Periodic Reporting for period 4 - SOCIAL ROBOTS (Mechanisms and Consequences of Attributing Socialness to Artificial Agents)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2021-04-01 al 2023-03-31
With that being said, significant progress was made to the project goals with the first research stream being completed in its entirety, and the second and third research streams being completed nearly in their entirety. As such, our findings have yielded rich and methodologically-rigorous insights into how young adults, children and older adults perceive and interact with social robots, using brain imaging, behavioural and training measures, and the extent to which perceptions of and interactions with social robots are influenced by cultural background (Scottish vs. Japanese). From start to finish, we have focused on embracing Open Science methods, having preregistered each of our empirical studies, and shared all data, code, and materials for most of our studies (and all in this last and final reporting period). In addition, we devised and presented public engagement events based on the objectives of the project, ensuring individuals beyond academia are invested in and benefit from the research undertaken.
In total, the team produced 21 publications and 25 invited conference talks for the PI alone, as well as organised a multidisciplinary workshop on the social neurocognition of human robot interaction (Bangor University, August 2017) and a symposium on a similar topic at the 2018 HRI meeting in Chicago, USA. Moreover, two team members (Cross and Hortensius) served as co-editors of a theme issue of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B along with fellow ERC awardee, Agnieszka Wykowska, titled ‘From social brains to social robots: Applying neurocognitive insights to human-robot interaction’, published in 2019.
The project has achieved a high level of public engagement too. Our ‘Popularity Contest at the Robotic Petting Zoo’ project was featured on the BBC and other news websites, as well as BBC Radio Wales, and in the first instalment of this interactive event, we attracted nearly 1000 visitors of all ages and backgrounds to take part over a 1-week period (December 2017). Since then, we have run the event at the Glasgow Science Festival and the British Science Festival, attracting several thousand more participants. In addition, the SOCIAL ROBOTS project was featured in the ERCcomic You, Robot, published in 2018 (see
In addition, eight team members maintained active twitter accounts throughout the duration of the project, with frequent tweeting of #TeamSoBots project updates. Our active project website featured research updates and papers and presentations prepared by team members and students as part of our social robotics journal club ( and we also developed a dedicated website for the robotic petting zoo outreach project ( We curate an active Open Science Framework account, where we share our research materials and data with the general public (as well as other academic users) in an aim to foster the transparency and reproducibility of our team’s research. We estimate that our dissemination and communication activities have reached ~9,000 members of the general public.
During the first half of the project, we developed careful and thorough foundational work that we sought to build upon during the second half of the project. Unfortunately, we failed to meet all of our (ambitious) targets for this second half of the research due to pandemic-related challenges, but we nonetheless accomplished more (on balance) than we set out to when the proposal was originally written in late 2014/early 2015. In sum, this project has enriched and deepened our understanding of developmental, aging and cross-cultural neurocognitive perspectives on human--robot interaction.