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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Access to I4MS


Website supprting DIH mentoring and coaching

Website sub-section providing information on the Mentoring programme and on the information communicated during the mentoring

Updated work plan

Phase 2 updated work plan

Open call management and support system

Development of management and support system for the two open calls.

Final project report

The final project report will focus on the lessons learned from the project. Specifically it will address the experiences and lessons from the open call processes and the 29 DIH feasibility studies. This set of studies is the largest source of practical information on developing plans for the establishment of DIH so far. We will use it to provide a synthesis of findings on key aspects relevant for the successful establishment of future DIH. This is highly relevant as the EC goal is to establish a DIH in every region. The deliverable will address critical issues such as: ecosystem assessment, DH governance, use case development, access to finance and funding sources, relevant business models for DIH, etc. Note that the Innovation Actions will evaluate individual DIH project proposals, but will not draw lessons across the set of 29 studies. Deliverable 6.3 will therefore provide an important analysis of the existing information and will complement the task of the Innovation Actions

Fact sheets

Portfolio/ catalogue of fact sheets, best practices and success stories about ICT applications and ICT advances from across the EU using the I4MS network and from a global search for alternate relevant sources.

Funding opportunities report

Overview report of public and private funding possibilities at regional, national and EU level

Memorandum on Portal functionalities

Memorandum on Portal functionalities and suggestions for further improvement with Growth consortium.

Summary report on webinar series

Online support will be provided through a series of interactive webinars. A summary report detailing the action will be prepared.

Brokerage report

Training material for brokerage activities

Technology use cases

This deliverable focuses on generating a template that captures the key elements of a use case and developing the guidelines providing best practices for completion of use cases.

Brokerage needs assessment report
ICT in manufacturing survey report
Call documentation

Call documentation (Guidelines, templates, manuals etc.)

Database of suppliers and users

Database of suppliers and users of technology established and available on the portal

Summer school

Summer school events, workshops, expert meetings (demand driven)

Annual events

Annual event Amsterdam delivered and support to other events provided

Database of existing platforms

Database of existing platforms relevant for I4MS available on the portal

Consortium and network management

Consortium and network management [M1 – M30]

Demonstration system

The aim of this deliverable is to show the I4MS community the power of demonstrators and to disseminate relevant demonstrators

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