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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

A multi-stakeholder Regional Action Network as a living structural base to effectively help define and implement deep energy efficient building renovation at local, national and European level.

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - BUILD UPON (A multi-stakeholder Regional Action Network as a living structural base to effectively help define and implement deep energy efficient building renovation at local, national and European level.)

Berichtszeitraum: 2016-03-01 bis 2017-02-28


The Energy Efficiency Directive requires MS to establish long-term strategies for renovating their buildings to high standards of energy efficiency. Done for the first time by 30 April 2014, updated strategies must be delivered every 3 years - the next by 30 April 2017.

Many of the organisations who have a role to play are not engaged with the national renovation strategies. The absence of strategic coordination between renovation stakeholders and initiatives means countries are not currently delivering the renovation revolution Europe needs, despite the large amount of resources in place.


It is critical to build upon this existing resource and coordinate it to create greater collective impact. For BUILD UPON, implementing Art 4 of the Energy Efficiency Directive is the starting point; the ultimate goal is getting all renovation stakeholders and initiatives on the same page, working together under a common national strategy, with clear common goals. Individually, our resources are insufficient, but collectively we can achieve the impact needed.

BUILD UPON aims to establish a coordinated and collaborative community of over 1,000 key stakeholders across 13 countries (BG, CZ, ES, FI, HR, IE, IT, LV, RO, SI, SK, SE, TR), to build the critical mass needed to scale-up deep renovation. BUILD UPON will host over 80 connected workshops in the capitals and major cities of the project countries during 2016 and 2017, as well as two major European Summits.

Green Building Councils from across the Europe Regional Network of the World GBC are driving the project, coordinated by GBC España.


- The collaborative process has succeeded attracting stakeholders' interest and public authorities' acceptance and collaboration.
- This has resulted in a successful dialogue among all the actors exceeding the objectives, and a final effective contribution to the National Renovation Strategies
- There is a widespread lack of impact data, which BUILD UPON has addressed with the definition of an Impact Framework.
- The essential values have been shared, and they have positively evolved in a Common Vision to provide a trustworthy service on Renovation to the citizen.
"THE WHO: Stakeholder Mapping and Engagement

BUILD UPON’s dynamic stakeholders maps help identify which organisations need to work together to deliver ambitious renovation strategies. They map nearly 3,000 key stakeholder organisations, across 12 categories. The maps show each stakeholder’s relative potential to influence; and how aligned they are in support of deep renovation. Each country has its own website to host stakeholder dialogue on their renovation strategy. Stakeholder engagement across the 12 stakeholder categories is tracked to help ensure the project is achieving balanced representation.

THE WHAT: Understanding Barriers and the Initiatives Tackling Them

A literature review on barriers has been used to summarize these into five categories:

- Awareness Raising
- Skills & Capacity Building
- Financial & Economic
- Policy & Regulatory
- Organisational & Administrative

RenoWiki maps out 800 initiatives at country and EU level, 689 of the BUILD UPON countries plus 111 of countries outside it. It is aimed at understanding challenge and resources within each country, but also to facilitate European dialogue. The RenoWiki shows that the initiatives in many cases do not track the actual impact they are creating. BUILD UPON has therefore explored how initiatives can be supported in defining and tracking their impact in more robust ways.

THE HOW: Hosting Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration

The project has created a resource library on hosting successful multi-stakeholder collaboration, summarizing resources from around the world to build European learning in this field. Each GBC has designed a workshop process suited to the character and specificity of their national barriers, stakeholders and building types. All events move from presentation formats to collaborative working techniques.

Altogether, 96 workshops have taken place in the 13 countries of BUILD UPON, with the creation of consistent renovation communities with all the stakeholders on the same page. The results are a set of Recommendations (the ""RENOmmandments"")to the each one of the governments.

In addition to this, two Leaders' Summit of a high profile were hosted. The first was in Madrid in September 2016, with 170 renovation leaders from 25 countries, and the main objective of defining a Common Vision and purpose on building renovation. The highlight of this meeting was the appraisal on the project of Maroš Šefčovič, EU Vice-President on Energy Union. The second was in Brussels, in February 2017, with 75 participants and a substantial advance in the refining of the Common Vision and a renovation strategies Impact Framework.

An extra activity, sponsored by the European Climate Foundation, a Collaborative Session organized by WorldGBC and lead by the Institute of Strategic Clarity was held at Cambridge University in August 2016. The objective of this activity was to develop facilitation capacity for the Leaders’ Summits.


The incubator is structured around the main categories of the RenoWiki, and has developed a collaborative process to write new projects, that integrates methods from story-telling to rapid prototyping, as a consistent base for projects to be developed in the future.


An intense dissemination effort has taken place, centered on the BUILD UPON webpage, but also distributed at the GBCs' with a shared communication tracking structure.
Many communication materials produced and widespread. Madrid's leader Summit was viewed more than 3.000 times.


The partners of BUILD UPON have agreed to define community maintenance and communication activities as well as new connected projects to continue the exploitation of the Project beyond its official time frame, starting with a Call for Action on the shared Common Vision.
The process and tools established by BUILD UPON are a recognised innovation within the field of stakeholder engagement and hosting multi-stakeholder collaboration.
The project was recognised during the COP21 process as one of the key international partnerships.


- The RenoWiki enables stakeholders to easily understand the landscape of renovation initiatives.
- The stakeholder maps build stakeholder understanding of the need for a cross-silo approach.
- All the governments have finally adhered to the collaborative process with the GBCs, increasing their capacity for stakeholder led-policy design and growing buy-in for policy delivery.
- A network of around 2.000 ‘Change Leaders’ from across the public, private and third sector.
- National dialogue on design and implementation of national renovation strategies is far more active now, and the need for a collaborative approach better understood.
- Stakeholders in other countries starting to use the project tools, including AU, FR, GR, HU, MK, ME, NL, PL and UK to date.
- The collaborative working approach and learning and the Common Vision have strengthened network capacity across GBCs in Europe, to provide national and regional support to policy-makers.
- Over 4 million people reached, and a common communications impact reporting system across the Europe Regional Network established.
- Impact Framework proposed to face the present lack of impact data
Frontpage of the RenoWiki at the BUILD UPON webpabe
Overview of the BUILD UPON process
Participant organizations and work structure of the BUILD UPON Consortium
Some country pages of the final recommendations for the National Renovation Strategies
Emilio Miguel Mitre, BUILD UPON coordinator, presenting the project at the launch event in London
Collage of the BUILD UPON fron page of the web in all the 13 languages of the Consortium
Involvement process BUILD UPON intends to follow with the stakeholders
Vidros on Co-Hosting collaboration taken at the Brussels Leaders Summit
Image of a Stakeholder KUMU Map; Stakeholders categories, potential to influence and position
Pages referring to BUILD UPON at the Annual Report of WorldGBC
BUILD UPON Webpage - RenoWiki initiatives (Ireland example)
The future beyond BUILD UPON, common vision and impact framework: a European Renovation Revolution
Percentages of stakeholders participation by categories through the whole BUILD UPON process
Project Workshops process and scope description towards v.2.0 National Renovation Strategies
Mosaic of the BUILD UPON Consortium members