Risultati finali
Based on figures from Deliverable 3.1, the deliverable will gather a set of recommandations which will reflect the most urgent needs and most inpiring best practices in terms of operationalization of policy cooperation. The final goal is to adress a white paper to the European Commission and in close coordination with the Program Committee.
Communication PlanThe basic communication ideas are to be integrated in a communication plan that shall be validated by the partners at the kick off meeting.
Guidelines on synergiesDeliverable 4.2 is an analysis for an expert audience of the technical/financial methods to achieve synergies between European funding and ERDF funding.
Validated report on potential technology areasDeliverable 2. 1 : Report on research areas showing potential or need for coordinated initiatives addressed to decision makers on innovation policies in the EU, in the MS and in the European Regions.
Synthesis integration reportDeliverable 4.1 will in fact result from the validated interim deliverables resulting from task 2.4 and task 3.3.
Synthesic document Syn. ERDF/S3Deliverable 4.3 is a simplified document realised from deliverables 4.2 that os accessible for funding agencies and regional authorities as well as possible project proposers. The document has to be validated in a roundtable.
Guidelines for participation in ERA-NET co-fundThe aim is to produce a short, accessible document that enables capacity building in funding agencies at all levels. The objective is to enable participation of a wider circle of regions and countries in the ERANET co-fund. The output is a set of guidelines validated by a roundtable of experienced and less experienced partners.
"Report on the survey ""best practices"""This expected outcome is a in-depth overview of the experiences of the participating programme owners/managers in the NMP area. To do so, the initial information will come from the Netwatch/ERA-LEARN website, in particularly descriptive mapping and monitoring as well as impact assessment as a first step. Once complete, a questionnaire sill thereforce be prepared and sent to all concerned funding agencies with existing cooperation in NMP area.
The core tool of the project shall be a web-environment. The web-environment is merely designed as a working instrument for an audience of limited size. The working instrument is the depository of the documents identified in WP2 (including a simple search engine) and thus is the knowledge base for the project. The architecture of the web-environment shall enable the later inclusion of results from WP 2-4 and shall differentiate in access between (Associated) partners and other stakeholders.
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