMW.2017.8116504

On the Distributed Computation of Load Centrality and Its Application to DV Routing

Autori: Leonardo Maccari, Lorenzo Ghiro, Alessio Guerrieri, Alberto Montresor and Renato Lo Cigno
Pubblicato in: IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, 2018
Editore: IEEE

Enabling a Win-Win Coexistence Mechanism for WiFi and LTE in Unlicensed Bands

Autori: Ilenia Tinnirello; Domenico Garlisi; Fabrizio Giuliano
Pubblicato in: ITC 30 - Teletraffic in a Smart World, 2018
Editore: 2018

On Practical Coexistence Gaps in Space for LTE-U/WiFi Coexistence

Autori: Anatolij Zubow, Piotr Gawłowicz, and Suzan Bayhan
Pubblicato in: European Wireless 2018, 2018
Editore: IEEE

Demo Abstract: Practical Cross-technology Radio Resource Management between LTE-U and WiFi Networks

Autori: Piotr Gawłowicz and Anatolij Zubow
Pubblicato in: IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, 2018
Editore: IEEE

Centrality-based Route Recovery in Wireless Mesh Networks

Autori: M. Segata, N. Facchi, L. Maccari, G. Gemmi, and R. Lo Cigno
Pubblicato in: 2018
Editore: IEEE

RoRoute: Tools to experiment with routing protocols in WMNs

Autori: Michele Segata, Nicolo Facchi, Leonardo Maccari, Renato Lo Cigno
Pubblicato in: 2018 14th Annual Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services (WONS), 2018, Pagina/e 91-94, ISBN 978-3-903176-01-0
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.23919/WONS.2018.8311668

Towards efficient coexistence of IEEE 802.15.4e TSCH and IEEE 802.11

Autori: M. Chwalisz, and A. Wolisz
Pubblicato in: IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, 2018
Editore: IEEE

Enabling Cross-technology Communication between LTE Unlicensed and WiFi

Autori: P. Gawłowicz, A. Zubow, and A. Wolisz
Pubblicato in: IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, 2018
Editore: IEEE

HyDRA: A hypervisor for software defined radios to enable radio virtualization in mobile networks

Autori: Maicon Kist, Juergen Rochol, Luiz A. DaSilva, Cristiano Bonato Both
Pubblicato in: 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), 2017, Pagina/e 960-961, ISBN 978-1-5386-2784-6
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/INFCOMW.2017.8116510

Cross-Technology Interference Nulling for Improved LTE-U/WiFi Coexistence

Autori: P. Gawlowicz, A. Zubow, S. Bayhan
Pubblicato in: MobiSys 2018, 2018
Editore: IEEE

Demonstration of efficient coexistence of IEEE 802.15.4e TSCH and IEEE 802.11

Autori: Mikołaj Chwalisz
Pubblicato in: IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, 2018
Editore: IEEE

ResFi: A secure framework for self organized Radio Resource Management in residential WiFi networks

Autori: Sven Zehl, Anatolij Zubow, Michael Doring, Adam Wolisz
Pubblicato in: 2016 IEEE 17th International Symposium on A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), 2016, Pagina/e 1-11, ISBN 978-1-5090-2185-7
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/WoWMoM.2016.7523511

BIGAP — A seamless handover scheme for high performance enterprise IEEE 802.11 networks

Autori: Sven Zehl, Anatolij Zubow, Adam Wolisz
Pubblicato in: NOMS 2016 - 2016 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, 2016, Pagina/e 1015-1016, ISBN 978-1-5090-0223-8
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/NOMS.2016.7502950

Implementation and Experimentatl Evaluation of a Collision-Free MAC Protocol for WLANs

Autori: Sanabria-Russo, L.; Gringoli, F.; Barcelo, J.; and Bellalta, B.,
Pubblicato in: IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2015
Editore: IEEE

Making a Case for Flexible 802.11 Architectures

Autori: Salvador, P.; Gringoli, F.; Serrano, P.; Facchi, N.; and Paris, S.
Pubblicato in: IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2015
Editore: IEEE

Wireless Software and Hardware platforms for Flexible and Unified radio and network controL

Autori: Fortuna, C., Ruckebusch, P., Van Praet, C., Moerman, I., Kaminski, N., DaSilva, L., Tinirello, I., Bianchi, G., Gringoli, F., Zubow, A., Chwalisz, M., Wolisz, A., Leblon, R., Seskar, I., Choi, S., de Rezende, J. F.
Pubblicato in: EuCNC Workshop on 5G Testbeds and Hands-on Experimental Research, 2015
Editore: European Conference on Networks and Communications

A SDN approach to spectrum brokerage in infrastructure-based Cognitive Radio networks

Autori: Anatolij Zubow, Michael Doring, Mikolaj Chwalisz, Adam Wolisz
Pubblicato in: 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN), 2015, Pagina/e 375-384, ISBN 978-1-4799-7452-8
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/DySPAN.2015.7343933

Towards a MAC protocol App Store

Autori: Jan Bauwens, Bart Jooris, Eli De Poorter, Peter Ruckebusch, and Ingrid Moerman
Pubblicato in: International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks, 2016
Editore: Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria

Unified Radio and Network Control Across Heterogeneous Hardware Platforms

Autori: Nicholas Kaminski, Ingrid Moerman, Spilios Giannoulis, Pierluigi Gallo, Anatolij Zubow, Robin Leblon, Ivan Seskar, Sunghyun Choi, and Jose de Rezende
Pubblicato in: ETSI Workshop on Future Radio Technologies - Air Interfaces, 2016
Editore: ETSI

Hardware Accelerated SDR Platform for Adaptive Air Interfaces

Autori: Tarik Kazaz, Christophe Van Praet, Merima Kuriln, Pieter Willemen, and Ingrid Moerman
Pubblicato in: ETSI Workshop on Future Radio Technologies - Air Interfaces, 2016
Editore: ETSI

Testbed implementation of the meta-MAC protocol

Autori: Nathaniel Flick, Domenico Garlisi, Violet R. Syrotiuk, Ilenia Tinnirello
Pubblicato in: 2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), 2016, Pagina/e 580-585, ISBN 978-1-4673-9955-5
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/INFCOMW.2016.7562143

MAC design on real 802.11 devices: From exponential to Moderated Backoff

Autori: Ilenia Tinnirello, Menzo Wentink, Domenico Garlisi, Fabrizio Giuliano, Giuseppe Bianchi
Pubblicato in: 2016 IEEE 17th International Symposium on A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), 2016, Pagina/e 1-6, ISBN 978-1-5090-2185-7
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/WoWMoM.2016.7523503

A unified radio control architecture for prototyping adaptive wireless protocols

Autori: P. Ruckebusch, S. Giannoulis, E. De Poorter, I. Moerman, I. Tinnirello, D. Garlisi, P. Gallo, N. Kaminski, L. DaSilva, P. Gawlowicz, M. Chwalisz, A. Zubow
Pubblicato in: 2016 European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), 2016, Pagina/e 58-63, ISBN 978-1-5090-2893-1
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/EuCNC.2016.7561005

MAC learning: enabling automatic combination of elementary protocol components

Autori: I. Tinnirello, D. Garlisi, F. Giuliano, V. R. Syrotiuk, and G. Bianchi
Pubblicato in: In Proceedings of the Tenth ACM International Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental Evaluation, and Characterization, 2016, Pagina/e 89-90, ISBN 978-1-4503-4252-0
Editore: ACM
DOI: 10.1145/2980159.2980174

Joint Usage of Dynamic Sensitivity Control and Time Division Multiple Access in Dense 802.11ax Networks

Autori: E. Khorov, A. Kiryanov, A. Krotov, P. Gallo, D. Garlisi, I. Tinnirello..
Pubblicato in: In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2016, ISBN 978-3-319-51376-8
Editore: Springer, Cham
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-51376-8_5

Cross-technology wireless experimentation: Improving 802.11 and 802.15.4e coexistence

Autori: Peter Ruckebusch, Jan Bauwens, Bart Jooris, Spilios Giannoulis, Eli De Poorter, Ingrid Moerman, Domenico Garlisi, Pierluigi Gallo, Ilenia Tinnirello
Pubblicato in: 2016 IEEE 17th International Symposium on A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), 2016, Pagina/e 1-3, ISBN 978-1-5090-2185-7
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/WoWMoM.2016.7523538

CADWAN: A Control Architecture for Dense WiFi Access Networks

Autori: Pierluigi Gallo, Katarzyna Kosek-Szott, Szymon Szott, Ilenia Tinnirello
Pubblicato in: IEEE Communications Magazine, Numero 56/1, 2018, Pagina/e 194-201, ISSN 0163-6804
Editore: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.2017.1601097

WiSHFUL: Enabling Coordination Solutions for Managing Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

Autori: Peter Ruckebusch, Spilios Giannoulis, Domenico Garlisi, Pierluigi Gallo, Piotr Gawlowicz, Anatolij Zubow, Mikoaj Chwalisz, Eli De Poorter, Ingrid Moerman, Ilenia Tinnirello, Luiz DaSilva
Pubblicato in: IEEE Communications Magazine, Numero 55/9, 2017, Pagina/e 118-125, ISSN 0163-6804
Editore: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.2017.1700073

Learning From Errors: Detecting Cross-Technology Interference in WiFi Networks

Autori: Daniele Croce, Domenico Garlisi, Fabrizio Giuliano, Nicola Inzerillo, Ilenia Tinnirello
Pubblicato in: IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, Numero 4/2, 2018, Pagina/e 347-356, ISSN 2332-7731
Editore: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/TCCN.2018.2816068

Real-Time Generation of Standard-Compliant DVB-T Signals

Autori: G. Baruffa, L. Rugini, F. Frescura, P. Banelli
Pubblicato in: Radioengineering, Numero 27/2, 2018, Pagina/e 475-484, ISSN 1210-2512
Editore: Brno University of Technology
DOI: 10.13164/re.2018.0475

COINS: ContinuOus IntegratioN in wirelesS technology development

Autori: Matevž Vučnik, Tomaž Šolc, Urban Gregorc, Andrej Hrovat, Klemen Bregar, Miha Smolnikar, Mihael Mohorčič and Carolina Fortuna
Pubblicato in: Network Testing and Analytics Series of IEEE Communications Magazine, Numero August 2018, 2018, ISSN 0163-6804
Editore: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Emitter localisation from reception timestamps in asynchronous networks

Autori: Nicolò Facchi, Francesco Gringoli, Fabio Ricciato, Andrea Toma
Pubblicato in: Computer Networks, Numero 88, 2015, Pagina/e 202-217, ISSN 1389-1286
Editore: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2015.06.003

GITAR: Generic extension for Internet-of-Things ARchitectures enabling dynamic updates of network and application modules

Autori: Peter Ruckebusch, Eli De Poorter, Carolina Fortuna, Ingrid Moerman
Pubblicato in: Ad Hoc Networks, Numero 36, 2016, Pagina/e 127-151, ISSN 1570-8705
Editore: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.adhoc.2015.05.017

Data-Driven Design of Intelligent Wireless Networks: An Overview and Tutorial

Autori: Merima Kulin, Carolina Fortuna, Eli De Poorter, Dirk Deschrijver, Ingrid Moerman
Pubblicato in: Sensors 2016, Numero Volume 16, Numero 6, 2016, ISSN 1424-8220
Editore: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/s16060790

SDN@home: A method for controlling future wireless home networks

Autori: Pierluigi Gallo, Katarzyna Kosek-Szott, Szymon Szott, Ilenia Tinnirello
Pubblicato in: IEEE Communications Magazine, Numero 54/5, 2016, Pagina/e 123-131, ISSN 0163-6804
Editore: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.2016.7470946

TAISC: a cross-platform MAC protocol compiler and execution engine

Autori: Bart Jooris, Jan Bauwens, Peter Ruckebusch, Peter De Valck, Christophe Van Praet, Ingrid Moerman, Eli De Poorter
Pubblicato in: Computer Networks, Numero Volume 107, Part 2, 2016, Pagina/e 315–326, ISSN 1389-1286
Editore: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2016.03.027

Softwarization of Radio and Wireless Networks

Autori: Ingrid Moerman, Spilios Giannoulis, Eli De Poorter, Xianjun Jiao
Pubblicato in: IEEE Software Defined Networks, 2017
Editore: IEEE

Coexistence Gaps in Space: Cross-Technology Interference-Nulling for Improving LTE-U/WiFi Coexistence

Autori: S. Bayhan, A. Zubow, and A. Wolisz
Pubblicato in: 2018
Editore: ARXIV

hMAC: Enabling Hybrid TDMA/CSMA on IEEE 802.11 Hardware

Autori: Sven Zehl, Anatolij Zubow and Adam Wolisz
Pubblicato in: TKN Technical Report TKN-16-004, Numero TKN-16-004, 2016
Editore: TU Berlin / TKN

NxWLAN: Neighborhood eXtensible WLAN

Autori: P. Gawłowicz, S. Zehl, A. Zubow and A. Wolisz
Pubblicato in: arXiv, 2016
Editore: arXiv

Wireless Software and Hardware Platforms for Flexible and Unified Radio and Network Control (WiSHFUL)

Autori: N.Kaminski, S.Giannoulis, I.Tinnirello et al
Pubblicato in: Building the Future Internet through FIRE: 2016 FIRE Book - a Research and Experimentation based Approach, 2017, Pagina/e 385-421
Editore: River Publishers Wharton, TX, USA ©2017

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