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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

STEam And Management Under Pressure

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - STEAM-UP (STEam And Management Under Pressure)

Berichtszeitraum: 2016-09-01 bis 2018-02-28

The industrial sector could reduce its energy use by at least 13%. 75% of the potential savings can be found in steam and electric motor systems. Actions to tap the full potential in steam systems have been taken in the past but without success since findings from energy audits were not, or only partly, implemented.

The following barriers, based on literature and practical experiences, have been identified:
- It is not business as usual to hire a consultant for an energy audit and especially not for a specific steam audit.
- There is no business case for steam saving measures for enterprise decision makers;
- There is a lack of technical (steam) expertise of energy auditors and within enterprises generally;
- There is no formal organisational structure for dealing with energy efficiency.
In the EU-project 'Steam and Management under Pressure' (STEAM_UP) these barriers are recognized and identified. The objectives and goals of the STEAM-UP proposal are therefore:
• Acquisition; how to convince a company to let carry out an energy audit and specific an audit, focussed on steam;
• Bridging the gap between audit results and implementation by developing an in-depth steam audit covering:
state of the art steam expertise;
involvement of stakeholders in the enterprise;
identification of non-energy benefits to strengthen the business cases;
energy management to secure prolongation.
• Reducing the effort for measure implementation by developing an integrated solution for business case reporting and energy management implementation.
• Achieve energy savings during this action of 55,6 GWh/a through piloting 75 of the in-depth steam audits.
• Building capacity amongst 400 energy auditors for the use of the in-depth steam audit methodology in their daily practise.
• Building capacity amongst stakeholders in 75 enterprises on steam and the business benefits to increase steam efficiency.
• Building capacity amongst 40 energy management training providers to enable integration of the in-depth steam audit methodology in regular energy training programmes.
• Promote knowledge transfer on steam and the benefits to increase steam efficiency.

This project focuses on the large, energy-intensive industry but the methodology will also be applicable for SMEs. The developed methodology can be made applicable for a wide range of utilities and processes.

The conclusions of the action are:
- The acquisition for participating companies is difficult. The result depends on the relation of the consultant with the company.
- At 78 companies the in-depth steam-audit is carried out; resulting in an energy saving potential of 226 GWh/a instead of the expected 115 GWh/a.
- Non Energy Benefits decrease the pay back time of the measures with 1.5 year.
The project started wit a european wide inventory (100 respondents form 15 countries) of the State-of-the-Art in steam-, energy-, and management practises in industry. Based on the inventory and other insights, available in the consortium and literature, as the Energy Potential Scan, the Non Energy Benefits and ISO 50001, we developed a new audit methodology.

This methodology decribes stepwise, fit for the use by in- and external energy consultants, what is needed and how this can be achieved in order to reach actual energy saving in steam installations. This askes for an integral (business) approach involving all (steam) stakeholders in the company, by developing business cases for the energy saving measures using Non-Energy Benefits and implementing an energy management system (starting around the steam installation) to guarantee organisational embedment. The audit methodology is being piloted by in-depth steam audits at 78 companies (WP6).

The inventory also formed the major basis for the development of the training packages in WP 4. Experts from the member countries developed the seperate modules for the trainings in English which are all translated in the 8 national languages. Trainings and train the trainers are performed.

The steam-up project and it's results is being communicated and promoted in several ways nationally and internationally.

Results achieved with the action:
WP 2: Inventory completed and results laid down in seperate report and the developed training materials and audit methodology. Downloadable from the steam-up website.
WP 3: Audit methodology developed and piloted at 78 companies. Additionally an Excel spreadsheet is performed with the most important energy saving measures about steam. The measures are related to NEB's and the pay back time is indicated.
WP 4: Training materials are developed and translated in the 8 national languages. 395 people participated in the tranings and a list with 47 steam experts can be found on the website.
WP 5: Energy Management Centre (including Bench Mark Facility) is developed and in operation. The energy data and results of the 78 audits is add to the EnMC. Per company is an action plan available. Energy managers from the companies can with their own login follow all actions and modify the status.
WP 6: In depth audits. The acquisition for audits started directly from the beginning of the project and we succeeded to reach the target of 75. From the identified 226 GWh/a saving is 50.5 GWh/a already reached during this project. Another 83.5 is 'under construction' and will be reached very soon after the deadline of the project.
WP 7: Website on line, factsheets about steam efficiency are developed, annual seminars and national events are held, twitter account and liked-in were active, from all in-depth audits are leaflets availabele, national and european leaflets were compiled
The project learned us:
How to approach companies to interest them for energy saving, asks more effort than expected. 'Cold acquisition" is time consuming. The first question you must answer is, is there already a relation, based on previous contacts or projects? If so, you can build on this relation. More difficult is the ‘cold’ acquisition. There is no relation; so, you should prepare this contact carefully. This means not only the energy benefits but also all the non-energy benefits should be taken into account.
Behaviour change.
The steam UP audit is an audit to change behavior regarding the steam systems within the company. Behavior change regards different aspects as:
- non- energy benefits are considered: the safety, quality, organizational and other behavior concerning steam systems;
- working with an energy action team: people from the company with different disciplines, but all involved in the steam system;
- commitment of the management.
Non Energy Benefits (NEB's)
The new methodology helps companies to be aware of NEB's, NEB's are important for the busunesscase. In the Steam-Up project NEB's are identified and involved in the businesscase.
Involvement stakeholders.
For acceptance of the audit results, it is important to work with an energy action team. This team, no more than 5 persons, is guided by the consultant and carries out the inventory, measurements and is involved by analysis. This process is a step-up for energy management.

For industrial companies is energy saving not a priority. There core business is the production. You should find a connection between energy saving and the core business of the company. In the STEAM-UP project these elements are worked out and applied in 1) the acquisition 2) the steam audit.
Steam-up event in The Netherlands
Steam-up consortium