CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Real proven solutions to enable active demand and distributed generation flexible integration, through a fully controllable LOW Voltage and medium voltage distribution grid


Report of Societal Research, Socio-economic impact of Smart Grid, Report of transfer replication strategy and communication

This report will present the summary and main conclusions related to the evaluation of the socio-economic impact observed in every demonstration on the social stakeholders under research. The report will cover the demonstrations both ex-ante and ex-post phases for the different impact issues considered in T9.3.

Evaluation of Demonstration Results and Data collection

This deliverable will be the product of tasks 4.3 and 4.4 which includes the report on the evaluation of the demonstration, including results, and the collection of data relevant for further analysis at project level, namely KPIs and cross demonstration analysis.

Report on the performance of the selected tools that were tested in laboratory

Description of the performance of the selected tools tested in laboratory.

Incentive framework for facilitating investments in UPGRID innovative concepts

This deliverable will synthesize relevant project results including the expected economic and environmental benefits of a mass-market rollout of UPGRID solutions. This task will consider provisions that regulatory agency may establish to allow distribution companies to include the risk associated with new technologies in network planning investment programmes. This will lead to a roadmap and a thereof derived list of actions to prepare the successful rollout of UPGRID solutions throughout Europe. The report will outline the key changes in commercial and regulatory policy frameworks that will be needed to achieve the key policy evolution milestones, particularly focusing on risk management associated with UPGRID paradigm and facilitating efficient strategic investment in new technologies under uncertainty. The roadmap will also take into account a number of stakeholder perspectives involved, including network operators, energy suppliers, regulators and policy makers. The very final output will thus be a clear set recommendations to different stakeholders as to how to make the demo based UPGRID experience a reality for the millions of EU electricity customers.

Report on Market barriers for deployment of UPGRID innovative concepts

The key aim of this deliverable is to identify barriers in the present regulatory and commercial framework and limitations of the existing distribution network operation and design standards, particularly in 4 Demo Region, that may limit or prevent roll-out of UPGRID innovative concepts and solutions. This will involve critical assessment of the regulatory incentives to invest in both smart and traditional networks solutions while considering conflicts and synergies between electricity network and energy supply objectives, including present network operation and planning practices.

Systems testing and optimization

The deliverable 6.5 includes the solution test, analysis and examining the scalability possibilities over the whole OSD area. The report will include results solution built within the project, particularly: • Report about the demonstrator various functions tests and optimisation • Report containing new rules for electric power system management • Report defining new rules for electric power system development (if the demonstrator operation will show such possibility)

Report about system wide benefits of UPGRID services

This report will firstly describe the approaches and models specifically developed in Task 8.6 to assess the economic impact of UPGRID innovation on the operation and design of the future power systems with different low carbon generation and demand portfolios. The whole-system modelling will quantify the economic and carbon benefits of rolling out UPGRID solutions and technologies that provide services not only to local distribution networks but also system wide benefits at the national level. Based on real data and results available from the trials and demonstration carried in 4 UPGRID regions, this deliverable will describe how UPGRID concepts can facilitate a cost effective evolution to a lower carbon future.

Report on non-technical local incentives and barriers

Description of the non-technical local incentives and barriers take into account regulation and incentives,policy context, economic conditions, market uptake and business opportunities expectations and societal and final user related issues.

Report on the implementation of CIM as the reference data model for the project

The report will gather all the relevant information about the application of CIM model and the associated messages in the project. It will include: model requirements of the MV/LV networks in the scope of the project, coverage of the general CIM model, application of other developed MV/LV CIM profiles, design of MV/LV CIM extensions if this is necessary, guidelines for applying the CIM in the project, coverage of the standardized IEC 61968/62325 messages, development of new MV/LV CIM messages if this is necessary, the guidelines for using the messages and the guidelines for developing new messages to assure the interoperability.

Result of the demonstration project

T5.3.1.- Report: Evaluation of the achieved performance Content: -Technical result of the project demonstration. -Cost benefit analyzes of the demonstration project -Final illustrations of developed system functionalities from each system provider

Targeted Social stakeholders segmentation and analysis.

Analysis on targeted social stakeholders segmentation. Description of social stakeholders.

Conclusions of Load and Generation Forecasting; Data analysis, model identification and model validation procedures

Conclusions of Load and Generation Forecasting; Data analysis, model identification and model validation procedures

Report about KPIs analysis and methods of comparison

This document will present the results of the analysis and validation of the KPIs, methods and alternatives of comparison, that were previously identified and defined in WP1 for each demonstration with respect their actual implementation in those correspondent demonstration allowing the revision and validation of the initial hypotheses performed.

Report on Services provided by DSOs to the retail market

The D2.2 report will provide the identification, specification and technical design of the EDR, DEC and IEM set of services for the Demand Side Management, which will be tested through proof-of-concept in a pilot trial with a set of clients in the EDP and Iberdrola test sites.

Demonstration results Evaluation and Opportunities

Evaluate the performance of the improved real operation with the expected results. Interaction and support to network planning, by providing high level of detail on the performance of specific areas of LV networks. Analyze different DSO processes evaluating the possible improvement achieved on them as a consequence of the innovations being carried out in the demonstration.

Report including a brief summary of results obtained in WP8 and recommendations

Brief summary of results obtained in WP8 and recommendations

Report on common KPIs

Definition of common KPIs to monitor the performance of each of the demonstrations that will be running at the end of the project in order to ensure the reliability, success, quality and cost of the different targets of the project. The KPIs will be focused on Supervisory and control parameters of the LV network of the different pilot sites and they will be use to validate and compare the results of the project.

Report on standards and potential synergies

Description of the implementation of standardized solutions and improvements in some of the proposed demo projects by maximizing the use of interoperable and standardized equipment.


Upgrid Portuguese demo - market challenges (in) the power grid

Autoren: P.M. Nunes, P.G. Matos, P. Pereira, P. Felicio, A. Botelho, J. Guisado, G. Pires, J. Moreira, Y. Ahmad
Veröffentlicht in: CIRED Workshop 2016, 2016, Seite(n) 180 (4 .)-180 (4 .), ISBN 978-1-78561-202-2
Herausgeber: Institution of Engineering and Technology
DOI: 10.1049/cp.2016.0780

Use of AMI data in LV network management - UPGRID project

Autoren: Slawomir Noske, Dominik Falkowski (ENERGA), Kaja Swat (ATENDE)
Veröffentlicht in: Conference paper presented in SIwE 2016, 2016
Herausgeber: SIwE

Beyond Smart Meters: Management of the LV network

Autoren: J. Garcia Prado (Iberdrola), A. Gonzalez (Iberdrola), A. Arzuaga (ZIV), C. Martínez (ZIV), L. Marron (ZIV), M. Pintado (GE), S. Riaño (Tecnalia)
Veröffentlicht in: Conference paper presented at CIGRÉ Paris 2016, 2016
Herausgeber: CIGRÉ

Impacto social de las smart grids: una experiencia de cómo aumentar la colaboración de los usuarios en la mejora de las redes inteligentes

Autoren: Karmele Herranz-Pascual (Tecnalia), Itxasne Diez-Gaspon (Tecnaia), Eduardo Garcia-Quincoces (Tecnalia), Ana González Bordagaray (Iberdrola)
Veröffentlicht in: Conference paper presented at III Congress of Smart Grids, 2016
Herausgeber: Grupo Tecma Red S.L. c/ Jorge Juan 31 28001 MADRID (SPAIN)

Bringing a service perspective to customer engagement with smart grids: co-creating value with smart energy services

Autoren: Luísa Gonçalves, Lia Patrício (INESC TEC)
Veröffentlicht in: Conference paper presented at BEHAVE 2016, 2016
Herausgeber: BEHAVE 2016

Advanced monitoring and control systems for LV and MV networks as a basis for improvement quality power – UPGRID project

Autoren: Slawomir Noske, Dominik Falkowski (ENERGA)
Veröffentlicht in: Conference paper presented in XLI Scientific and Technical Conference Gdańsk’s ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING MEETING 2016, 2016
Herausgeber: XLI Scientific and Technical Conference Gdańsk’s ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING MEETING

MV high impedance faults detection based on LV measurements

Autoren: Iñaki Ojanguren, Nerea Ruiz, Jesús García (Iberdrola), Laura Marron, Cristina Martinez, Txetxu Arzuaga (ZIV)
Veröffentlicht in: Conference paper presented at CIRED 2017, 2017
Herausgeber: CIRED

New SN and nN network monitoring systems as the basis for increasing the efficiency of the distribution grid

Autoren: Dominik Falkowski, Sławomir Noske (ENERGA)
Veröffentlicht in: Conference paper presented in APE 2017, 2017
Herausgeber: APE 2017

A scalable load forecasting system for low voltage grids

Autoren: Marisa Reis, Andre Garcia, Ricardo J. Bessa
Veröffentlicht in: 2017 IEEE Manchester PowerTech, Ausgabe PROVISIONAL, 2017, Seite(n) 1-6, ISBN 978-1-5090-4237-1
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/PTC.2017.7980936

Customer engagement and Value Cocreation with Smart Services

Autoren: Luísa Gonçalves, Lia Patrício (INESC TEC)
Veröffentlicht in: Conference paper presented at QUIS 2017, 2017
Herausgeber: QUIS 2017

Utilizing AMI meters in the optimization process of low voltage networks

Autoren: Dominik Falkowski, Sławomir Noske (ENERGA), Krzysztof Dobrzyński, Zbigniew Lubośny, Jacek Klucznik (PG)
Veröffentlicht in: Conference paper presented in APE 2017, 2017
Herausgeber: APE 2017

Identification of the customer meter assignment to phases in LV grid - Selected issues of UPGRID project realization

Autoren: Krzysztof Dobrzynski, Zbigniew Lubosny, Jacek Klucznik, Radoslaw Rekowski (Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering of Gdańsk University of Technology
Veröffentlicht in: Conference paper presented at the 21st IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems 2017, 2017, Seite(n) 6, ISBN 978-1-4799-7677-5
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/INES.2017.8118552

UPGRID project

Autoren: Sławomir Noske, Hieronim Szwabowski, Ludwik Tomaszewski – ENERGA-OPERATOR SA Zbigniew Lubośny, Krzysztof Dobrzyński, Jacek Klucznik – Politechnika Gdańska Tomasz Boboli - Atende Software Sp. z o.o. Aleksander Babś - Instytut Energetyki Oddział Gdańsk Aleksander Stępień – Mikronika
Veröffentlicht in: Conference paper presented in SIwE 2017, 2017, Seite(n) 11
Herausgeber: Polish Power Transmission and Distribution Association (PTPiREE)

Soluciones para la mejora de la operación y mantenimiento de la red BT: proyecto UPGRID

Autoren: Raúl Bachiller Prieto, Ana González Bordagaray (Iberdrola) Mónica Pintado (GE), Laura Marrón Merino (ZIV), Sandra Riaño Fernández (Tecnalia)
Veröffentlicht in: Conference paper presented at III Congress of Smart Grids, 2017, Seite(n) 35-39
Herausgeber: Tecna Red

LV Network Operation through data analytics

Autoren: Laura Marrón, Txetxu Arzuaga, Aitor Amezua, Sonia Martínez (ZIV Automation), Ana González, Raúl Bachiller, Alberto Sendin (Iberdrola)
Veröffentlicht in: CIGRE Session 2018, 2018
Herausgeber: CIGRÉ

The impact of the distribution network reconfiguration on active power losses - Selected issues of UPGRID project realization

Autoren: Radoslaw Rekowski, Krzysztof Dobrzynski, Zbigniew Lubosny (Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering of Gdańsk University of Technology)
Veröffentlicht in: Conference paper presented at the 21st IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems 2017, Ausgabe 6, 2017, ISBN 978-1-4799-7677-5
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/INES.2017.8118564

Adopting smart meter events as key data for low-voltage network operation

Autoren: Jesús García Prado, Ana González, Sandra Riaño
Veröffentlicht in: CIRED - Open Access Proceedings Journal, Ausgabe 2017/1, 2017, Seite(n) 924-928, ISSN 2515-0855
Herausgeber: CIRED
DOI: 10.1049/oap-cired.2017.0784

Optimal Phase Swapping in Low Voltage Distribution Networks Based on Smart Meter Data and Optimization Heuristics

Autoren: Izaskun Mendia, Sergio Gil-López, Javier Del Ser, Ana González Bordagaray, Jesús García Prado, Manuel Vélez
Veröffentlicht in: Springer Nature Singapore Pte. Ltd., 2017, Seite(n) 283-293, ISSN 2194-5357
Herausgeber: Springer Singapore
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-3728-3_28

Towards new data management platforms for a DSO as market enabler – UPGRID Portugal demo

Autoren: Ana Alonso, Rui Couto, Hugo Pacheco, Ricardo Bessa, Clara Gouveia, Luis Seca, Jorge Moreira, Pedro Nunes, Pedro G. Matos, António Oliveira
Veröffentlicht in: CIRED - Open Access Proceedings Journal, Ausgabe 2017/1, 2017, Seite(n) 2926-2930, ISSN 2515-0855
Herausgeber: IET – The Institution of Engineering and Technology
DOI: 10.1049/oap-cired.2017.1181

Predictive management of low-voltage grids

Autoren: Marisa Reis, André Garcia, Ricardo Bessa, Luís Seca, Clara Gouveia, Jorge Moreira, Pedro Nunes, Pedro G. Matos, Fernando Carvalho, Pedro Carvalho
Veröffentlicht in: CIRED - Open Access Proceedings Journal, Ausgabe 2017/1, 2017, Seite(n) 1935-1939, ISSN 2515-0855
Herausgeber: IET
DOI: 10.1049/oap-cired.2017.1185

Advance control and monitoring in secondary substation – project UPGRID

Autoren: Slawomir Noske, Dominik Falkowski, Adam Babs
Veröffentlicht in: CIRED - Open Access Proceedings Journal, Ausgabe 2017/1, 2017, Seite(n) 6-9, ISSN 2515-0855
Herausgeber: CIRED
DOI: 10.1049/oap-cired.2017.0839

Enhanced LV supervision by combining data from meters, secondary substation measurements and medium voltage supervisory control and data acquisition

Autoren: Nicholas Etherden, Anders Kim Johansson, Ulf Ysberg, Kjetil Kvamme, David Pampliega, Craig Dryden
Veröffentlicht in: CIRED - Open Access Proceedings Journal, Ausgabe 2017/1, 2017, Seite(n) 1089-1093, ISSN 2515-0855
Herausgeber: IET
DOI: 10.1049/oap-cired.2017.0966

UPGRID project: the management and control of LV network

Autoren: Slawomir Noske, Dominik Falkowski, Kaja Swat, Tomasz Boboli
Veröffentlicht in: CIRED - Open Access Proceedings Journal, Ausgabe 2017/1, 2017, Seite(n) 1520-1522, ISSN 2515-0855
Herausgeber: CIRED
DOI: 10.1049/oap-cired.2017.0792

System AMI used to monitoring and controlling of low voltage grid

Autoren: Krzysztof Dobrzyński, Zbigniew Lubośny, Jacek Klucznik (Gdańsk University of Technology), Slawomir Noske, Dominik Falkowski (ENERGA)
Veröffentlicht in: The Scientific Papers of Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering, Gdańsk University of Technology, Ausgabe nª 53, 2017, Seite(n) 4, ISSN 2353-1290
Herausgeber: Gdańsk University of Technology

Adaptation of Powerline Communications-Based Smart Metering Deployments to the Requirements of Smart Grids

Autoren: Alberto Sendin, Txetxu Arzuaga, Iker Urrutia, Iñigo Berganza, Ainara Fernandez, Laura Marron, Asier Llano, Aitor Arzuaga
Veröffentlicht in: Energies, Ausgabe 8/12, 2015, Seite(n) 13481-13507, ISSN 1996-1073
Herausgeber: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en81212372

Use of AMI meters in the process of low voltage grid optimization

Autoren: Krzysztof Dobrzyński, Zbigniew Lubośny, Jacek Klucznik (Gdańsk University of Technology), Slawomir Noske, Dominik Falkowski (ENERGA)
Veröffentlicht in: ActaEnergetica, Ausgabe No 3/2017 (32), in press, 2017, Seite(n) 6, ISSN 2300-3022
Herausgeber: ActaEnergetica

Avanzando hacia el Rol Activo de los Usuarios de las Smart Grids: Estudio sobre la percepción de las redes eléctricas inteligentes entre los consumidores domésticos en España (proyecto UPGRID)

Autoren: Karmele Herranz-Pascual, Eduardo Garcia-Quincoces (Tecnalia), Itxasne Diez-Gaspon (Universidad del País Vasco), Raúl Bachiller Prieto (Iberdrola)
Veröffentlicht in: Psyecology, 2018
Herausgeber: Taylor & Francis

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