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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Skilled Intentionality for 'Higher' Embodied Cognition: Joining forces with a field of affordances in flux

Periodic Reporting for period 4 - AFFORDS-HIGHER (Skilled Intentionality for 'Higher' Embodied Cognition: Joining forces with a field of affordances in flux)

Berichtszeitraum: 2020-11-01 bis 2022-04-30

Skilled Intentionality for 'Higher' Embodied Cognition: Joining Forces with a Field of Affordances in Flux

It is often assumed that embodied/enactive cognitive science has sensible things to say about so-called ‘lower’ cognition (say grasping a glass or riding a bike), but not about ‘higher’ cognition (say using creative imagination or comforting a sad friend); that it can deal only with the immediately present environment but not with the absent or the abstract, such as for example a plan for a new building. Based on my experience in the practice of experimental architecture I believe that these dichotomies are largely artificial. Both ‘lower’ and ‘higher’ cognition, can actually be regarded as skilled activities situated in socio-cultural practices. I have begun developing an account of situated skilled activities that is more unified than the ‘higher’-‘lower’ dichotomy it replaces. I call this the Skilled Intentionality Framework. Skilled intentionality is simultaneous coordination with multiple affordances - possibilities for action provided to us by the environment. If we want to understand the relation between mind and world, skilled intentionality is crucial because it is the kind of intentionality that characterizes most of the things individuals do: in everyday human life and in expert activities. It is not an exceptional type of cognition but the norm. The overarching aim of my interdisciplinary ERC StG-project AFFORDS-HIGHER is to further develop the Skilled Intentionality Framework (SIF). I want to understand the way in which the action possibilities offered by the surrounding environment scaffold skilled action and ‘higher’ cognition.

The project is organized around the following three subprojects:
- Subproject 1 has the key objective of further developing the Skilled Intentionality Framework. It will focus on theoretical issues related to the three main aspects of the ‘individual-environment’ system: the changing environment, the active individual situated in a particular place, and the field of relevant affordances that results from the self-organized coordination of an individual with her dynamically changing surroundings
- The key objective of subproject 2 is to investigate affordances for ‘higher’ embodied cognition in the context of making a specific architectural Landscape of Standing Affordances. I chose to embed two team members in the practice of architecture because it is rich with ‘higher’ cognition in its demand for creative imagination, sketching, long term planning, visualization, verbalization, and the anticipation of future users’ interactions with a design.
- Subproject 3 investigates the self-organizing brain-body-environment system as a whole: how do body and brain join forces together with a field of affordances in flux? This project takes place at the crossroads between philosophy, theoretical neurobiology and ecological dynamical systems theory. The key objective is to understand the causal processes that enable skilled intentionality at multiple levels of analysis and over multiple time-scales, from milliseconds to years.
The research team I composed was of excellent quality. We have published in several top journals and realized exhibitions with media attention worldwide. The team includes researchers of all levels. We have been able to publish in the leading journals in the relevant fields: e.g. top philosophy journal Synthese (several times), Philosophical Studies, Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, as well as in TiCS and The Architectural Review. We have been awarded the European Prize of Architecture (Philippe Rotthier) together with my collaborators at RAAAF and Atelier de Lyon. Our Synthese article “The anticipating brain is not a scientist” was the second most downloaded paper of that journal in 2016-2021. We have established collaborations with some of the most influential researchers in the field such as Karl Friston and Tony Chemero, which has led to important publications. We have developed the Skilled Intentionality Framework (SIF) further in a chapter in the Oxford Handbook of 4E Cognition An architect and postdoctoral researcher have been successfully embedded at the visual art & architecture practice RAAAF to investigate affordances for ‘higher’ cognition, which has led to a new process-based account affordances and skilled intentionality.

Public lectures, newspaper interviews and television items aimed at broad audiences outside the academic sphere allowed us to disseminate the project’s results to the wider public. Our affordance-based work in architecture and visual art (together with RAAAF) has attracted international attention and resulted in several new artworks (including Breaking Habits, Deltawerk //, Hidden Worlds, Still Life, Luftschloss, Black Water). This work featured on popular websites like Dezeen, Designboom, and ArchDaily as well as in top publications for the architecture field like The Architectural Review and l’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui. Deltawerk // and Black Water were listed as best visual art internationally by Dutch national newspaper NRC in 2018 and 2021 respectively. The esteemed German weekly newspaper Die Zeit published an article about the RAAAF artwork Breaking Habits, which served as the setting for our embedded research (subproject 2). Canal+ made a television special on our proposal and experiments for the office of the future. Various Dutch national newspapers published interviews with us on our work at the crossroads of architecture, visual art and philosophy. Well-attended public lectures and/or seminars were delivered at renowned art academies, museums and other institutions such as Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Gerrit Rietveld Art Academie, Rijksacademie voor Beeldende Kunsten, and Garage Museum for Contempory Art in Moscow. We were invite to launch a philosophy book in the form of an artwork (artists book) together with an exhibition at the Netherlands Royal Academy of Arts & Sciences. This book, titled The Landscape of Affordances, has been selected for the Best Dutch Book Designs exhibition at Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. Black Water has been nominated for Amsterdam Art Prize 2021, which generated a lot of media attention for the project as well.
Besides the fundamental conceptual work in the philosophy of embodied cognitive science, my method has a second and rather unique aspect to it: it is deeply rooted in practice. Together with RAAAF we built a new affordance-based End of Sitting art installation called ‘Breaking Habits’ for the headquarters of the Mondriaan Fund for Visual Arts. Both a Dutch science television program and the German newspaper Die Zeit interviewed us on it. Some other artworks the embedded architects and PI worked on were the short film Trusted Strangers (premiered at Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam), the art installation Hidden Worlds (Cappadox Contemporary Art), short film Luftschloss (premiered at Eye Film Museum and now in their collection), and Black Water. Crucially, during the process of skilled making, RAAAF functioned as the site for an ethnography of situated anticipation and situated talking, which led to a publication with honorable mention in Language Sciences. Over the course of the ERC project, our focus on real-life situations of skilled intentionality had many advantages: strong reality checks, excellent immediate feedback, unconventional cross-fertilizations, and a deeper, integrative understanding.
RAAAF Atelier de Lyon - Deltawerk // (2018) Photo: Jan Kempenaers
RAAAF Artists' Book - The Landscape of Affordances (Rietveld & Rietveld 2021)
RAAAF - Still Life (2019) - Photo: Jan Kempenaers
RAAAF - Still Life (2019) - Photo: Jan Kempenaers
RAAAF Atelier de Lyon - Deltwawerk // (2018) Photo: Jan Kempenaers
RAAAF - Luftschloss (2021) - Movie Still
RAAAF Atelier de Lyon - Deltawerk // (2018)
RAAAF Artists' Book - The Landscape of Affordances (Rietveld & Rietveld 2021)
RAAAF - Luftschloss (2021) - Film poster
RAAAF Artists' Book - The Landscape of Affordances (Rietveld & Rietveld 2021)
RAAAF - Black Water (2021)
RAAAF [Rietveld Architecture-Art-Affordances] - Breaking Habits (2017) Photo: Johannes Schwartz
RAAAF - Black Water (2021) Photo: Maurice Spees