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An ARTery of EMPIRE. Conquest, Commerce, Crisis, Culture and the Panamanian Junction (1513-1671)


Erkundung des Erbes der Globalisierung in Alt-Panama

Alt-Panama, eine Landenge, die den Atlantischen und den Pazifischen Ozean miteinander verbindet, war Zeuge eines komplexen Geflechts kultureller und kommerzieller Kontakte zwischen vier Kontinenten. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt ArtEmpire wird einen interdisziplinären Ansatz verfolgen, um die vielfältigen Auswirkungen europäischer Invasionen, afrikanischer Sklavinnen und Sklaven, asiatischen Warenhandels und indigener Allianzen während der frühen Globalisierung zu ergründen. Mithilfe historischer, archäologischer und archäometrischer Methoden wird diese Initiative die vorherrschenden Narrative infrage stellen und neue Einblicke in die kulturelle, biologische und wirtschaftliche Tragweite dieses wichtigen Knotenpunkts bieten. Durch die Erforschung des materiellen Erbes von Alt-Panama will das Projektteam unser Verständnis für die Verflechtungen und Überlebensstrategien der verschiedenen Völker, die diesen historischen Ort prägten, neu definieren.


European incursions onto the narrow isthmian pass that divided and connected the Atlantic and Pacific oceans made it a strategic node of the Spanish Empire and a crucial site for early modern globalization. On the front lines of the convergence of four continents, Old Panama offers an unusual opportunity for examining the diverse, often asymmetrical impacts of cultural and commercial contacts. The role of Italian, Portuguese, British, Dutch, and French interests in the area, as well as an influx of African slaves and Asian merchandise, have left a unique material legacy that requires an integrated, interdisciplinary approach to its varied sources. Bones, teeth and artifacts on this artery of Empire offer the possibility of new insights into the cultural and biological impact of early globalization. They also invite an interdisciplinary approach to different groups’ tactics for survival, including possible dietary changes, and the pursuit of profit. Such strategies may have led the diverse peoples inhabiting this junction, from indigenous allies to African and Asian bandits to European corsairs, to develop and to favor local production and Pacific trade networks at the expense of commerce with the metropolis.
This project applies historical, archaeological and archaeometric methodologies to evidence of encounters between peoples and goods from Europe, America, Africa and Asia that took place on the Isthmus of Panama during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Forging an interdisciplinary approach to early globalization, it challenges both Euro-centric and Hispano-phobic interpretations of the impact of the conquest of America, traditionally seen as a demographic catastrophe that reached its nadir in the so-called seventeenth-century crisis. Rather than applying quantitative methods to incomplete source material, researchers will adopt a contextualized, inter-disciplinary, qualitative approach to diverse agents involved in cultural and commercial exchange.

Wissenschaftliches Gebiet

CORDIS klassifiziert Projekte mit EuroSciVoc, einer mehrsprachigen Taxonomie der Wissenschaftsbereiche, durch einen halbautomatischen Prozess, der auf Verfahren der Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache beruht.

Gastgebende Einrichtung

€ 1 264 528,64
41013 Sevilla

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Sur Andalucía Sevilla
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 1 264 528,64

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