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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Impact of invasive alien true bug species in native tropich webs

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Manuscript WP4

Manuscript submitted to peer-reviewed journal

Annual summary published on INVASION website WP2

Annual summary concerning the research activities of WP2 published on INVASION Network website

Manuscript WP2

Manuscript submitted to peer-reviewed journal

Annual summary published on INVASION website WP4

Annual summary concerning the research activities of WP4 published on INVASION Network website

Manuscript WP5

Manuscript submitted to peer-reviewed journal

Annual summary published on INVASION website WP1

Annual summary concerning the research activities of WP1 published on INVASION Network website

Annual summary published on INVASION website WP6

Annual summary concerning the research activities of WP6 published on INVASION Network website

Midterm Scientific report WP4

Organize and provide a Midterm Scientific report concerning the research activities of WP1

Progress report

Organize and provide a report that illustrates research progress in each WP, analyzes if the project is on track and reviews methodology and activities.

Manuscript WP1

Manuscript submitted to peer-reviewed journal

Annual summary published on INVASION website WP5

Annual summary concerning the research activities of WP5 published on INVASION Network website

Midterm Scientific report WP5

Organize and provide a Midterm Scientific report concerning the research activities of WP5

Midterm Scientific report WP1

Organize and provide a Midterm Scientific report concerning the research activities of WP1

Midterm Scientific report WP6

Organize and provide a Midterm Scientific report concerning the research activities of WP6

Manuscript WP3

Manuscript submitted to peer-reviewed journal

Annual summary published on INVASION website WP3

Annual summary concerning the research activities of WP3 published on INVASION Network website

Midterm Scientific report WP2

Organize and provide a Midterm Scientific report concerning the research activities of WP2

Manuscript WP6

Manuscript submitted to peer-reviewed journal

Midterm Scientific report WP3

Organize and provide a Midterm Scientific report concerning the research activities of WP3


Testing the habituation assumption underlying models of parasitoid foraging behavior

Autoren: Paul K. Abram, Antonino Cusumano, Katrina Abram, Stefano Colazza, Ezio Peri
Veröffentlicht in: PeerJ, Ausgabe 5, 2017, Seite(n) e3097, ISSN 2167-8359
Herausgeber: PeerJ
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.3097

An invasive insect herbivore disrupts plant volatile-mediated tritrophic signalling

Autoren: Letizia Martorana, Maria Cristina Foti, Gabriele Rondoni, Eric Conti, Stefano Colazza, Ezio Peri
Veröffentlicht in: Journal of Pest Science, Ausgabe 90/4, 2017, Seite(n) 1079-1085, ISSN 1612-4758
Herausgeber: Springer Verlag
DOI: 10.1007/s10340-017-0877-5

Foraging behaviour of an egg parasitoid exploiting plant volatiles induced by pentatomids: the role of adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces

Autoren: Francesca Frati, Antonino Cusumano, Eric Conti, Stefano Colazza, Ezio Peri, Salvatore Guarino, Letizia Martorana, Roberto Romani, Gianandrea Salerno
Veröffentlicht in: PeerJ, Ausgabe 5, 2017, Seite(n) e3326, ISSN 2167-8359
Herausgeber: PeerJ
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.3326

Mating Status of an Herbivorous Stink Bug Female Affects the Emission of Oviposition-Induced Plant Volatiles Exploited by an Egg Parasitoid

Autoren: Gianandrea Salerno, Francesca Frati, Eric Conti, Ezio Peri, Stefano Colazza, Antonino Cusumano
Veröffentlicht in: Frontiers in Physiology, Ausgabe 10, 2019, ISSN 1664-042X
Herausgeber: Frontiers Research Foundation
DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2019.00398

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