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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Organic Knowledge Network Arable

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Report on state-of-the-art research results and best practices
Summary report on the usefulness of tools and end-user materials

Summary report on the usefulness, potentials and limits of different tools and end-user materials for organic arable groups in different countries

Collection of end-user material

Collection of identified and developed end-user and education material

Final report on evaluation end-user material

Final report on the evaluation of the end-user material as regards usability, innovation, implementation and transfer potential across Europe

Practice Abstracts

"The resulting innovative knowledge and easy accessible end-user material from this project should feed into the EIP-AGRI for broad dissemination. The common format to be used for this end-user material contains the characteristics of the project and a short text for practitioners (""practice abstract"") which describes the main information/recommendation/practice that can serve the end-users in their daily practice. Such a ""practice abstract""* is a short summary of around 200 words/1200 characters (word count – no spaces). The web application form to be used is available on the EIP-AGRI web site."

Descriptions of the farmer innovation groups

Descriptions of the farmer innovation groups, agronomic and social context, challenges faced and approaches to solutions

Report on best metho-dology for learning and knowledge exchange

Report on best methodology for learning and knowledge exchange

Recommendations for research agenda

Report on research needs of farmer groups leading to recommendations for better a targeted and shared research agenda

Online knowledge platform

Online knowledge platform with toolbox, discussion forum and project website up and running

Self-learning online course


OK-Net Arable online knowledge platform

Autoren: Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Jensen, Allan Leck; Jørgensen, Margit Styrbæk; Kristensen, Helene; Conder, Malgorzata; Micheloni, Cristina and Moeskops, Bram
Veröffentlicht in: 2017
Herausgeber: Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut
DOI: 10.3220/REP1510908963000

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