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Risultati finali
This deliverable will compile information on all the existing projects at EU level which provide mineral statistics on production, trade, exploration and resources.
Standardisation and systematisation of EU MS minerals data: Exploring future pathwaysThis deliverable will summarize the existing EU standardization of mining data and best practices in standardization of mining data.
The MIN-GUIDE common approach: innovation framework, benchmarking and best practicesThis deliverable will report on common approach issues, detailing the innovation framework and template (from task 1.1), and best practice and benchmarking framework, and preliminary list of proposed benchmark indicators (from task 1.2).
Feasibility study of implementing ‘innovative legislation and policies’ in sub-surface and deep sea miningThis deliverable will comprise information about potential conflict areas (location and features) and types of legislation conflicts identified.
EU and EU MS mineral policy report"This deliverable summarises all 28 EU MS country fact sheets and on their respective minerals policy framework, the results of the benchmarking, best practice case descriptions and results gathered at the ""Policy Laboratory 1 on innovative minerals policy governance"" (Ms3)."
Stock-taking on EU and EU MS mineral policy and legislationThis deliverable will comprise information on policy and legislation in the minerals policy and related sectors on EU level and in all 28 EU MS.
Report on innovation promotion and inhibiting factors and examples of best practicesThis deliverable summarises the results from the bench-marking, best-practice case description and evaluation criteria
Communication, dissemination and multiplier strategyEnsures a coordinated and efficient approach for the projects communication, dissemination and multiplier programme.
Report on the policy and legislation framework for innovation in waste management and mine closureThis deliverable will comprise information on policy and legislation on EU level and in all 28 EU MS, with specific focus on waste management and mining sites closure.
The Policy Guide framework and featuresThis will comprise: key task 1.3 findings; proposed policy guide structure and format (including proposals for innovative ways to present information); key insights and questions of relevance for subsequent WPs; and clear plans in collaboration with WP8 for how stakeholder engagement will complement, develop and enhance the guide’s impact, and with WP2-7 for the structure and conceptual design of WP2-7 outputs.
Final report on innovative waste management and mine closure. Guidelines and recommendations for future policy and legislation developmentThis deliverable summarises the overall actions of WP5.
Final report including guidelines and recommendations for future policy development for innovation in mineral and metallurgical processingThis deliverable summarises the results of WP4
Report on innovation evaluation criteria and best case practices in waste management and mine closureThis deliverable summarises the results of the bench-marking, best practice case descriptions and evaluation criteria for innovation scoreboard.
The MIN-GUIDE Policy Guide: Guidance for EU and MS mineral policy and legislationThis key project output will bring together outputs from WP1-7, and communicate these incorporating relevant findings from task 1.3.
Innovative policy governance frameworks in EU MS minerals policy makingThis deliverable summarises the results of the benchmarking, best practice case descriptions and results gathered at the “Policy Laboratory on innovative minerals policy governance”.
Final report on innovative exploration and extraction: Guidelines and recommendations for future policy and legislationThis deliverable summarises the overall results of WP3.
Report on innovation evaluation criteria and best case practices in exploration and extractionThis deliverable summarises the results of the benchmarking study, describes best practice cases and evaluation criteria for innovation score boarding.
Report on policy and legislation framework for exploration and extractionThis deliverable will describe the current policy and legislation for exploration and mineral extraction activities in all 28 EU MS.
Report on the policy and legislation framework for innovation in mineral and metallurgical processingThis deliverable will comprise information on policy and legislation on EU level and in all 28 EU MS with specific focus on mineral and metallurgical processing
The first version of the MIN-GUIDE project website will comprise the basic features such as project description, partner section, twitter news feed etc.
Technical implementation of the MIN-GUIDE Policy Guide final websiteThis version of the MIN-GUIDE website will include all relevant results collected during the project’s running time.
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