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The ERA Chair and staff will conduct seminars and workshops within the unit and with those from other departments when relevant – such as to transmit knowledge gained from study trips.
ERA Chair Contract ExecutedThe legal framework for employing people is provided by the respective rules of the University. Once selected, the vice rector of UT will sign the job contract. The ERA Chair will be paid at a rate comparable to the EU average for top level researchers
Training materials for 8 seminars on genomics research and clinical genomicsTraining materials for 8 seminars on genomics research and clinical genomics Months 20, 25, 32, 37, 44, 49, 56, 60.
Materials for 10 public workshops for the general publicUT TG Research Integration Plan
The ERA chair will visit and meet with staff from related units to gain a better understanding of how the different staff and departments work with each other. Based upon this observation and analysis, the ERA chair will develop recommendations for how research efforts could be better coordinated so that overall results and quality are improved. This includes integration of equipment, workflow, proposal development, etc.
Research team Contracts ExecutedMost of the research team will also be involved in WP4 and WP5 activities (Teaching and Dissemination), so decisions will be based both on their overall potential as researchers as well as demonstrated creativity and level of independence based upon a wide range of evaluation criteria, including publications, experience in teaching, supervision, and working with teams. An interest beyond lab work will also be evaluated, including a willingness to participate in knowledge transfer and public awareness activities (described further in WP5). Any experience working on the commercialization of research will also be considered.
Updated Dissemination and Exploitation PlanUpdated Dissemination and Exploitation Plan Month 30 and 60
PhD Curriculum for Translational GenomicsThe ERA Chair will recruit foreign experts to teach doctoral courses/seminars and to supervise theses. the PhD curriculum on Translational Genomics will be approved by the University Board Curricula will be designed in cooperation with several different UT departments, including the UT Faculties of Medicine and Science/Technology (Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology); the Graduate School in Biomedicine and Biotechnology (a collaboration between UT the Estonian University of Life Sciences and the Tallinn University of Technology); the Estonian Genome Centre and 3 Centres of Excellence (Genomics, Translational Medicine and Computer Science) Research being undertaken in the ERA Chair lab will be integrated into course work as much as possible and students will be given opportunities to conduct ’hands on’ research
Annual progress report 1The Management Board will review quarterly internal progress reports submitted by the Project Coordinator, the ERA Chair and the Executive Committee in terms of the science, budget and program objectives. Annual progress reports will be generated for the funder.
Annual progress report 5The Management Board will review quarterly internal progress reports submitted by the Project Coordinator, the ERA Chair and the Executive Committee in terms of the science, budget and program objectives. Annual progress reports will be generated for the funder
Training manuals for 3 international summer schoolsTraining manuals for 3 international summer schools (Months 28,40 52)
Data Management PlanThe DMP will follow the template set by Horizon 2020 and include sections for each data set developed, including the data set name and description; Standards and metadata; Data sharing and Archiving and preservation. In so doing, the DMP will ensure that scientific research data produced by the ERA Chair will be discoverable, accessible, intelligible, have as many uses as possible and have a high standard of interoperability.
6 EU funding applications (3 as lead)Based upon the direction of research efforts, the ERA Chair will put together at least 3 applications for funding at the EU level for which he/she is the principle investigator. The ERA Chair will also submit applications for funding at the national level. The ERA Chair will use their contacts to make partnerships with other Translational Genomic centres in Europe and seek to be included in larger funding proposals.
Report on ERA Chair employmentD2.5 Report on ERA Chair employment, month 9
Annual progress report 4The Management Board will review quarterly internal progress reports submitted by the Project Coordinator, the ERA Chair and the Executive Committee in terms of the science, budget and program objectives. Annual progress reports will be generated for the funder
Research team job descriptionsThe ERA Chair will, with the support of the Project Coordinator, create job listings that include a full description of the working conditions and benefits including career development prospects as well as the recruitment process, selection criteria, the number of available positions and the career development prospects. Postings will be advertised locally in Estonian public newspapers and the ETIS online information system; internationally via Nature Magazine, the Euraxxes website and through our scientific network.
Annual progress report 3The Management Board will review quarterly internal progress reports submitted by the Project Coordinator, the ERA Chair and the Executive Committee in terms of the science, budget and program objectives. Annual progress reports will be generated for the funder.
Annual progress report 2The Management Board will review quarterly internal progress reports submitted by the Project Coordinator, the ERA Chair and the Executive Committee in terms of the science, budget and program objectives. Annual progress reports will be generated for the funder
7 syllabi for PhD and Post Doctoral coursesAt least 7 syllabi created for courses taught for PhD and Post Doctoral students The ERA Chair will personally teach at least one course per semester beginning in month 16 of the project Curricula will be designed in cooperation with several different UT departments, including the UT Faculties of Medicine and Science/Technology (Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology); the Graduate School in Biomedicine and Biotechnology (a collaboration between UT the Estonian University of Life Sciences and the Tallinn University of Technology); the Estonian Genome Centre and 3 Centres of Excellence (Genomics, Translational Medicine and Computer Science) Research being undertaken in the ERA Chair lab will be integrated into course work as much as possible and students will be given opportunities to conduct ’hands on’ research
Statement on Publications introduced in the reporting toolD1.2 Statement on Publications introduced in the reporting tool by month 2
At least 20 scientific articles published in peer review journalsThe ERA Chair holder will produce peer-reviewed journal articles based upon the results of its research activity. Whenever appropriate, co-authorship with other researchers within the team or with affiliated UT departments will occur. Also, when appropriate, PhD students writing dissertations on related research will be encouraged and given guidance in publishing their work. Both ‘gold’ and ‘green’ open access approaches will be taken, depending on the circumstances
Materials for 25 international scientific presentationsThe ERA Chair holder and other members of the research team will attend various international conferences to network and negotiate additional collaborative scientific projects and partnerships. They will promote the methods used and the ultimate findings of the research as both can be important for other researchers in their work. Examples of conferences that will be attended include the European Human Genetics Conference (European Society of Human Genetics); the Estonian Society of Human Genetics annual conference; the International Gene Forum; the Human Variome project meeting; the International Collaboration for Clinical Genomics, Eurobioforum and the PHG Foundation’s P3G annual conferences. During the project, presentations will also be made about the ERA Chair concept and how the University has developed its capacity in translational/clinical genomics as a result.
ERA Chair job descriptionthe ERA Chair position will be advertised according to Estonian Law, the EU Code of Conduct for the recruitment of researchers. DRAFT TEXT: Professional level. The candidate should have experience in a R&D institution for at least 5 years postdoctoral period and produced at least 20 papers during the last 5 years. We seek candidates with the following expertise: - genetics of complex diseases; - genetic epidemiology; - analysis of animal models for complex diseases; - experience in eQTL mapping; Experience in managing a lab, budgeting and a successful track record in project writing are valuable. The successful candidate should set up own research group for the translational genomics focusing of chronic inflammatory epithelial disorders and with major focus on psoriasis, Crohn’s disease and psoriatic arthritis. The candidates’ background does not need to be clinical, major focus should be on the experience on genomics and the analysis of genomics data (family studies, case-control studies, quantitative trait analysis and multifactorial inheritance). Experience in the use and analysis of NGS technologies is necessary. The successful candidate is responsible for setting up the group of translational genomics and will work to turn fundamental genomics into practically applicable solutions, such as in personalized medicine. The Chair is responsible for the generation and leading of the research group of chronic inflammatory epithelial diseases. This task needs collaboration with clinical departments. The Chair will also lead the development of a PhD curriculum in the topic and will undertake teaching and PhD supervision duties. The successful candidate will also be counted on to meet with business clusters, medical doctors, policy makers and other stakeholders to contribute to the advocacy of genomics and its applications in the health and biotechnology sector in Estonia Candidates will be informed about the recruitment process and the selection criteria and be made aware of both the specific responsibilities of this position as well as the general requirements called for by the European Charter for Researchers. We shall target both R3 and R4 level researchers to ensure that an adequate number of applicants apply. Posting the advertisement - The advertisement will be posted in various locations to ensure that a wide range of candidates can be considered. These sources include: • Internationally through publications such as Nature Magazine and on the Euraxxes website • Internationally via our scientific network (i.e. international research partners and members of the international advisory boards that exist for several UT units including the Estonian Genome Centre and the Centre of Translational Genomics). • Locally in Estonian public newspapers and within the Estonian Research Information System (ETIS) - a national register of R&D institutions, researchers, projects and research results. • We also intend to contact higher level researchers from other top Translational Genomics Centres in Europe - including the San Raffaele Institute, the European Centre for Public Health Genomics and the European Infrastructure for Translational Medicine.
Youth presentations on genomics – Researchers in the ERA Chair team will receive training on presentation skills, specifically for non-expert audiences. Under the supervision of the ERA Chair, researchers will also prepare short presentations and present them in Estonian high schools. The purpose is to promote science and genetics to future university students. AHHAA Exhibit – The ERA Chair will also work with staff from the local science centre in Tartu to create an interactive exhibit that will present genetics in a fun way that addresses both its potential importance and ethical factors.
At least 10 Newspaper articlesWe will build up a constructive relationship with Estonian/European journalists interested in scientific and ethical issues raised by the project. Staff will coordinate press releases to disseminate new activities, achieved milestones and important discoveries during the course of the project on a global and local scale.
Materials for 10 presentations to relevant business clustersThe ERA Chair will hold seminars with firms interested in research conducted on personalized medicine and the potential products that might result. Feedback from these meetings will further help the ERA Chair holder in research and product development. These sessions will be organized in particular via the various business clusters that have been formed by Enterprise Estonia as described above. They include the Estonian HealthTech Cluster, the Estonian Health Tourism Cluster, the Estonian Cell Therapy Cluster, the Estonian Sports Medicine Cluster SportEST and the Competence Centre for Cancer Research (CCCR).
Materials for at least 12 workshops held with hospitals, medical students, clinicians and specialistsThe ERA Chair will create specialized training for primary care (general practitioners), specialists in genetics, endocrinology, cardiology, oncology and residency students on personalized medicine and based upon the database developed. Workshops will also educate dermatologists, rheumatologists and orthopedic surgeons with up to date information about their specialty and how to put the ERA Chair’s scientific results in clinical practice. Similar trainings will also be held at other hospitals throughout Estonia. These will be organized via the UT Hospital internal training program (Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikum Koolituskeskus) and by collaborating with the Estonian Medical Association (Eesti Arstide Liit).
Re-designed CTG WebsiteThe CTG website will be updated to include information in Estonian and English. News and information about the ERA Chair will be updated regularly. This includes information about workshops and events he/she is participating in, pages introducing the topics of translational genomics and personalized medicine to non-researchers and other relevant information.
data from mouse studies (QTL mappings, knockout mice, etc.) as a translational solution for these complex diseases (at least 300 samples).
Database with 1,000 human samples clinical and laboratory dataA comprehensive database and integrative analytical platform employing translational genomics for chronic inflammatory epithelial diseases (CIEDs, psoriasis and Crohn’s disease) with at least 1,000 human samples.
New markers and eQTL lociClinical data will be combined with genetic variation, genome transcription and epigenetic alterations are described in great detail (association analysis, gene expression profiling, eQTL mapping, linear modeling, DNA methylation analysis etc.) together with the characterization of metabolomes (final products of the metabolism).
Stefan Blunder, Sulev Kõks, Gea Kõks, Ene Reimann, Hubert Hackl, Robert Gruber, Verena Moosbrugger-Martinz, Matthias Schmuth, Sandrine Dubrac
Veröffentlicht in:
Journal of Investigative Dermatology, Ausgabe 138/1, 2018, Seite(n) 98-108, ISSN 0022-202X
Blackwell Publishing Inc.
Lidiia Zhytnik, Katre Maasalu, Ene Reimann, Ele Prans, Sulev Kõks, Aare Märtson
Veröffentlicht in:
Human Genomics, Ausgabe 11/1, 2017, ISSN 1479-7364
Human Genome Organization
Anu Planken, Lille Kurvits, Ene Reimann, Liis Kadastik-Eerme, Külli Kingo, Sulev Kõks, Pille Taba
Veröffentlicht in:
BMC Neurology, Ausgabe 17/1, 2017, ISSN 1471-2377
BioMed Central
Aleksei Rakitin, Triin Eglit, Sulev Kõks, Margus Lember, Sulev Haldre
Veröffentlicht in:
PLoS ONE, Ausgabe 19326203, 2014, Seite(n) e103856, ISSN 1932-6203
Public Library of Science
Sergo Kasvandik, Gerly Sillaste, Agne Velthut-Meikas, Aavo-Valdur Mikelsaar, Triin Hallap, Peeter Padrik, Tanel Tenson, Ülle Jaakma, Sulev Kõks, Andres Salumets
Veröffentlicht in:
PROTEOMICS, Ausgabe 16159853, 2015, Seite(n) 1906-1920, ISSN 1615-9853
John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
S. Koks, R. W. Overall, M. Ivask, U. Soomets, M. Guha, E. Vasar, C. Fernandes, L. C. Schalkwyk
Veröffentlicht in:
Physiological Genomics, Ausgabe 10948341, 2013, Seite(n) 182-190, ISSN 1094-8341
American Physiological Society
Elvira Galimova, Vita Akhmetova, Boris Latipov, Külli Kingo, Ranno Rätsep, Tanel Traks, Sulev Kõks, Elza Khusnutdinova
Veröffentlicht in:
Journal of Dermatological Science, Ausgabe 09231811, 2012, Seite(n) 9-18, ISSN 0923-1811
Elsevier BV
Ana Rebane, Toomas Runnel, Alar Aab, Julia Maslovskaja, Beate Rückert, Maya Zimmermann, Mario Plaas, Jaanika Kärner, Angela Treis, Maire Pihlap, Uku Haljasorg, Helen Hermann, Nikoletta Nagy, Lajos Kemeny, Triin Erm, Külli Kingo, Mei Li, Mark P. Boldin, Cezmi A. Akdis
Veröffentlicht in:
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Ausgabe 00916749, 2014, Seite(n) 836-847.e11, ISSN 0091-6749
Mosby Inc.
M Karelson, H Silm, K Kingo
Veröffentlicht in:
Acta Dermato Venereologica, Ausgabe 00015555, 2013, Seite(n) 446-450, ISSN 0001-5555
Taylor & Francis
M. N�mm, E. Mark, K. Kilk, S. K�ks, �. Jaakma
Veröffentlicht in:
Reproduction, Fertility and Development, Ausgabe 10313613, 2015, Seite(n) 135, ISSN 1031-3613
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Publishing
Lam C. Tsoi, Sarah L. Spain, Eva Ellinghaus, Philip E. Stuart, Francesca Capon, Jo Knight, Trilokraj Tejasvi, Hyun M. Kang, Michael H. Allen, Sylviane Lambert, Stefan W. Stoll, Stephan Weidinger, Johann E. Gudjonsson, Sulev Koks, Külli Kingo, Tonu Esko, Sayantan Das, Andres Metspalu, Michael Weichenthal, Charlotta Enerback, Gerald G. Krueger, John J. Voorhees, Vinod Chandran, Cheryl F. Rosen, Proton Rahman, Dafna D. Gladman, Andre Reis, Rajan P. Nair, Andre Franke, Jonathan N.W.N. Barker, Goncalo R. Abecasis, Richard C. Trembath, James T. Elder
Veröffentlicht in:
Nature Communications, Ausgabe 20411723, 2015, Seite(n) 7001, ISSN 2041-1723
Nature Publishing Group
Eva Ellinghaus, Philip E. Stuart, David Ellinghaus, Rajan P. Nair, Sophie Debrus, John V. Raelson, Majid Belouchi, Trilokraj Tejasvi, Yanming Li, Lam C. Tsoi, Anna T. Onken, Tonu Esko, Andres Metspalu, Proton Rahman, Dafna D. Gladman, Anne M. Bowcock, Cynthia Helms, Gerald G. Krueger, Sulev Koks, Külli Kingo, Christian Gieger, H. Erich Wichmann, Ulrich Mrowietz, Stephan Weidinger, Stefan Schreiber, Gonçalo R. Abecasis, James T. Elder, Michael Weichenthal, Andre Franke
Veröffentlicht in:
Journal of Investigative Dermatology, Ausgabe 0022202X, 2012, Seite(n) 1133-1140, ISSN 0022-202X
Blackwell Publishing Inc.
Ene Reimann, Külli Kingo, Maire Karelson, Paula Reemann, Ulvi Loite, Maris Keermann, Kristi Abram, Eero Vasar, Helgi Silm, Sulev Kõks
Veröffentlicht in:
Dermatology, Ausgabe 10188665, 2012, Seite(n) 168-176, ISSN 1018-8665
S. Karger AG
Aare Märtson, Sulev Kõks, Ene Reimann, Ele Prans, Triin Erm, Katre Maasalu
Veröffentlicht in:
Genomics Discovery, Ausgabe 20527993, 2013, Seite(n) 3, ISSN 2052-7993
Herbert Open Access Journals
Maris Keermann, Sulev Kõks, Ene Reimann, Ele Prans, Kristi Abram, Külli Kingo
Veröffentlicht in:
BMC Genomics, Ausgabe 14712164, 2015, ISSN 1471-2164
BioMed Central
Kaido Siimon, Paula Reemann, Annika Põder, Martin Pook, Triin Kangur, Külli Kingo, Viljar Jaks, Uno Mäeorg, Martin Järvekülg
Veröffentlicht in:
Materials Science and Engineering: C, Ausgabe 09284931, 2014, Seite(n) 538-545, ISSN 0928-4931
Elsevier BV
Paula Reemann, Triin Kangur, Martin Pook, Madis Paalo, Liis Nurmis, Ilmar Kink, Orm Porosaar, Külli Kingo, Eero Vasar, Sulev Kõks, Viljar Jaks, Martin Järvekülg
Veröffentlicht in:
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, Ausgabe 09574530, 2013, Seite(n) 783-792, ISSN 0957-4530
Kluwer Academic Publishers
K. Rull, K. Tomberg, S. Koks, J. Mannik, M. Mols, M. Sirotkina, S. Varv, M. Laan
Veröffentlicht in:
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, Ausgabe 0021972X, 2012, ISSN 0021-972X
The Endocrine Society
U Loite, K Kingo, E Reimann, P Reemann, E Vasar, H Silm, S Kõks
Veröffentlicht in:
Acta Dermato Venereologica, Ausgabe 00015555, 2013, Seite(n) 400-405, ISSN 0001-5555
Taylor & Francis
Jeannette I. Kast, Kerstin Wanke, Michael B. Soyka, Paulina Wawrzyniak, Deniz Akdis, Külli Kingo, Ana Rebane, Cezmi A. Akdis
Veröffentlicht in:
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Ausgabe 00916749, 2012, Seite(n) 544-547.e4, ISSN 0091-6749
Mosby Inc.
Jürgen Innos, Mari-Anne Philips, Sirli Raud, Kersti Lilleväli, Sulev Kõks, Eero Vasar
Veröffentlicht in:
Behavioural Brain Research, Ausgabe 01664328, 2012, Seite(n) 74-81, ISSN 0166-4328
Elsevier BV
Sulev Kõks, Ene Reimann, Rutt Lilleoja, Freddy Lättekivi, Andres Salumets, Paula Reemann, Ülle Jaakma
Veröffentlicht in:
Mammalian Genome, Ausgabe 09388990, 2014, Seite(n) 363-373, ISSN 0938-8990
Springer Verlag
K Douroudis, K Kingo, T Traks, E Reimann, K Raud, R Rätsep, R Mössner, H Silm, E Vasar, S Kõks
Veröffentlicht in:
Acta Dermato Venereologica, Ausgabe 00015555, 2012, Seite(n) 85-87, ISSN 0001-5555
Taylor & Francis
Ene Reimann, Külli Kingo, Maire Karelson, Paula Reemann, Ulvi Loite, Helen Sulakatko, Maris Keermann, Kristi Raud, Kristi Abram, Eero Vasar, Helgi Silm, Sulev Kõks
Veröffentlicht in:
Human Immunology, Ausgabe 01988859, 2012, Seite(n) 393-398, ISSN 0198-8859
Elsevier BV
K. Noormets, S. Kõks, M. Ivask, M. Aunapuu, A. Arend, E. Vasar, V. Tillmann
Veröffentlicht in:
Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes, Ausgabe 09477349, 2014, Seite(n) 281-286, ISSN 0947-7349
Johann Ambrosius Barth
K Koido, T Traks, R Balõtšev, T Eller, A Must, S Koks, E Maron, I Tõru, J Shlik, V Vasar, E Vasar
Veröffentlicht in:
Translational Psychiatry, Ausgabe 21583188, 2012, Seite(n) e152, ISSN 2158-3188
Nature Publishing Group
Tanel Visnapuu, Sirli Raud, Maarja Loomets, Riin Reimets, Silva Sütt, Hendrik Luuk, Mario Plaas, Sulev Kõks, Vallo Volke, Aet Alttoa, Jaanus Harro, Eero Vasar
Veröffentlicht in:
Frontiers in Neuroscience, Ausgabe 1662453X, 2013, ISSN 1662-453X
Jürgen Innos, Este Leidmaa, Mari-Anne Philips, Silva Sütt, Aet Alttoa, Jaanus Harro, Sulev Kõks, Eero Vasar
Veröffentlicht in:
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Ausgabe 0006291X, 2013, Seite(n) 413-418, ISSN 0006-291X
Academic Press
Tanel Visnapuu, Mario Plaas, Riin Reimets, Sirli Raud, Anton Terasmaa, Sulev Kõks, Silva Sütt, Hendrik Luuk, Christian Ansgar Hundahl, Kattri-Liis Eskla, Alina Altpere, Aet Alttoa, Jaanus Harro, Eero Vasar
Veröffentlicht in:
Behavioural Brain Research, Ausgabe 01664328, 2013, Seite(n) 90-99, ISSN 0166-4328
Elsevier BV
Kertu Rünkorg, Laura Orav, Sulev Kõks, Toshimitsu Matsui, Vallo Volke, Eero Vasar
Veröffentlicht in:
Behavioural Brain Research, Ausgabe 01664328, 2012, Seite(n) 335-339, ISSN 0166-4328
Elsevier BV
E Pärna, A Aluoja, K Kingo
Veröffentlicht in:
Acta Dermato Venereologica, Ausgabe 00015555, 2015, Seite(n) 312-316, ISSN 0001-5555
Taylor & Francis
E. Reimann, K. Kingo, M. Karelson, P. Reemann, E. Vasar, H. Silm, S. Kõks
Veröffentlicht in:
Dermatopathology, Ausgabe 22963529, 2014, Seite(n) 11-23, ISSN 2296-3529
Margit Lill, Sulev Kõks, Ursel Soomets, Leonard C. Schalkwyk, Cathy Fernandes, Irja Lutsar, Pille Taba
Veröffentlicht in:
Frontiers in Neuroscience, Ausgabe 16624548, 2013, ISSN 1662-4548
Frontiers Research Foundation
Tiit Örd, Jürgen Innos, Kersti Lilleväli, Triin Tekko, Silva Sütt, Daima Örd, Sulev Kõks, Eero Vasar, Tõnis Örd
Veröffentlicht in:
PLoS ONE, Ausgabe 19326203, 2014, Seite(n) e94691, ISSN 1932-6203
Public Library of Science
M. Karelson, H. Silm, T. Salum, S. Kõks, K. Kingo
Veröffentlicht in:
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, Ausgabe 09269959, 2012, Seite(n) 915-918, ISSN 0926-9959
Elsevier BV
Ana Rebane, Maya Zimmermann, Alar Aab, Hansjörg Baurecht, Andrea Koreck, Maire Karelson, Kristi Abram, Tauno Metsalu, Maire Pihlap, Norbert Meyer, Regina Fölster-Holst, Nikoletta Nagy, Lajos Kemeny, Külli Kingo, Jaak Vilo, Thomas Illig, Mübeccel Akdis, Andre Franke, Natalija Novak, Stephan Weidinger, Cezmi A. Akdis
Veröffentlicht in:
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Ausgabe 00916749, 2012, Seite(n) 1297-1306, ISSN 0091-6749
Mosby Inc.
Rutt Lilleoja, Aili Sarapik, Ene Reimann, Paula Reemann, Ülle Jaakma, Eero Vasar, Sulev Kõks
Veröffentlicht in:
Gene, Ausgabe 03781119, 2012, Seite(n) 69-76, ISSN 0378-1119
Elsevier BV
Ene Reimann, Sulev Kõks, Xuan Dung Ho, Katre Maasalu, Aare Märtson
Veröffentlicht in:
Human Genomics, Ausgabe 14797364, 2014, ISSN 1479-7364
BioMed Central Ltd
Lam C Tsoi, Sarah L Spain, Jo Knight, Eva Ellinghaus, Philip E Stuart, Francesca Capon, Jun Ding, Yanming Li, Trilokraj Tejasvi, Johann E Gudjonsson, Hyun M Kang, Michael H Allen, Ross McManus, Giuseppe Novelli, Lena Samuelsson, Joost Schalkwijk, Mona Ståhle, A David Burden, Catherine H Smith, Michael J Cork, Xavier Estivill, Anne M Bowcock, Gerald G Krueger, Wolfgang Weger, Jane Worthington, Rachid Tazi-Ahnini, Frank O Nestle, Adrian Hayday, Per Hoffmann, Juliane Winkelmann, Cisca Wijmenga, Cordelia Langford, Sarah Edkins, Robert Andrews, Hannah Blackburn, Amy Strange, Gavin Band, Richard D Pearson, Damjan Vukcevic, Chris C A Spencer, Panos Deloukas, Ulrich Mrowietz, Stefan Schreiber, Stephan Weidinger, Sulev Koks, Külli Kingo, Tonu Esko, Andres Metspalu, Henry W Lim, John J Voorhees, Michael Weichenthal, H Erich Wichmann, Vinod Chandran, Cheryl F Rosen, Proton Rahman, Dafna D Gladman, Christopher E M Griffiths, Andre Reis, Juha Kere, Kristina Callis Duffin, Cindy Helms, David Goldgar, Yun Li, Justin Paschall, Mary J Malloy, Clive R Pullinger, John P Kane, Jennifer Gardner, Amy Perlmutter, Andrew Miner, Bing Jian Feng, Ravi Hiremagalore, Robert W Ike, Enno Christophers, Tilo Henseler, Andreas Ruether, Steven J Schrodi, Sampath Prahalad, Stephen L Guthery, Judith Fischer, Wilson Liao, Pui Kwok, Alan Menter, G Mark Lathrop, C Wise, Ann B Begovich, Alexandros Onoufriadis, Michael E Weale, Angelika Hofer, Wolfgang Salmhofer, Peter Wolf, Kati Kainu, Ulpu Saarialho-Kere, Sari Suomela, Petra Badorf, Ulrike Hüffmeier, Werner Kurrat, Wolfgang Küster, Jesús Lascorz, Rotraut Mössner, Funda Schürmeier-Horst, Markward Ständer, Heiko Traupe, Judith G M Bergboer, Martin den Heijer, Peter C van de Kerkhof, Patrick L J M Zeeuwen, Louise Barnes, Linda E Campbell, Caitriona Cusack, Ciara Coleman, Judith Conroy, Sean Ennis, Oliver Fitzgerald, Phil Gallagher, Alan D Irvine, Brian Kirby, Trevor Markham, W H Irwin McLean, Joe McPartlin, Sarah F Rogers, Anthony W Ryan, Agnieszka Zawirska, Emiliano Giardina, Tiziana Lepre, Carlo Perricone, Gemma Martín-Ezquerra, Ramon M Pujol, Eva Riveira-Munoz, Annica Inerot, Åsa T Naluai, Lotus Mallbris, Katarina Wolk, Joyce Leman, Anne Barton, Richard B Warren, Helen S Young, Isis Ricano-Ponce, Gosia Trynka, Fawnda J Pellett, Andrew Henschel, Marin Aurand, Bruce Bebo, Christian Gieger, Thomas Illig, Susanne Moebus, Karl-Heinz Jöckel, Raimund Erbel, Peter Donnelly, Leena Peltonen, Jenefer M Blackwell, Elvira Bramon, Matthew A Brown, Juan P Casas, Aiden Corvin, Nicholas Craddock, Audrey Duncanson, Janusz Jankowski, Hugh S Markus, Christopher G Mathew, Mark I McCarthy, Colin N A Palmer, Robert Plomin, Anna Rautanen, Stephen J Sawcer, Nilesh Samani, Ananth C Viswanathan, Nicholas W Wood, Céline Bellenguez, Colin Freeman, Garrett Hellenthal, Eleni Giannoulatou, Matti Pirinen, Zhan Su, Sarah E Hunt, Rhian Gwilliam, Suzannah J Bumpstead, Serge Dronov, Matthew Gillman, Emma Gray, Naomi Hammond, Alagurevathi Jayakumar, Owen T McCann, Jennifer Liddle, Marc L Perez, Simon C Potter, Radhi Ravindrarajah, Michelle Ricketts, Matthew Waller, Paul Weston, Sara Widaa, Pamela Whittaker, Rajan P Nair, Andre Franke, Jonathan N W N Barker, Goncalo R Abecasis, James T Elder, Richard C Trembath
Veröffentlicht in:
Nature Genetics, Ausgabe 10614036, 2012, Seite(n) 1341-1348, ISSN 1061-4036
Nature Publishing Group
Dietrich Plass, Marie-Josée J Mangen, Arie H Havelaar, Cheryl Gibbons, Juanita Haagsma, Beate Jahn, Taavi Lai, Alies van Lier, Silvia Longhi, Scott A McDonald, Alexander Kraemer, Piotr Kramarz, Alessandro Cassini, Mirjam E Kretzschmar
Veröffentlicht in:
The Lancet, Ausgabe 01406736, 2013, Seite(n) S114, ISSN 0140-6736
The Lancet Publishing Group
Ele Prans, Külli Kingo, Tanel Traks, Helgi Silm, Eero Vasar, Sulev Kõks
Veröffentlicht in:
Human Immunology, Ausgabe 01988859, 2013, Seite(n) 792-795, ISSN 0198-8859
Elsevier BV
Paula Reemann, Ene Reimann, Sten Ilmjärv, Orm Porosaar, Helgi Silm, Viljar Jaks, Eero Vasar, Külli Kingo, Sulev Kõks
Veröffentlicht in:
PLoS ONE, Ausgabe 19326203, 2014, Seite(n) e115717, ISSN 1932-6203
Public Library of Science
Liis Uusküla, Jaana Männik, Kristiina Rull, Ave Minajeva, Sulev Kõks, Pille Vaas, Pille Teesalu, Jüri Reimand, Maris Laan
Veröffentlicht in:
PLoS ONE, Ausgabe 19326203, 2012, Seite(n) e49248, ISSN 1932-6203
Public Library of Science
David Ellinghaus, Eva Ellinghaus, Rajan P. Nair, Philip E. Stuart, Tõnu Esko, Andres Metspalu, Sophie Debrus, John V. Raelson, Trilokraj Tejasvi, Majid Belouchi, Sarah L. West, Jonathan N. Barker, Sulev Kõks, Külli Kingo, Tobias Balschun, Orazio Palmieri, Vito Annese, Christian Gieger, H. Erich Wichmann, Michael Kabesch, Richard C. Trembath, Christopher G. Mathew, Gonçalo R. Abecasis, Stephan Weidinger, Susanna Nikolaus, Stefan Schreiber, James T. Elder, Michael Weichenthal, Michael Nothnagel, Andre Franke
Veröffentlicht in:
The American Journal of Human Genetics, Ausgabe 00029297, 2012, Seite(n) 636-647, ISSN 0002-9297
University of Chicago Press
P Reemann, E Reimann, S Suutre, M Paavo, U Loite, O Porosaar, K Abram, H Silm, E Vasar, S Kõks, K Kingo
Veröffentlicht in:
Acta Dermato Venereologica, Ausgabe 00015555, 2014, Seite(n) 386-392, ISSN 0001-5555
Taylor & Francis
N. E. Mencacci, I. U. Isaias, M. M. Reich, C. Ganos, V. Plagnol, J. M. Polke, J. Bras, J. Hersheson, M. Stamelou, A. M. Pittman, A. J. Noyce, K. Y. Mok, T. Opladen, E. Kunstmann, S. Hodecker, A. Munchau, J. Volkmann, S. Samnick, K. Sidle, T. Nanji, M. G. Sweeney, H. Houlden, A. Batla, A. L. Zecchinelli, G. Pezzoli, G. Marotta, A. Lees, P. Alegria, P. Krack, F. Cormier-Dequaire, S. Lesage, A. Brice, P. Heutink, T. Gasser, S. J. Lubbe, H. R. Morris, P. Taba, S. Koks, E. Majounie, J. Raphael Gibbs, A. Singleton, J. Hardy, S. Klebe, K. P. Bhatia, N. W. Wood
Veröffentlicht in:
Brain, Ausgabe 00068950, 2014, Seite(n) 2480-2492, ISSN 0006-8950
Oxford University Press
Tauno Metsalu, Triin Viltrop, Airi Tiirats, Balaji Rajashekar, Ene Reimann, Sulev Kõks, Kristiina Rull, Lili Milani, Ganesh Acharya, Purusotam Basnet, Jaak Vilo, Reedik Mägi, Andres Metspalu, Maire Peters, Kadri Haller-Kikkatalo, Andres Salumets
Veröffentlicht in:
Epigenetics, Ausgabe 15592294, 2014, Seite(n) 1397-1409, ISSN 1559-2294
Landes Bioscience
Marite Punapart, Mall Eltermaa, Julia Oflijan, Silva Sütt, Anne Must, Sulev Kõks, Leonard C. Schalkwyk, Catherine Fernandes, Eero Vasar, Ursel Soomets, Anton Terasmaa
Veröffentlicht in:
PPAR Research, Ausgabe 16874757, 2014, Seite(n) 1-11, ISSN 1687-4757
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
P. Pärn, M. Plaas, M. Nõmm, Ü. Jaakma, S. Kõks
Veröffentlicht in:
Reproduction, Fertility and Development, Ausgabe 10313613, 2013, Seite(n) 172, ISSN 1031-3613
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Publishing
K. Rull, K. Tomberg, S. Kõks, J. Männik, M. Möls, M. Sirotkina, S. Värv, M. Laan
Veröffentlicht in:
Placenta, Ausgabe 01434004, 2013, Seite(n) 141-148, ISSN 0143-4004
W. B. Saunders Co., Ltd.
A. Van Soom, A. Fazeli
Veröffentlicht in:
Animal Reproduction, Ausgabe 14/3, 2017, Seite(n) 630-634, ISSN 1984-3143
European Embryo Transfer Association (AETE);
James Ord, Alireza Fazeli, Penelope J. Watt
Veröffentlicht in:
Periconception in Physiology and Medicine, 2017, Seite(n) 117-135, ISBN 978-3-319-62414-3
Springer International Publishing
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