CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.
I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .
Risultati finali
Conceptual and functional design and architecture of impact and vulnerability analysis. Conceptual design of IVA methods, specification of the model-driven architecture of the IVAVIA tool suite and software use cases for the IVAVIA process.
Policy guidelinePolicy guideline for the implementation of adaptation options: guideline proposing a standard approach to the design of implementation strategies for climate adaptation at the city level, according to legal, technical, financial and governance implications. (Tecnalia, TNO, Fraunhofer, EIVP, NEN, Bratislava - M40)
Coping with uncertaintyGuidelines for decision makers to develop robust and resilient adaptation plans.
District Financial Metabolism DashboardArea Snapshots that display the financial metabolism of adaptation areas leading to a generic methodology to harvest optimization potential of combining financial flows within the area.
2-tier webinars4 ‘2-tier webinars’: These webinars will connect the core cities to their tier-2 circle of learning to further share results and encourage exchange. The timing of the webinars will be aligned with the completion of the deliverables in WP 2, 3 and 6. [M30-M32]
WP1 final reportWP1 final report condensing key outputs and recommendations.
Policy briefsTwo policy briefs will be drafted by ICLEI with the support of the relevant partners. [M24, M38]
Project glossaryRESIN project glossary (UNIMAN, TNO, EIVP, Fraunhofer, Tecnalia)
Use case realisation IVAVIAReport on the use case realisation for the IVAVIA tool, including feeding data and scenario story line information from one or more suitable use cases into the IVAVIA tool and performing functional tests of IVAVIA tool (Report, Software, Other).
Standardisation optionsStudy report on standardisation options of impact and vulnerability analysis of vital infrastructures and built-up areas. This report will be integrated in D5.1. As requested in the first periodic review we will pay attention to the assessment of existing legal requirements in Member states which could potentially act as barriers for a widespread application of the RESIN toolbox.
Guidance documentGuidance document on the use of the products and tools in disaster risk reduction and adaptation: ICLEI shall draft a guiding document on the use of the RESIN tools in cities in combination with an adaptation and infrastructure protection strategy. This document will present a step-by-step approach on how to integrate the tools and products into urban planning using the IMS. In addition it will support future use and spread of the tools
Framework APPFramework for adaptation planning process (M12) Generic/ description of planning process with entry points for Decisions Support Tools.
City assessment reportA city assessment report will be compiled by ICLEI. Cities and their local research partners will be responsible for providing data on the state of the art of their resilience building activities, management processes and governance structures with regard to key infrastructure stakeholders. The report will present single in-depth city assessments that will inform the assignment of each of the cities to the different products and tools to be tested.
Urban typologyReport on the development, application and value of the city typology (UNIMAN, TNO).
Test & assessment IVAVIATesting and validating IVAVIA in the covered use cases. Elaboration of a test methodology. Compiled feedback and assessments of end users. Conclusions and further recommendations. (Report, Other)
Certification studyA report of the partners’ general study of certification in assessment procedures and specifically on the feasibility of certification for climate resilient cities and infrastructures.
City report testingCity report on tested tools and products: At the end of the testing phase, the core cities, supported by their local research partners, will compile a report that will consolidate their experiences and provide TECNALIA, Fraunhofer and TNO with input for the finalisation of the tools and products (M32).
Reviews concepts and approachesSix ‘state-of-the-art’ reviews of concepts and approaches linked to the RESIN project’s objectives. Each review will follow a common structure. (UNIMAN, TNO, EIVP, Fraunhofer, Tecnalia)
Integrated Planning Challenge methodologyRoadmaps towards Integrated Planning, produced in the two case cities and a validated framework for integrated planning.
Actor AnalysisTooling to support interdependency analysis and to identify stakeholder interests for climate change adaptation planning and action.
ToolboxMethodological toolset including standard tools to assess the performance and impacts of adaptation options; with prioritizing methods for adaptation approaches. This toolset will be included in the RESIN e-Guide. (Tecnalia, TNO, Fraunhofer, ITTI, NEN, BC3, UNIMAN - M32)
Realisation & implementation IVAVIARealisation and implementation of the IVAVIA tool based on the design in D2.1 (Report, Software).
Conceptual frameworkReport on the RESIN research conceptual framework. (UNIMAN, TNO)
Standardising methods studyA report of the partners’ general study related to task 5.1 and 5.3 of standardizing methods in assessment procedures and specifically on the feasibility of standardizing methods for climate resilient cities and infrastructures.
3.1.1. Relational database structure and data entry forms for the effective collection of adaptation options. (Tecnalia, TNO, ITTI, Arcadis)
WebsiteA project website will be created to present the project and its findings and give exposure to the core cities.
eGuideInitial version of RESIN Guide with models and tools as provide by other WP’s for testing and experimenting with end-users (WP4)
Decision support toolsOverview of ‘state of the art’ Decision Support Tools in support of long term climate change adaptation planning.
eGuide (final)Final version of RESIN Guide with additional models and tools and modified based on feedback from end-users.
Completed library of adaptation options3.1.3. Inventory of standard(-ised) adaptation measures: library/catalogue of fully characterized adaptation measures currently including standard performance values. (Tecnalia, TNO, Fraunhofer, EIVP, Arcadis, BC3, UNIMAN)
One workshop per core city will be organised in close cooperation with the core cities to kick-off the 2-tier group engagement. Financing to attend the workshop will be provided for one city representative from each 2-tier city. The core cities will be required to ensure the participation of crucial local infrastructure stakeholders.
Final conferenceA final conference presenting the results of the project will be organised as part of one or more renowned and well-established adaptation and resilience events.
Stakeholder dialogues3 2 Stakeholder Dialogues: The aim of the dialogues is to disseminate the project (interim) results. To this end, a selected target audience composed of cities, local private adaptation stakeholders (utilities, businesses, industry, etc.) will be invited to participate. The attendance of two representatives from each tier-2 city will be financed by the project consortium. Invited to these Stakeholder Dialogues will be rather targeted actors that can act as multipliers in disseminating the project results. [M20-M24/ M32]
Luis M. Abadie, Elisa Sainz de Murieta, Ibon Galarraga
Pubblicato in:
Frontiers in Marine Science, Numero 3, 2016, ISSN 2296-7745
Frontiers in Marine Science
Luis Maria Abadie, Ibon Galarraga, Elisa Sainz de Murieta
Pubblicato in:
Environmental Research Letters, Numero 12/1, 2017, Pagina/e 014017, ISSN 1748-9326
Institute of Physics Publishing
Ibon Galarraga, Elisa Sainz de Murieta, Anil Markandya, Luis María Abadie
Pubblicato in:
Environmental Research Letters, Numero 13/2, 2018, Pagina/e 029401, ISSN 1748-9326
Institute of Physics Publishing
Sébastien Foudi, Nuria Osés-Eraso, Ibon Galarraga
Pubblicato in:
Water Resources Research, Numero 53/7, 2017, Pagina/e 5831-5844, ISSN 0043-1397
American Geophysical Union
Daniel Lückerath, Manfred Bogen, Erich Rome, Betim Sojeva, Oliver Ullrich, Rainer Worst, Jingquan Xie
Pubblicato in:
Simulation Notes Europe, 2018, Pagina/e 49-54, ISSN 2306-0271
Jeremy Carter et al.
Pubblicato in:
IPCC Cities Conference
Olazabal, M., Galarraga, I., Ford, J., Lesnikowsk, A., Sainz de Murieta, E.,
Pubblicato in:
BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change
Rome, E., Bogen, M., Lückerath, D., Ullrich, O., Voss, H., Voss, N., Worst, R., Carter, J., Connelly, A., Cariolet, J.-M., Dumonteil, M., Mendizabal, M., Ellis, M., Bosch, P., and Streberová, E.:
Pubblicato in:
Jingquan Xie, Manfred Bogen, Daniel Lückerath, Erich Rome, Betim Sojeva, Oliver Ullrich, Rainer Worst
Pubblicato in:
ICRIM 2018, co-located with 9th I-ESA 2018 Conference, 2018
9th I-ESA 2018 Conference
Daniel Lückerath, Manfred Bogen, Erich Rome, Oliver Ullrich, Rainer Worst, Jingquan Xie
Pubblicato in:
Erich Rome, Oliver Ullrich, Daniel Lückerath, Rainer Worst, Jingquan Xie, Manfred Bogen
Pubblicato in:
Springer LNCS 11260
Erich Rome, Manfred Bogen, Daniel Lückerath, Oliver Ullrich, Rainer Worst, Eva Streberová, Margaux Dumonteil, Maddalen Mendizabal, Beñat Abajo, Efrén Feliu, Peter Bosch, Angela Connelly and Jeremy Carter
Pubblicato in:
2018, ISBN 978-3-030-00023-3
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