Periodic Reporting for period 4 - TFL (Transnational Force of Law)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2020-03-01 al 2021-08-31
With the transnational force of law, we propose a concept that is able to take into consideration the transformation of legal authority in the transnational sphere. Emerging transnational law undermines traditional concepts of law and legal theory. The synthesis of law with state authority within the constitutional state relies on the presupposition that the state, following a process of primary dispossession, deprived society of its ability to exert physical violence. However, the violence of law is more fundamental: it is broader, and subtler than the manifestations of state’s monopoly of violence. Law generates, distributes and limits political authority as well as economic powers. Law constitutes private and public authorities and that which is traditionally identified as “public authority” is also exercised by and within private organizational entities. Law and its enforcement apparatus are already deeply entangled in societal power relationships.
Against this background, the concept of the transnational force of law refers in a descriptive sense to the fact that treaties, laws and legal decisions “enter into force.” In German, this effect is called Rechtskraft. There are no legal phenomena that do not possess this Rechtskraft, this force of law. This notion is distinct from that of Rechtsgewalt, in the sense that Gewalt—as in Staatsgewalt or state power—is often used exclusively with reference to the authority of the state, whereas Kraft does not have this inherent connection to state power. Rather, the origin of Kraft is not specific and can refer to societal legal forces as well.
In its normative dimension, the concept of transnational force of law extends the demand for the normative foundation of legal force to all societal legal forces. It envisages that if transnational legal force is not limited to the state and its organs, its normative foundation also has to include all instances in which transnational force is at play. The concept therefore seeks the normative foundations of all forces of law and explores the possibility of law becoming a “non-violent force” (Derrida) within the transnational arena.
In order to identify the normative challenges of such a transnational force of law, the research project has surveyed three exemplary areas of transnational law in which new forms of rulemaking coincide with a broad societal discussion of their normative foundation: transnational financial markets (lex financiaria), internet governance (lex digitalis), agricultural and food markets (lex agraria) and transnational migration regimes (lex migratoria). For each of these areas, it provides guidance for the development of transnational regimes that considers all societal forces.
Furthermore, the PI and the two postdocs organized several small-scale workshops. These workshops aimed at discussing concepts and ideas that are at the heart of our project with colleagues from various universities and disciplines in order to get a deeper understanding of the issues at stake (for a list of the workshop see
In February 2017, we hosted the first large conference titled “Kritik der subjektiven Rechte” (Critique of Rights) corresponding to the initial phase of the project. The aim of the conference was to evaluate the contribution of Christoph Menke’s seminal book “Kritik der Rechte” for the project’s theoretical framework. The conference was also an important event to present the tfl-project to the academic community in Germany. The publication of the conference proceedings under the title “Gegenrechte. Rechte jensweits des Subjekts” in 2018 concluded the work on the theoretical framework of the project.
Already parallel to the work on the theoretical foundations of the project just described, the PI, postdoctoral and doctoral researcher started to conduct empirical research in their respective sub-projects which was intensified once the first, predominantly theoretical project phase was concluded. The outcomes from this research have been published in a series of articles, monographs and blog contributions. Team members have furthermore been invited to give their advice as experts on their research topic (such as the legal protection of whistleblowers or the human rights impact of free trade agreements) on radio and television.