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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Revolutionary Design of Spacecraft through Holistic Integration of Future Technologies

CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.

I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .

Risultati finali

Proposal for improved mitigation procedures and guidelines

Based on the results of the projects proposal for improved mitigation guidelines will be formulated. This document, with public dissemination, is intended as a contribution for the main international panels (e.g., IADC, UNCOPUOS, etc.) and national entities.

Handbooks for the different audiences of the dedicated dissemination meetings

Dedicated handbooks to be delivered during the outreach presentations, tailored for the specific audiences.

Web tool

Web version of the software tool (D31 (6.2), developed in WP6). The web tool will allow the interested users to exploit the technical findings of the project to design a space mission according to the mitigation solutions found in ReDSHIFT, thus assuring a large visibility to the scientific results of the project.

Web site of the project (with Twitter and Facebook pages)

Web site of the project, Facebook page and Twitter account



Autori: Camilla Colombo, Elisa Maria Alessi, Kleomenis Tsiganis, Aaron Rosengren, Giovanni Valsecchi, Alessandro Rossi
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 67 th International Astronautical Congress, Guadalajara, Mexico, 26-30 September 2016., 2016, Pagina/e 11 pages
Editore: International Astronautical Federation (IAF)

Long-term dynamics of artificial Earth satellites

Autori: D. K. Skoulidou , A. J. Rosengren , K. Tsiganis, G. Voyatzis
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the First Greek-Austrian Workshop on Extrasolar Planetary Systems, 2016, Pagina/e 15
Editore: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform


Autori: Camilla Colombo, Ioannis Gkolias
Pubblicato in: 7th European Conference on Space Debris, 2017, Pagina/e 14
Editore: ESA Space Debris Office


Autori: G. Schettino, E.M. Alessi, A. Rossi, G.B. Valsecchi
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 68th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 2017, Pagina/e 8
Editore: International Astronautical Federation


Autori: Gkolias I., Colombo C.
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 68th International Astronautical Congress, 2017, Pagina/e 13
Editore: International Astronautical Federation


Autori: Despoina K. Skoulidou, Aaron J. Rosengren, Kleomenis Tsiganis, George Voyatzis
Pubblicato in: 7th European Conference on Space Debris, 2017, Pagina/e 6
Editore: ESA Space Debris Office

Results of Reference Long-term Simulations Focussing on Passive Means to Reduce the Impact of Space Debris

Autori: Volker Schaus, Jonas Radtke, Enrico Stoll, Alessandro Rossi, Camilla Colombo, Stefania Tonetti, Ian Holbrough
Pubblicato in: 7th European Conference on Space Debris, 2017, Pagina/e 10
Editore: ESA Space Debris Office


Autori: E.M Alessi, G. Schettino, A. Rossi, G.B. Valsecchi
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 68th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 2017, Pagina/e 8
Editore: International Astronautical Federation

Results from the H2020 Redshift Project: a Global Approach to Space Debris Mitigation

Autori: Rossi, A.; Colombo, C.; Beck, J.; Becedas Rodríguez, J.; Dalla Vedova, F.; Schaus, V.; Francesconi, A.; Walker, S.; Tsiganis, K.; Popova, R.; Schleutker, T.; Holbrough, I.; Stokes, H.; Alessi, E. M.; Gkolias, I.; Kim, Y.; Schettino, G.; Skoulidou, D. K.; Stoll, E.; Letterio, F.
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 69th International Astronautical Congress, 2018, Pagina/e 11
Editore: International Astronautical Federation

The H2020 project ReDSHIFT: Overview, First Results and Perspectives

Autori: Rossi, A.; Alessi, E. M.; Schettino, G.; Beck, J.; Schleutker, T.; Letterio, F.; Becedas Rodriguez, J.; Dalla Vedova, F.; Stokes, H.; Colombo, C.; Walker, S.; Yang, S.; Tsiganis, K.; Stoll, E.; Schaus, V.; Popova, R.; Francesconi, A.
Pubblicato in: 7th European Conference on Space Debris, Numero 6, 2017
Editore: ESA Space Debris Office

LEO mapping for passive dynamical disposal

Autori: E. M. Alessi, G. Schettino, A. Rossi and G. B. Valsecchi
Pubblicato in: 7th European Conference on Space Debris, 2017, Pagina/e 9
Editore: ESA Space Debris Office

Assessment of passive and active solar sailing strategies for end-of-life re-entry

Autori: Colombo C., de Bras de Fer T.
Pubblicato in: Proceeding of the 67th International Astronautical Congress, Guadalajara, Mexico, IAC-16-A6.4.4, 2016
Editore: International Astronautical Federation (IAF)

Dynamical systems description of the solar radiation pressure and J2 phase space for end-of-life design and frozen orbit design

Autori: Alessi E.M., Colombo C.
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 69th International Astronautical Congress, Bremen, Germany, 1-5 Oct. 2018, Numero IAC-18.A6.10-C1.7.11, 2018, Pagina/e 15
Editore: International Astronautical Federation

Improved Representation of Destructive Spacecraft Re-entry from Analysis of High Enthalpy Wind Tunnel Tests of Spacecraft and Equipment

Autori: Beck J., Schleutker T., Guelham, A
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 69th International Astronautical Congress, Bremen, Germany, 1-5 Oct. 2018, Numero IAC-A8-A6.2.5, 2018, Pagina/e 12
Editore: International Astronautical Federation

Planar orbit and attitude dynamics of an Earth-orbiting solar sail under J2 and atmospheric drag effects

Autori: Miguel N., Colombo C.
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, 19-23 Aug. 2018, Numero AAS18-361, 2018, Pagina/e 21
Editore: AAS/AIAA

The Legal Implementation of Space Debris Remediation as a Necessary Condition for the Sustainability of Near-Earth Space

Autori: R. Popova
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 69th International Astronautical Congress, Bremen, Germany, 1-5 Oct. 2018, Numero IAC-18,A6,8,9,X44831, 2018
Editore: International Astronautical Federation

Disposal design for geosynchronous satellites revisited

Autori: Gkolias I., Colombo C.
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, 19-23 Aug. 2018,, Numero AAS18-378, 2018, Pagina/e 15
Editore: AAS/AIAA

RedSHIFT Software Tool for the design and computation of mission end-of-life-disposal

Autori: Letterio F., Alessi E.M., Gkolias I., Skoulidou D.K., Schaus V., Beck J., Vicario de Miguel G., Schettino G., Rossi A., Colombo C., Tsiganis K., Holbrough I., Miguel N.
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Astrodynamics Tools and Techniques (ICATT), 6-9 Nov. 2018., 2018, Pagina/e 9
Editore: European Space Agency

Experimental characterization of multi-layer 3d-printed shields for microsatellites

Autori: Olivieri L., Giacomuzzo C., Francesconi A., Geradin S., Bagatin M., Paccagnella A., Finozzi A., Stokes H., Romei F., Walker S., Rossi A.
Pubblicato in: Proceeding of the 69th International Astronautical Congress, Bremen, Germany, 1-5 Oct. 2018, Numero IAC-18-A6,3,7, 2018, Pagina/e 12
Editore: International Astronautical federation

Redesign and Space Qualification of a 3D Printed Satellite Structure with Polietherimide

Autori: Becedas J., Caparrós A., Morillo P., Rodríguez Flores G., Urteaga J.M
Pubblicato in: 17th Reinventing Space Conference, , 12-14 Nov. 2018, Numero BIS-RS-2018-18, 2018
Editore: RISpace

Survey of Available Boom Technologies, the related TRL2 (and 3) and When Will We Reach Our Solar Sails Missions Objectives

Autori: Dalla Vedova F., Morin P.
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Solar Sailing 2017, 17-20 Jan. 2017, Numero 17025, 2017, Pagina/e 6
Editore: Japan Space Forum

The Horizon 2020 project ReDSHIFT: Revolutionary Design of Spacecraft through Holistic Integration of Future Technologies

Autori: Rossi A., Colombo C., Alessi E.M., Valsecchi G., Beck J, Guelhan A., Schleutker T., Letterio F., Molina S., Ramirez A., Becedas J., Dalla Vedova F., Stokes H., Lewis H., Yang S., Tsiganis K., Schaus V., Stoll E., Radtke J., Popova R., Francesconi A., Paccagnella A.,
Pubblicato in: 6th International Conference on Astrodynamics Tools and Techniques (ICATT), 14-17 Mar. 2016., 2016
Editore: European Space Agency

Natural highways for end-of-life solutions in the LEO region

Autori: Elisa Maria Alessi, Giulia Schettino, Alessandro Rossi, Giovanni B. Valsecchi
Pubblicato in: Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, Numero 130/5, 2018, ISSN 0923-2958
Editore: Kluwer Academic Publishers
DOI: 10.1007/s10569-018-9822-z

The Legal Framework for Space Debris Remediation as a Tool for Sustainability in Outer Space

Autori: Rada Popova, Volker Schaus
Pubblicato in: Aerospace, Numero 5/2, 2018, Pagina/e 55, ISSN 2226-4310
Editore: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/aerospace5020055

Solar radiation pressure resonances in Low Earth Orbits

Autori: Elisa Maria Alessi, Giulia Schettino, Alessandro Rossi, Giovanni B. Valsecchi
Pubblicato in: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Numero 473/2, 2017, Pagina/e 2407-2414, ISSN 0035-8711
Editore: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stx2507

ReDSHIFT: A Global Approach to Space Debris Mitigation

Autori: Alessandro Rossi, Camilla Colombo, Kleomenis Tsiganis, James Beck, Jonathan Rodriguez, Scott Walker, Federico Letterio, Florio Dalla Vedova, Volker Schaus, Rada Popova, Alessandro Francesconi, Hedley Stokes, Thorn Schleutker, Elisa Alessi, Giulia Schettino, Ioannis Gkolias, Despoina Skoulidou, Ian Holbrough, Franco Bernelli Zazzera, Enrico Stoll, Youngkyu Kim
Pubblicato in: Aerospace, Numero 5/2, 2018, Pagina/e 64, ISSN 2226-4310
Editore: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/aerospace5020064

Interfacing Sail Modules for Use with “Space Tugs”

Autori: Florio Dalla Vedova, Pierre Morin, Thibault Roux, Roberta Brombin, Alberto Piccinini, Nigel Ramsden
Pubblicato in: Aerospace, Numero 5/2, 2018, Pagina/e 48, ISSN 2226-4310
Editore: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/aerospace5020048

Towards a sustainable exploitation of the geosynchronous orbital region

Autori: Gkolias, I., Colombo C.,
Pubblicato in: Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 2019, Pagina/e 34, ISSN 0923-2958
Editore: Kluwer Academic Publishers
DOI: 10.1007/s10569-019-9895-3

Redesign & Space Qualification of a 3D-Printed Satellite Structure

Autori: Becedas J., Caparrós A., Morillo P., Rodríguez Flores G., Urteaga J.M., “”,
Pubblicato in: Journal of British Interplanetary Society, Numero V. 71, n. 11, 2018, Pagina/e 416-425, ISSN 0007-084X
Editore: British Interplanetary Society

Exploiting dynamical perturbations for the end-of-life disposal of spacecraft in LEO

Autori: G. Schettino, E.M. Alessi, A. Rossi, G.B. Valsecchi
Pubblicato in: Astronomy and Computing, Numero 27, 2019, Pagina/e 1-10, ISSN 2213-1337
Editore: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.ascom.2019.02.001

On the practical exploitation of perturbative effects in low Earth orbit for space debris mitigation

Autori: Volker Schaus, Elisa Maria Alessi, Giulia Schettino, Alessandro Rossi, Enrico Stoll
Pubblicato in: Advances in Space Research, Numero 63/7, 2019, Pagina/e 1979-1991, ISSN 0273-1177
Editore: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2019.01.020

Dynamical uncertainty and demisability occurrence for the atmospheric re-entry of SOHO

Autori: Elisa Maria Alessi, Giacomo Tommei, Ian Holbrough, James Beck
Pubblicato in: Advances in Space Research, Numero 62/11, 2018, Pagina/e 3033-3047, ISSN 0273-1177
Editore: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2018.08.019

Dynamical cartography of Earth satellite orbits

Autori: Aaron J. Rosengren, Despoina K. Skoulidou, Kleomenis Tsiganis, George Voyatzis
Pubblicato in: Advances in Space Research, Numero 63/1, 2019, Pagina/e 443-460, ISSN 0273-1177
Editore: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2018.09.004

Medium Earth Orbit dynamical survey and its use in passive debris removal

Autori: Despoina K. Skoulidou, Aaron J. Rosengren, Kleomenis Tsiganis, George Voyatzis
Pubblicato in: Advances in Space Research, 2019, ISSN 0273-1177
Editore: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2019.02.015

Dynamical lifetime survey of geostationary transfer orbits

Autori: Despoina K. Skoulidou, Aaron J. Rosengren, Kleomenis Tsiganis, George Voyatzis
Pubblicato in: Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, Numero 130/11, 2018, ISSN 0923-2958
Editore: Kluwer Academic Publishers
DOI: 10.1007/s10569-018-9865-1

Additive Manufacturing Applied to the Design of Small Satellite Structure for Space Debris Reduction

Autori: Jonathan Becedas, Andrés Caparrós
Pubblicato in: Applications of Design for Manufacturing and Assembly, 2019, ISBN 978-1-78984-935-6
Editore: IntechOpen
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.78762

Advanced Space Flight Mechanical Qualification Test of a 3D- Printed Satellite Structure Produced in Polyetherimide ULTEMTM

Autori: Jonathan Becedas, Andrés Caparrós, Antonio Ramírez, Pablo Morillo, Esther Sarachaga, Almudena Martín-Moreno
Pubblicato in: Advanced Engineering Testing, 2018, ISBN 978-1-78984-243-2
Editore: InTech
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.79852

The orbital dynamics environment about Earth: application in passive space debris removal

Autori: Skoulidou D. K., Rosengren A. J., Tsiganis K., Voyatzis G., “”,
Pubblicato in: The 7th International meeting on Celestial Mechanics (CELMEC VII), 3-9 Sept. 2017, 2017
Editore: CELMEC

Natural Eccentricity Increase in Low Earth Orbit

Autori: Alessi E.M., Schettino G., Rossi A., Valsecchi G.B.
Pubblicato in: International Workshop on Key Topics in Orbit Propagation Applied to Space Situational Awareness (KePASSA) 2017, 2017
Editore: European Space Agency

Passive dynamical de-orbiting from LEO to GEO

Autori: Rossi A., Colombo C., Tsiganis K., Alessi E.M., Rosengren A., Valsecchi G.B.,
Pubblicato in: 4th European Workshop on Space Debris Modelling and Remediation, CNES, , 6-8 Jun. 2016, 2016
Editore: CNES

ReDSHIFT: Revolutionary Design of Spacecraft through Holistic Integration of Future Technologies

Autori: Rossi A., Colombo C., Alessi E. M., Valsecchi G., Beck J, Guelhan A., Schleutker T., Letterio F., Molina S., Ramirez A., Becedas J., Dalla Vedova F., Stokes H., Lewis H., Yang S., Tsiganis K., Schaus V., Stoll E., Radtke J., Popova R., Francesconi A., Paccagnella A.
Pubblicato in: 4th European Workshop on Space Debris Modelling and Remediation, CNES, 6-8 Jun. 2016., 2016
Editore: CNES

Resonant Signatures in the LEO Region

Autori: Alessi E.M., Schettino G., Rossi A., Valsecchi G.B., “”,
Pubblicato in: The 7th International meeting on Celestial Mechanics (CELMEC VII), 3-9 Sept. 2017, 2017
Editore: CELMEC

The ReDSHIFT Software Tool for End-of-Life Disposal Design

Autori: Alessi E.M. and the ReDSHIFT team, “”,
Pubblicato in: 7th European Workshop on Satellites End-of-Life, CNES, 25 Jan. 2018, 2018
Editore: CNES

Resonant dynamics in the LEO region

Autori: Alessi E.M., Schettino G., Rossi A., Valsecchi G.B.
Pubblicato in: Barcelona Mathematical Days, 27-28 Apr. 2017, 2017
Editore: Societat Catalana de Matematiques

Theoretical and experimental progress in the understanding of destructive re-entry in the ReDSHIFT project

Autori: Beck J., Holbrough I., Schleutker, T.
Pubblicato in: 4th International Workshop on Space Debris Re-entry, 28 Feb-1 Mar. 2018., 2018
Editore: European Space Agency

Frequency characterization of orbits in the LEO region

Autori: Schettino G., Alessi E.M., Rossi A., Valsecchi G.B.
Pubblicato in: The 7th International meeting on Celestial Mechanics (CELMEC VII), 3-9 Sept. 2017., 2017
Editore: CELMEC

Exploiting orbital perturbations for passive disposal of Low Earth Orbit spacecraft

Autori: Alessi E.M., Schettino G., Rossi A., Valsecchi G.B
Pubblicato in: 9th Humboldt Colloquium on Celestial Mechanics, 19-25 Mar. 2017., 2017
Editore: Austrian Academy of Science

Space debris risk assessment of spacecraft protected by 3D printed panels

Autori: Stokes H., Francesconi A., Olivieri L., Walker S.,
Pubblicato in: 69th International Astronautical Congress, 1-5 Oct. 2018, Numero IAC-18.A6.IP.19, 2018
Editore: International Astronautical Federation

Dynamical study of the near-Earth space environment for passive debris removal

Autori: Skoulidou D. K., Rosengren A. J., Tsiganis K., Voyatzis G.
Pubblicato in: 13th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, 3-6 Jul. 2017, 2017
Editore: Hellenic Astronomical Society

Coupled radiation and lunisolar resonant effects on Earth satellite orbits

Autori: Rosengren A.J., Skoulidou D. K., Gkolias I., Tsiganis K., Voyatzi G.
Pubblicato in: 9th Humboldt Colloquium on Celestial Mechanics, 19-25 Mar. 2017, 2017
Editore: Austrian Academy of Science

Killing satellites with resonances: the dynamics of passive debris removal

Autori: Rosengren A. J., Skoulidou D. K., Tsiganis K., Voyatzis G.
Pubblicato in: 13th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, 3-6 Jul. 2017, 2017
Editore: Hellenic Astronomical Society

Exploiting SRP and impulsive maneuvers for LEO disposal design

Autori: Schettino G., Alessi E.M., Rossi A., Valsecchi G.B.
Pubblicato in: XIV Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Planetarie, 5-9 Febr. 2018., 2018
Editore: IFAC-CNR

The H2020 ReDSHIFT project: summary of the main results

Autori: Rossi A. and the ReDSHIFT team
Pubblicato in: 5th European Workshop on Space Debris Modeling and Remediation, CNES, 25-27 Jun. 2018., 2018
Editore: CNES

Death of a Small Satellite; Demise Test of a CubeSat, and the Demise Impact of Dragsails

Autori: Beck J., Holbrough I., Schleutker T., Guelham, A.
Pubblicato in: 5th European Workshop on Space Debris Modeling and Remediation, CNES, 25-27 Jun. 2018, 2018
Editore: CNES

Software Tool for the Design and Computation of Mission End-of-Life Disposal

Autori: Letterio F., Vicario de Miguel G., Alessi E.M., Gkolias I., Skoulidou D.K., Holbrough I., Miguel N., Schaus V., Colombo C., Tsiganis K., Schettino G., Rossi A., Beck J., “”,
Pubblicato in: 5th European Workshop on Space Debris Modeling and Remediation, CNES, 25-27 Jun. 2018, 2018
Editore: CNES

Normative and Legal Implications of Passive De-orbting Strategies

Autori: Popova, R., Kim, Y., Rossi, A., Schaus, V., Colombo, C., Alessi. E. M., Schettio, G., Tsiganis, K., Gkolias, I., Skolidou, D. K., Beck, J.
Pubblicato in: 5th European Workshop on Space Debris Modeling and Remediation, CNES, 25-27 Jun. 2018., 2018
Editore: CNES

Novel Design of the Functional Structure of an 8U CubeSat to be 3D printed in thermoplastic

Autori: Becedas J., Caparrós A., Gerardo Rodríguez Flores, Ramírez A., Morillo P.
Pubblicato in: Open Source CubeSat Workshop 2018 (OSCW 2018), Astronomy Center of the European Space Agency, 24-25 Sep. 2018., 2018
Editore: European Space Agency

Dynamics of solar and drag sails for end-of-life deorbiting

Autori: Colombo C., Miguel N., Gkolias I.
Pubblicato in: ReDSHIFT Final Conference, 13-14 Mar. 2019, 2019
Editore: IFAC-CNR

Progress in the Understanding and Modelling of Destructive Re-entry

Autori: Beck J.
Pubblicato in: 1st International Workshop on Space Situational Awareness in Republic of Korea, 6-8 Dec. 2018, 2018
Editore: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Legal Aspects of Space Debris Mitigation

Autori: Popova R.
Pubblicato in: ReDSHIFT Final Conference, 13 – 14 Mar. 2019, 2019
Editore: IFAC-CNR

The ReDSHIFT software suite

Autori: Letterio F., Vicario de Miguel G.
Pubblicato in: ReDSHIFT Final Conference, 13-14 Mar. 2019., 2019
Editore: IFAC-CNR

The ReDSHIFT testing activities

Autori: Becedas J., Beck J., Francesconi A.
Pubblicato in: ReDSHIFT Final Conference, , 13-14 Mar. 2019, 2019
Editore: IFAC-CNR

ReDSHIFT: Revolutionary Design of Spacecraft through Holistic Integration of Future Technologies

Autori: A. Rossi and The ReDSHIFT team
Pubblicato in: ReDSHIFT Final Conference, 13-14 Mar. 2019., 2019
Editore: IFAC-CNR

The ReDSHIFT Design Activities

Autori: Becedas J., Dalla Vedova F.
Pubblicato in: ReDSHIFT Final Conference, 13-14 Mar. 2019, 2019
Editore: IFAC-CNR

The ReDSHIFT Dynamics results: Mapping of the Earth Orbit and Dynamic disposal at end-of-life

Autori: Tsiganis K. and the ReDSHIFT WP3 Team
Pubblicato in: ReDSHIFT Final Conference, 13-14 Mar. 2019., 2019
Editore: IFAC-CNR

Radiation tests analysis

Autori: Bagatin M., S. Gerardin, A. Paccagnella
Pubblicato in: ReDSHIFT Final Conference, 13-14 March 2019, 2019
Editore: IFAC-CNR

The ReDSHIFT simulation and legal results”,

Autori: Schaus V., Popova R.
Pubblicato in: ReDSHIFT Final Conference, 13-14 Mar. 2019, 2019
Editore: IFAC-CNR

The ReDSHIFT 3D printing activities

Autori: Walker, S., Romei F.
Pubblicato in: ReDSHIFT Final Conference, , 13-14 Mar. 2019, 2019
Editore: IFAC-CNR

Hypervelocity impacts test on multi-layer 3d-printed shields

Autori: Olivieri L., Giacomuzzo C., Finozzi A., Francesconi A.
Pubblicato in: 69th ARA meeting, 7-12 Oct. 2018, 2018
Editore: Aeroballistic Range Association (ARA)

Metal Additive Manufacturing Applied to a Satellite Structure: Design, Manufacturing and Testing

Autori: Becedas J., Walker S.J.I, Caparrós A., Romei F., Rodríguez Flores G., Morillo P., Ramírez A.
Pubblicato in: Spanish Small Satellite International Forum (SSSIF2019), 7-8 Mar. 2019, 2019
Editore: SSSIF

Study of the dynamical structure of the GEO region and implications in end-of-life disposal strategies

Autori: Gkolias, I., Colombo, C.
Pubblicato in: International Workshop on Key Topics in Orbit Propagation Applied to Space Situational Awareness (KePASSA), , 25-27 July 2017, 2017
Editore: European Space Agency - ESTEC

Exploiting the dynamics near GEO for optimal end-of-life disposal manoeuvres

Autori: Gkolias, I., Colombo, C.
Pubblicato in: The 7th International Meeting on Celestial Mechanics (CELMEC VII), 3-9 September 2017., 2017
Editore: CELMEC

Improved Understanding of Reaction Wheel Demise through Testing and Analysis

Autori: Beck J., Holbrough I.
Pubblicato in: ESA Clean Space Industrial Days, 23-25 Oct. 2018., 2018
Editore: European Space Agency

ReDSHIFT: Revolutionary Design of Spacecraft through Holistic Integration of Future Technologies

Autori: Alessandro Rossi, Camilla Colombo, Elisa Maria Alessi, Giovanni Valsecchi, James Beck, Ali Guelhan, Thorn Schleutker , Federico Letterio, Sergio Molina, Antonio Ramirez , Jonathan Becedas, Florio Dalla Vedova , Hedley Stokes , Hugh Lewis , Shoufeng Yang , Kleomenis Tsiganis , Volker Schaus ,Enrico Stoll, Jonas Radtke, Rada Popova, Alessandro Francesconi, Alessandro Paccagnella
Pubblicato in: 4th workshop on Space Debris Remediation, 2016
Editore: CNES

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