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Risultati finali
This is a consolidated report on the ICT expert group activities: enhancing EU-US collaboration. It will include input from TUD, ATC, GNKS related to their Expert groups.
Final summary of activities about the EU-US ICT community enhancementThis is the final summary of activities about the EU-US ICT community enhancement, including evaluation of results and lessons learnt. It will be based on the initial deliverable.
Third expert group meeting reportThis document will include four parts - separate reports abpout the third expert group meeting. TUD, ATC, TUDO, GNKS will provide respective meeting reports of their Expert groups. Each report will be done within one month after the relevant 3rd expert group meeting.
Overview on ICT-related access opportunities in EU and USOverview on ICT-related access opportunities in EU and US (APRE)
Second expert group meeting reportThis is a consolidated document with input from TUD, ATC, TUDO, GNKS. The report will be submitted within one month after the event (second meeting of the Expert groups).
Consolidated opportunities report with recommendationsD2.7 Consolidated opportunities report with recommendations (TUDO) - M30
Summary of activities about promotion of access opportunities - H2020 ICT opportunities for US side and US ICT programmes opportunities for EU sideThis deliverable will be prepared M15 (intermediate report), and updated M30 (final report).
Communication and dissemination strategy and materialsCommunication and dissemination strategy and materials will be prepared for follow up in the project. Different partners will be responsible for different activities (inno - web site, APRE - newsletters, ATC - social media...).
First expert group meeting reportFirst expert group meeting report includes summary of the metings of all four Expert groups. Each Expert group chair (TUD, ATC, TUDO, GNKS) will provide input from the relevant Expert group.
Initial summary of activities about the EU-US ICT community enhancementThis is an initial summary of activities about the EU-US ICT community enhancement. It will be updated at the end of the project.
Report about the final eventReport about the final event will be submitted within one month after the event.
4 e-newsletters summaryThe indicative planning for the 4 e-newsletters is: M8, M15, M23, M30. The newsletters will be circulated as soon as they are issued; the deliverable will include compilation of the 4 newsletters.
Exploitation and sustainability planExploitation and sustainability plan will be prepared M13 (initial draft) and updated M30
Report “Panorama of ICT landscape in EU and US: ICT Policies, regulations, programmes and networks in EU and US”The D1.3 will be in the 3 thematic domains and societal challenges. The leader of this deliverable 1.3 is THHINK, with contributions from TUD, ATC, TUDO, GNKS
Report about EU-US policy and innovation conferenceThe report will be submitted within one month after the event. It is planned that the project review takes place in conjunction with this event.
Action plans of the expert groupsThe action plans of the expert groups is a consolidated document with input from each Expert group.
White paper with a focus on recommendations for specific high potential ICT policy initiatives in the EU-US dialogueThe White paper with a focus on recommendations for specific high potential ICT policy initiatives in the EU-US dialogue will result from the 3 expert groups and the work of the ICT policy expert group
Opportunity reportThe opportunity report is a consolidated document with input from TUD, ATC, TUDO
Final project report with publishable summary, and estimation of impactFinal project report with publishable summary, and estimation of impact will be submitted within the contractual delay after the end of the Period 2.
Strategic initiatives proposals and recommendationsThis document will include input from each Expert group' responsible (ATC, TUD, GNKS)
Analysis of industrial drivers and societal needsThe analysis of industrial drivers and societal needs will be by THHINK with contribution from GNKS
Overview of PICASSO Expert groupsThe document will include: overview of PICASSO Expert groups, list of experts, and terms of reference (inno – with contributions from TUD, ATC, TUDO, GNKS) - M4
D3.1. 5 Policy briefs and 5 related webinars (GNKS) - The indicative planning for following releases is : M10, M14, M18, M22, M26
The ICT Industry Toolkit will be provided on-line (on the project web site) and as apps (inno)
Web site onlineWeb site will be opened online M3 and then regularly updated. All partners will contribute to the provision of updates.
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