Periodic Reporting for period 1 - IonoChem (IonoChem: A new and highly efficient cross membrane drug delivery strategy)
Berichtszeitraum: 2015-09-01 bis 2016-02-29
Ionovation’s proprietary IonoChem technology provides a novel and highly effective solution to this problem by adding lipophilic “tails” directly to drugs and drug candidates that allow them to pass through cell membranes. Bioavailability is thus increased, and drugs become more efficient. The results from the phase I activities have confirmed Ionovation’s assumption with regard to the high market demand for the intended application and the attractiveness of Ionovation’s offering.
The objectives for the Phase I study included (1) The analysis of customer needs, (2) the refinement of the business model (in-house GMP production vs. outsourcing to contract manufacturing), (3) search for a contract manufacturer and (4) elaboration of a business plan.