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Enhancing the innovation management capacities of SMEs in East Poland

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - KAM2EastPoland (Enhancing the innovation management capacities of SMEs in East Poland)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2015-01-01 al 2016-12-31

Innovation support has been one of the main issues of the EU policy in recent years. Special support was offered to SMEs as the major group of enterprises (99% in the EU, according to the data of the EC) generating most of the GDP. The most important problem indicated by enterprises was lack of financial resources. The second one was the inability to manage innovation processes efficiently and effectively. In addition, some crucial areas for Polish SMEs remained chronically underperforming such as skills, innovation and exploiting the potential of the foreign markets. These shortcomings are especially evident in Eastern Poland. Some of this needs have been met by the biggest European Network – EEN through information and advisory services, trainings and internationalization services but still innovation management support (mentoring and coaching services to develop the ideas from the concept to the market) needed improvements and this is why new services were established in the frame of H2020 programme.
New services (complementary to EEN services) were very important for society, especially for the target group: SMEs with high potential for innovation in Eastern Poland because they helped to increase efficiency and effectiveness of R&D and innovation investments which is crucial to smart and sustainable growth in the EU and this concept was also the main objective of the project.
The main objectives (indicated above) in East Poland were implemented by five Partners from lubelskie, podlaskie and warmińsko-mazurskie regions, by two specific objectives:
- Economic potential increase among enterprises benefiting from SME Instrument in the framework of Horizon 2020 by bottlenecks identification and indicated problems solving with the help of a capable coach. This objective was implemented by establishing specially designed service “Key account management”;
- Increase of innovation potential of small and medium enterprises lacking professional support in the field of innovation management. This objective was implemented by specially designed activity: “Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs”.
Consortium Partners declared to achieve 10 KAM services and 36 EIMC to reach the objectives of the project.
EENEP Partners focused on providing a high level of services to target SMEs in East Poland. Five Consortium Partners were involved in KAM2EastPoland project and implemented two groups of services: “Key account management” for the beneficiaries of the SME instrument and “Enhancing SME innovation management capacity” for innovating SME. Each Partner employed staff with an appropriate mix of competencies to cooperate with the client with high potential for innovation management. All staff dedicated to the project implementation was approved by PO which guaranteed the high quality of services provided to the clients. Very important was also that all staff in the project had specialised training organised by IMP³rove Academy.
The most important activity, especially at the beginning of the project implementation, was the promotion of the new services to encourage potential SMEs. All Consortium Partners were delivering information about KAM and EIMC for SMEs during e.g.: company visits, events. In addition, the leaflets were prepared. Some Consortium Partners organised events concerning how to apply successfully to SME Instrument. All necessary forms were prepared. All the benefits of KAM and EIMC services were presented to encourage SMEs to participate in KAM2EastPoland project.
The Consortium set up implementation of 10 KAM services during 2 years, but one service was implemented because there were only 3 Beneficiaries of SME Instrument in the EENEP Consortium regions in 2016 (information about 2 beneficiaries was received at the end of the year 2016 so, this cases will be reported in 2017-2018 period). Implementation of 36 EIMC services was planned, 23 was performed during 2015-2016. Very important achievement is the fact that the SMEs willing to use the services of EIMC, see the potential benefits for business development. This, in turn, gives reasons to believe that in the future period of the project implementation more companies will be interested in using the EIMC services.
Moreover, the promotion activities and encouraging SMEs to participate in H2020 programme will give the chance that more companies may get funding from SME Instrument and at the same time EENEP Consortium Partners will have the chance to implement more KAM services.
EENEP Partners supported 24 SMEs overall for EIMC and KAM. Partners have not noted any significant impact of services upon job creation and financial gain so far. It may result from the fact that the services were carried out relatively recently (all services were delivered in 2016), thus the full potential of services might not have been reached. However, the Partners diagnosed the potential impact for the companies of the services provided:
- one client has tentatively confirmed the creation of 2 additional workplaces, progress will be monitored by LDF,
- improvement of the companies’ market position and ability to develop their services,
- increasing companies’ turnover,
- cost saving achievement by contacting through EEN platform (the synergy between H2020 services and COSME activities),
- improvement of ability to consolidate its position on its current markets,
- contribution to getting new clients.
Moreover one company has developed prototype of innovative type of socks with electro isolation properties resulting from the cooperation with R&D. One innovation new to the company was introduced. Another company designs and delivers investment and technology projects for the energy and industry sectors. The company runs many innovation projects. One innovation new to the market and one new to the company were introduced. Also another company introduced innovation to the market.
Within the Consortium only one Partner had the KAM service and diagnosed coach impact for the company as follows: fresh perspectives in relation to customer segments & value proposition; validated current marketing activity; coach looking for collaboration in Scotland; value proposition tools used to find ways of creating value for target French wholesaler. Moreover support in the form of KAM services and coaching that was addressed to the company helped the company in upscaling process of the unique project, which is wheat bran 100% biodegradable tableware production process. The company has developed its own technology, patented it and needed support in further development. Receiving professional advisory was crucial in further steps of development. One innovation new to the market was also introduced.
All aforementioned achievements may result in the job creation and financial gain for companies.
Methodology and strategy foreseen in the Consortium’s Implementation Strategy (IS) were implemented (detailed information in Core report Part 2. During the project implementation, the synergy between EEN services and EIMC/KAM services was maintained. All clients under EIMC/KAM were involved in EEN services under COSME. The synergy was as follows:
- identification of funding opportunities for SMEs applicants who received EIMC service,
- identification of EIMC clients in COSME activities such as BE/CM, seminars, trainings, POD profiles,
- further support of EIMC clients under COSME (information services, advisory support).