Periodic Reporting for period 4 - PanCaT (Next-generation in vivo models for improved pancreatic cancer therapies)
Berichtszeitraum: 2020-08-01 bis 2021-12-31
Though mortality rates have remained stagnant for more than 30 years, recent advances provide reason for true optimism. Breakthroughs in various fields of cancer research, such as genomic analysis and next-generation sequencing, high-throughput drug and genetic screening and computational approaches are providing a wealth of resources that hold the promise of advancing treatment strategies for PDAC patients. Thus, the field is primed for major advances as never before.
What has been lacking so far to take full advantage of these developments is a means of modeling and manipulating the developing tumor entity and its tumor microenvironment (TME) in a realistic manner on a genome-wide scale in vivo. This is vital for identifying and assessing candidate therapeutic targets and mechanisms of resistance, as well as revealing basic principles of tumor biology. Therefore, there is an urgent need for a next generation of improved model systems, which will pave the way to novel therapies.
The overarching goal of this ERC funded project is to develop next generation models and technologies for PDAC research, to investigate why it resists conventional and targeted therapies and to pave the way to novel individualized treatment strategies.
We invented new models and research tools such as dual- and triple recombinase systems (DRS and TRS) and combined them with novel sophisticated technologies, such as single cell sequencing, computational modelling and advanced genetic and drug screening. Together, these novel models and tools allowed us for the first time to control gene expression in a spatial and temporal manner in autochthonous tumors in vivo and provided unparalleled access to the native biology of cancer cells and their hosting stroma, as well as the rigorous validation of candidate therapeutic targets and novel therapeutic strategies. By the application of cutting edge genetic engineering and interfering technologies we were able to address long-standing biological questions in a rigorous manner that could not be addressed before. The project thus opened new horizons for the functional understanding of PDAC biology and the development of novel therapies.
Next, we applied our novel PDAC models to address therapeutic questions of high clinical relevance for PDAC patients. We used the models to 1) uncover evolutionary routes of PDAC development and understand their impact on tumor phenotypes (published in Nature, 2018), 2) identify cancer genes and candidate therapeutic targets in PDAC functionally (published in Cancer Discovery 2021, Gastroenterology 2021, Nature Communications 2016), 3) perform synthetic lethal CRISPR/Cas-based genetic loss and gain of function screens to identify genes which induce cancer cell death (unpublished), and to 4) show that the molecular makeup of the primary PDAC dictates if a cell in the tumor microenviroment promotes or restains tumor development. This indicates an extraordinary context specificity of PDAC stroma crosstalk, which is of fundamental relevance for establishing novel therapeutic strategies. Indeed, the combined targeting of PDAC cells and their immunosuppressive stroma sensitizes them to immunotherapy (published in Nature Cancer 2022).
Finally, we investigated primary and secondary resistance towards targeted PDAC therapies, which is a major clinical problem. We used our novel models and tools to uncover resistance at the genetic, epigenetic and transcriptional level and identified several pathways and modes of resistance, such as Myc amplification, which provide novel and unexpected vulnerabilities and opportunities for combination therapies (unpublished).
We exploited and disseminated our discoveries by various means, such as 1) exchange of models, technologies and data with collaborators nationally and internationally, 2) international scientific meetings and symposia, 3) educational programs in Germany and Europe, 4) seminars, workshops and international conferences in Munich, 5) national and international research societies for oncology and pancreas research, 6) publications, reviews, and overview articles in high profile journals, such as Nature Reviews Cancer, and 7) knowledge transfer and public relations via social media (e.g. Twitter channel with >350 followers, interviews in the German magazines, patient involvement, press releases and public events).