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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

SIMPLA - Sustainable Integrated Multi-sector PLAnning

CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.

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Risultati finali

Report on coaching actions

The final report on the coaching actions summarises the coaching activities performed in each country, the feedback collected, presenting the best SIMPLA integrated planning tools and the process that led to their approval and summarising the main lessons learnt. The report will be drafted by the WP leader with contributions from all the partners with a special focus on their own experience. The report will be published in the project web site in order to be used as a reference and guidance material for any replicating organizations.

Final report on SIMPLA communication strategy

During the project lifetime at the end of each reporting period, PPs will be asked to fill in a progress report on communication, in which some information will be gathered about each partner’s contacts with local media, participation in meetings with target groups, organization of events, press releases and news, PPTs produced, minutes of meetings, programmes of workshops held, list of attendance of events' audience, etc., so to analyse the state of the art of communication activities. All those reports will be then elaborated by the WP leader and a final, short, factual and appealing report on SIMPLA communication strategy and activities will be produced. The final report will include also a section devoted to the future plans of the project consortium for the continuation of SIMPLA activities beyong project lifetime.

SIMPLA guidelines - draft version 2.0

The version 2.0 is an updated version of previous release of the guidelines (D 3.1) on the basis of the comments and suggestions collected from trainers, in class trainees, experts and visitors to the web site. Updates could be generated by an evolution of relevant legislation in EU and national legislation and regulation. At this stage in the national version of the guidelines footnotes highlighting specific peculiarities of each country could be added whenever national legislation or culture might require specific adjustments

12 Declarations of committment

In order to capitalize the SIMPLA model and transfer it in further countries 12 organizations intending to take on the SIMPLA model and replicate its approach in their territories, creating new NFPs will be selected. The replicating organisations, to be selected through a public procedure, will be asked to sign a declaration of commitment to officialise their engagement to this regards. The selection will consider competences, motivations and the sustainability of their replication plans. The declarations will be based on a template to be drafted by the PPs and aim at identifying the persons who will be involved in the action to start the procedures of implementation of the model.

Report on capacity building activities

A report on the whole set of capacity building activities in the 6 countries (summing up and providing details on the process that lead to the definition of a common capacity building package, appointment of trainers, recruitment of beneficiaries, in-class training and international interactive webinar and their multifold outputs) summarizes the experiences and lessons learnt in the implementation of in-class training and webinars. All materials related to the training (programs, materials, results of group work, literature for further reference, etc.) are made publicly available in the website for further dissemination and to foster replication and can be considerd as an attachment to the report.

Reports on preparation actions for the international intervention model

6 individual country reports in the national languages and 1 general report in English for the entire partnership summing up in full detail organizational features and issues, approaches and outcomes of the following subsequent steps: - Setting up of the network of 6 SIMPLA National Focal Points (NFPs) - Selection and appointment of 6 expert panels connected to the NFPs’ network - Elaboration of a transnational ‘vade mecum’ to support participation, negotiation, conflict resolution - Organization of 9 focus group sessions in the 9 pilot territories - Organization of 9 workshops in the 9 pilot territories - Definition of a final strategic document, the ‘SIMPLA manifesto’

SIMPLA guidelines - draft version 1.0

SIMPLA guidelines are developed in three subsequent versions, each updating and enhancing the previous one (version 1.0, in English month 12, in all partners’ languages, month 13 ; version 2.0, month 21 ; version 3.0, month 33). The SIMPLA guidelines address local authorities and accompany them step-by-step in the process of developing integrated, multi-sector planning tools that blend and harmonize approaches, methodologies, and solutions used in SEAPs and SUMPs. The guidelines are written jointly by the partnership in subsequent steps during the first 12 months. The SIMPLA guidelines are organized as a ‘road-map’, each stage being subsequent to the previous and preparatory for the next. The SIMPLA manifesto (D 2.2) opens the guidelines as a preface. Once the version in English is accepted an validated by all NFPs, the guidelines are translated into the languages of the six partner countries (ready by month 13) in Austria the national version of the guidelines will be an adaptation to the national context leading to a document called “Harmonization of KEMs and Mobilitätskonzepten” (see task 3.1.5).

SIMPLA guidelines - final release version 3.0

Towards the end of the project the final version of the guidelines will be released. The improvements made on D3.2 will be generated by evolution of relevant legislation, lessons learnt from the implementation of the seminars and coaching activities, new deliverables and results coming from other ongoing EU funded project on the same topic as well as further comments collected by the relevant stakeholders and experts. Also in this edition footnotes devoted to specific issues of single countries could be added in the national editions of the guidelines (with the exception of the Austrian one, see task 3.1.5). Final dissemination activities will provide the widest distribution possible to this deliverable.

SIMPLA manifesto

The SIMPLA Manifesto is based on the final reports drafted in each country and summarizing the key National Focal Points conclusions and recomendations. Supported by experts and with cooperation from all partners, the network of SIMPLA NFPs develops and adopts a strategic document that defines the concept of integrated multi-sector plan, the main operating principles guiding the process and the support methodology implemented by the partnership. This strategic document, ready by month 12, is the basis for all further developments and sets the foundations for the guidelines and the online observatory, capacity building and coaching actions and further dissemination of the SIMPLA approach and methodology with the new NFPs to be created after the end of the project.

Report on the 3-day event

In the last months of the project, when tools and plans have been produced, tested, fine-tuned and implemented, a final 3-day event will take place (month 35), composed by a 1-day replication workshop and a 2-day mutual-learning event. It will be organized in Trieste (IT) on the premises of the project coordinator at an international level and with guests and participants belonging to institutions and organizations from all over Europe. The replication workshop will involve 12 organizations intending to take on the SIMPLA model and replicate its approach in their territories, creating new NFPs. The replicating organisations, to be selected through a public procedure, will be asked to sign a declaration of committment to officialise their engagement and will be provided with guidelines, inputs and suggestions by SIMPLA experts and local authorities. The second day will witness the participation of the 12 replicating organisations, the 16 project partners and the 24 best-performing local authorities having benefitted from capacity building and coaching activities in world café activities and role-playing sessions. The whole day will represent a unique opportunity of European-level mutual learning on hot themes related to integrated, multi-sector sustainable energy planning for cities. Representatives of public institutions and private organizations coming from different countries will share knowledge, experiences, issues and success stories to investigate recent developments with a perspective on the sustainable future of their countries. On the third day, a conference open to the public will be organized to showcase the best outputs produced by the project, its most successful coaching actions’ results, the turn-key solutions implemented by previous inspiring projects SIMPLA harks back to, and R&D solutions relevant to the SIMPLA approach. Besides taking stock of the project results, prospective developments will also be showed and discussed. The report will sumarize the event, the main conclusions and will include a full list of participants.

Communication and dissemination plan and monitoring system

Two different yet complementary kinds of activities are envisaged within WP7. Throughout the duration of the project, the partnership’s effort will concentrate mainly on communication and promotion activities, thus to raise awareness and involve all the target groups identified. During the last semester in particular, PPs will collaborate to disseminate and exploit the results at the widest possible level, including beyond the project geographical boundaries. Following this twofold approach, at the starting phase of the project the WP coordinator develops a “Communication plan and monitoring system” in order to outline the strategy to follow, the role played by each partner and the tools, channels and activities’ scheduling. Another important working document, the “Plan for disseminating and exploiting the project’s results”, will also be developed: it represents a strategic document to create the conditions for further branching out of project activities and foster replication in other EU countries not directly involved in the partnership. To assess the effectiveness of the communication and dissemination initiatives and get control of progress, a monitoring procedure will be drafted and attached to the communication guidelines to be proposed by the WP leader and agreed among all project partners.

SIMPLA common capacity building package with national adaptations

The SIMPLA common capacity building package is a training concept largely based on the outputs of WPs 2 and 3 (SIMPLA manifesto, guidelines, observatory) addressed to public officers working for cities, towns and their aggregations with a population between 50.000 and 350.000 inhabitants. Capacity building actions entail in-class training for a restricted number of local authorities (12 per country for a total of 72 in the 6 countries involved) selected for the purpose of involving the most promising local authorities, each appointing two officers (for a total of 144) in relevant positions and with a status enabling them to influence decision-making processes. A common training program is developed internationally and then adapted at a national level to better respond to each country’s specificities and features (with the exception of Austria, where, as described above, due to national peculiarities, a road show concept aimed at the harmonization of KEMs and e5s with regional mobility plans will be implemented). The standard common capacity building program, entailing 50 hours (corresponding in general terms to 7 full days of in-class training (6 days in months 15-18 and 1 in month 36 for the final sessions to be held after the mutual learning event), then undergoes fine-tuning and adaptation at a national level to house national peculiarities and respond to specific requirements raised for instance by experts, stakeholders, representatives of public authorities. The main contents of the lectures will be outlined, the didactical methodology illustrated and the description of exercises and simulations included. Reference to key documents to be used as training materials will be also considered, but no training materials will be developed. The document will include also the guidelines for the selection and appointment of trainers as well as for the recruitment of beneficiaries. The plan for international webinars will be also drafted, but the final programme will be based also on the feedback collected during the implementation of the training.

SIMPLA online observatory

"The SIMPLA online observatory (ready in its initial version at month 12) leads the viewer on a journey through the subsequent stages in the definition of a SIMPLA integrated, multi-sector plan. Each individual step reports the related contents in the guidelines with examples, models and templates to download and links to other relevant sites. Moreover, the online observatory grows with the project, offering: training materials from in-class training; recordings from webinars; reports from coaching sessions; a database of plans developed in the framework of the project (plans are reported or linked in the national language, but a descriptive fiche in English allows any visitor to understand and learn the main issues). The SIMPLA observatory is not a mere replication of other existing portals (as ELTIS and the Covenant of Mayors portal), although reference to these and links will indeed be vastly used, since the scope and purpose of the action here are innovative and therefore all contents and materials are seen from a different perspective: not the development of a SEAP, of a SUMP or any other policy/plan, but the integration and harmonization of the above, which is the main purpose and guiding principle, each content serving as an example or a best practice, complementary and coherent with the more general road-map setting. So the SIMPLA online observatory could be held as the ""trait d'union"" between the portals specialised just on SUMP or SEAP, guiding cities in melting these recommendations into a single vision for their city."

30 integrated planning tools

All the integrated planning tools developed in the frames of SIMPLA will be made publicly available through the project website. Each planning toool will be available in national language, but an abstract in English will be available for all of them.

Final video to present present project results

To further disseminate the results of the project, a video presenting the SIMPLA methodology and the achieved results will be released. The video, available in English, will take benefit of the mutual learning workshop in Trieste as an opportunity for shooting interviews to both partners and beneficiary cities. The video will be published on project website, dedicated portals such as Eltis, as well as social networks. Beside the project video, the interviews shot in Trieste during the mutual learning workshop will be rele4ased on the project social media after some editing.

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