Periodic Reporting for period 2 - 5G-ENSURE (5G Enablers for Network and System Security and Resilience)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2016-07-01 al 2017-10-31
5G-ENSURE did not only advance 5G security vision but also contribute to get materialized also shared various communities and stakeholders starting first with 5G-PPP and 5G security community large but also others.
Overall this project has been active on a number of topics where it has delivered major results that make it a foundation project on the 5G security field:
Advancement of the 5G security vision. The project has here collected, analysed and prioritized 5G security requirements. This has been made within the Consortium but also through two Open Consultations involving other 5G-PPP Projects and interested projects. This led to advancement of the 5G security Vision which was shared with 5G-PPP Vision WG and published. The project had also here significant contribution through 5G security Use case identified and which were document to exemplify 5G security specific requirements. 5G Security architecture. Indeed the project investigated and delivered a 5G security architecture covering the specifics of 5G (multi-domain, multi-part, SDN/NFV based …) compared to previous versions. This worked was aligned to ongoing activities at relevant SDO bodies (especially 3GPP where contribution was made). This 5G security architecture was also discussed with 5G PPP Architecture WG and integrated to overall 5G Architecture recommended by that group and published in latest version of Architecture Whitepaper.
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5G Security enablers. A set of security enablers addressing the most urgent demands for what concerns 5G Security have been openly specified, implemented and released. This was done in accordance to 5G Security Vision achieved but also to start to get this Vision be implemented. The development of the enablers to achieve the 5G Security Vision where scheduled through the setup of Technical Roadmap delivered final with had been achieved by the project versus what the project would like to recommend for future in view of the work done and what has been learnt. The Security enablers were also aligned to 5G Security architecture and materialize some of its building blocks. 5G Security testbed. A 5G security testbed was developed to accommodate 5G security enablers and so get them integrated, testbed and deployed. This 5G security testbed was made sustainable and offer unique opportunity through tools and workflows offered as well as enablers present in its catalogue. It would clearly be used in the context of the 5G-PPP Phase 2 (ongoing) and Phase 3 (upcoming) but other 5G contexts. 5G Security WG: The 5G Security WG created by 5G-ENSURE has delivered major workshop and whitepaper (i.e. 5G-PPP Phase 1 Security Landscape Whitepaper). This Security WG community created is very active and this WG will continue with even more participants since now transferred to 5G Industry Association. 5G security standardization: 5G-ENSURE project was very active on the field and had significant contributions to relevant SDOs (i.e. 3GPP, ETSI, …). This is something which has also been recognized by Advisory Board members. The project also managed to team with NIST. 5G Security dissemination: The project widely disseminated it results at many major events (e.g. EuCNC’17, ETSI Security Week, …) within and outside 5G-PPP since the project also managed to liaise with other PPP (e.g. Cyber Security PPP – ECSO).
5G-ENSURE project delivered a lot of useful and usable (actionable) results for interested projects from subsequent 5G-PPP Phases and beyond to leverage upon. At the time of writing we have clear evidence the results achieved have been taken and would be continued.
The first eight project months concentrated on producing the first versions of the deliverables specifying the architecture and implementing the release 1 related enablers, as well as setting up the test bed. The latter part of the project (16 project months) were used used in advancing the release 1 towards release 2 with final versions of the specifications and implementations.