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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

European Research Area on Sustainable Animal Production Systems


Mid-term monitoring report on Funded Projects

Mid-term reports and monitoring results from Funded Projects incl. feedback from Call Steering Committee to monitor progress with regard to the projects' objectives and milestones.

Final monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment report of Funded Projects

Evaluation and impact assessment based on final reports and monitoring results from Funded Projects incl feedback from Call Steering Committee of Funded Projects with regard to the projects objectives and milestones and SusAns overall objectives

Priority topics and options for other joint activities

Decision on the scientific topic priorities within the updated research scope of ERA-NET SusAn and list of options.

Knowledge Exchange and Communication Strategy

Knowledge Exchange and Communication Strategy incl. identification of stakeholders, target audiences, definition of relevant information for ERA-NET SusAn and Funded Projects.

Common Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda

Identification of opportunities and challenges for the development of a more sustainable animal production research and innovation needs and critical research capacity that needs to be maintained or newly established research funding collaboration

Report on implementation of other joint activities

Based on the plan developed in Task 62 a range of other additional activities will be implemented by SusAn eg Early Career Scientist Workshop Exploratory Workshops or joint calls with other initiatives such as FACCE ERAGAS including without EU cofunding

Communication material

Definition and development of adequate means of communication and dissemination incl. ERA-NET website.

Call pre-announcement to the public

Summarised Information on the Co-funded Call and its content to target groups via Internet, mailing and National/Regional Contact Points.

Implementation plan for other joint activities

Implementation plan for other joint activities with regard to priority topics and options incl. possible joint calls with other initiatives, such as ERA-GAS.

Report on research in the field of sustainable animal production

Revised scope of ERANET SusAn gap analysis stakeholder consultations and mapping of initiativesThis report will be an integral part of the Common Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda CSRIA D72

Proposals for a self-sustainable network

Proposals for a durable and focused network in the area of sustainable animal production from Member and Associated States beyond the lifetime of this ERANET

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