Genomtopologie und -integrität: Die Rolle enzymvermittelter DNS-Brüche
Das menschliche Genom ist komplex gewickelt und verdichtet, um in den winzigen Kern jeder Zelle zu passen. Topoisomerasen sind Enzyme, die von zentraler Bedeutung für die Topologie und den Zugang zum Genom sind, indem sie die DNS entsprechend schneiden und wieder verschließen. Bei Störungen der Toposomerasen kann es zu dauerhaften Brüchen der DNS-Stränge kommen. Das beeinträchtigt die Genomintegrität und begünstigt die Krebsentstehung. Das Ziel des vom Europäischen Forschungsrat finanzierten Projekts TOPOmics lautet, die Dynamik von Topoisomerase-induzierten DNS-Brüchen, ihre Reparatur und die daraus resultierenden Auswirkungen auf die Expression und Integrität des Genoms umfassend zu untersuchen. Die Forschenden werden auch nach neuen Faktoren und Wegen suchen, die an der zellulären Reaktion auf diese DNS-Läsionen beteiligt sind und möglicherweise diagnostischen und therapeutischen Wert aufweisen.
DNA topoisomerases are conserved nuclear enzymes that regulate DNA topology by transiently cleaving and resealing the DNA molecule, fulfilling a fundamental role in virtually every aspect of chromosome metabolism. Nevertheless, erroneous or abortive topoisomerase activity can result in persistent DNA strand breaks with the enzyme covalently attached to 3’ or 5’ DNA ends by a phosphotyrosyl bond, an anomalous structure that can compromise cell survival and/or genome integrity with the consequent implications in tumourigenesis. This peculiarity of topoisomerase catalysis also underlies the anticancer efficacy of topoisomerase poisons, which inhibit the re-ligation step of the reaction inducing the formation of DNA breaks that preferentially target highly proliferating and/or repair defective tumour cells. In addition to this link with cancer therapy, defects in the repair of topoisomerase-induced DNA damage have been linked to neurological disease. Understanding the cellular response to topoisomerase-induced breaks is therefore key for important aspects of human health, with possible implications in the development of novel diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic tools.
This project aims at acquiring a comprehensive picture of the dynamics of topoisomerase-induced DNA breaks: from their occurrence and repair to the consequences for genome expression and integrity. We rely on the development of completely novel assays to detect and isolate the different intermediates of topoisomerase-induced break repair, and which overcome major traditional limitations in the field. These tools are subsequently used to integrate the time-dependent and genome-wide distribution of the different steps and final outcomes of the process of topoisomerase-induced DNA break repair. Furthermore, we outline original proteomic and genetic screenings to identify novel factors and pathways specifically involved the cellular response to this important type of DNA lesion.
Wissenschaftliches Gebiet
ERC-COG - Consolidator GrantGastgebende Einrichtung
28029 Madrid