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Scale Up of Microencapsulation Systems by using Flow Focusing Technology

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - FlowcusinUp (Scale Up of Microencapsulation Systems by using Flow Focusing Technology)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2015-02-01 al 2015-06-30

The aim of this project is the technical and economic validation of a new manufacturing system of microparticles and microcapsules based on the use of the Flow-Focusing technology.

The assessment of the different scaling possibilities, further selection and performance allow us to convert the previous laboratories prototype into a scalable commercial product. On the other hand, the characterization of the targeted markets that will accept the use of this innovation has been also carried out.

The costs assessment and the identification of the possible risks and bottlenecks are also essential to start with the results exploitation in the next future.
To reach to a valuable conclusions of the feasibility, it has required the development, construction and testing of a new system designed with a fully industrial concept, so that the principles of operation can be assumed to higher manufacturing volumes.

The different tests carried out with this new system allow us to optimize the different parts of it, as well as the assessment of the cost of manufacturing and investment required for this type of equipment.

At the same time, an in-depth market research has been carried out. This study provides us with a clear view of the targets markets, sale volumes and prices for microparticules and microcapsules.

Taking into account the technical feasibility, which has been demonstrated throughout the current project, the cost analysis performed and the market research mentioned above, it can be said that this project is an excellent opportunity for both, Ingeniatrics and future partners.
The expected final result is a new paradigm for microencapsulation platform composed of a novel industrial system based on the use of existing Ingeniatrics Flow Focusing Technology, versatile, adaptable and scalable.

The project has a remarkable impact for European society, since the emergence of this new platform will bring products with improved properties, which will have great benefits for users. Considering cosmetics industry, there will be higher versatility in formulation. On the other hand, in the food industry, it will be possible to obtain a wider variety of functional food, taste masking or flavor stabilization.

This also benefits microencapsulation market as an improving of the ratio cost/performance and better product quality will be obtained.

Finally, Ingeniatrics could expand internationally, standing out over the competence and leading the microencapsulation market.
General Scheme