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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

RoadMAPs to Societal Mobilisation for the Advancement of Responsible Industrial Technologies


First Draft of the Industrial Roadmap in Precision Medicine

Based on an innovative format of involvement, specifically designed for industrial innovation we will organise two different events called “Industrial Dialogues” where we will invite a wide range of contributions. The dialogues will take place in two different regions of Europe (Denmark and Spain). The input from both events will be collected according to the format we developed, and they will shape the first draft of concrete roadmap for this field, which will be proposed at the end of this task.

First Draft of the Industrial Roadmap in Synthethic Biology

This task is focused on the implementation and testing of the proposed roadmap into an industrial environment, to be used as a case study. The WP Leader is building upon, maximising synergies, and achieving scale-up and internationalisation, creating added value for SMART-map from the existing £10million/5 year SYNBIOCHEM project in Manchester and other UK Synbio centres which were commissioned and commenced in 2014/15 as a consequence of the UK Synbio Roadmap. Funded by the UK Research Councils of BBSRC/EPSRC with 17 companies participating to date SYNBIOCHEM in Manchester is currently establishing an ‘industry club’, following a very successful opening ‘industry day’ in June 2015. RRI is a fully integrated inter-disciplinary component of SYNBIOCHEM involving Co-Is from the University of Manchester Faculty of Humanities (Manchester Business School and School of Social Sciences) working alongside colleagues in Faculty of Life Sciences and Engineering and Physical Sciences at the Manchester Institute of Biotechnology. In Year 2 of SYNBIOCHEM a qualitative survey of participating firms is envisaged. Learning from this survey will provide one input preparing the ground for the Synbio SMART-map Industrial Dialogue, to be further developed as a result of comparison with the Hungarian Synbio Industrial Dialogue. We will use this expertise to test how an RRI framework might change the daily practice and impact innovation development: in a small case-study to be identified and based upon the outcomes of the dialogues, we will train the personnel involved in this experience, and implement the proposed roadmap (in UK and/or Hungary). Data will be collected by the activities of WP7. In particular the following activities will take place: - Analyse the range of services and identify where a case-study might be realised, based on the outcomes of the dialogues; - Train the personnel exposed to the roadmap for responsible development; - Test the proposed roadmap (D3.3) in the identified case study; - Collect feedbacks and suggestions for criticalities and improvements of the roadmap (M3.1)

First Draft of the Industrial Roadmap in 3D Printing

Based on an innovative format of involvement, specifically designed for industrial innovation we will organise two different events called “Industrial Dialogues” The dialogues will take place in two different regions of Europe (Italy and Germany). The input from both events will be collected according to the format we developed, and they will shape the first draft of concrete roadmap for this field.

Final Roadmap for Responsible Development in the Industries of 3D Printing

Based on collected feedback we will highlight critical points in the implementation of the proposed roadmap, as well as suggestion for improvements that might come either from the personnel exposed to the new practices, or from the analysis of the data. The whole information will be used to update the roadmap, and deliver a final proposal to be used specifically by industries in the field of 3D-printing in Biomedicine.

Final Roadmap for Responsible Development in the Industries of Precision Medicine

Based on the results of the case study, we will collect a number of feedbacks, useful to highlight criticalities in the implementation of the proposed roadmap, as well as suggestion for improvements that might come either from the personnel exposed to the new practices, or from the analysis of the data. This information will be used to update the roadmap, and deliver a final proposal to be used specifically by industries in the field of precision medicine (D4.4) and will be collected into the Formative Evaluation (WP7), comparing across the 3 RoadMap/case study experiences. The theme-specific roadmap, together with those developed by the other WPs, will be exposed to the discussion of the Societal Watchdog group of the Advisory Board (WP2).

Final Roadmap for responsible development in the Industries of Synthetic Biology

Based on the results of the case study, we will collect a number of feedbacks, useful to highlight criticalities in the implementation of the proposed roadmap, as well as suggestion for improvements that might come either from the personnel exposed to the new practices, or from the analysis of the data. This information will be used to update the roadmap, and deliver a final proposal to be used specifically by industries in the field of synthetic biology (D3.4) and will be collected into the Formative Evaluation (WP7), comparing across the 3 RoadMap/case study experiences.

Indutstrial Dialogue Format

The task will be based on several dialogue experiences of the partners (mainly ZSI, but also UNIMAN, FHG, Bassetti) as well as documented dialogue activities of other RRI projects. The output will be an innovative format for dialogues with industrial stakeholders and civil society organisations, policy makers, experts, that shall produce fruitful discussions in the three selected topics around the eight RRI themes and aim at drafting the related roadmaps (SMART Maps) based on the RRI Navigator. The format will be documented in several templates, discussed with the advisory board (Task 2.3), shared with all partners and consolidated in a deliverable (draft version in month 4, final version month 6). As ZSI will be involved in all dialogue activities (WP3, WP4, WP5), the deliverable will be “revisited” at the end of the project. It will be updated based on the experiences made and lessons learnt within the SMART-map project and available as an updated version to stakeholders engaged in similar dialogue activities.

E-book production gathering issues, results and outcomes of the 3 CFT Dialogues

Using audio and video shoot during the CTF events, we will design an e-book to report the most relevant aspects emerged during the Diaogues as well as the conclusions of the 3 events. The tool will be also used as a mean of dissemination. The e-book will be licensed under Creative Commons and will be shared on the project website and on social media channels.

Online learning material accesible

All material produced (the format of the dialogues, the material for training industrial players and industrial champions to implementing the roadmaps, as well as our SMART Maps and guidelines for their use) will be organised into a structured format online. This approach will ensure open access to all material, as well the opportunity for industrial players to use our material for training and implement our approach well beyond the duration of the project.

Project Website

Formicablu will be in charge of the design, development and updating of the project website. On the one hand, the public access site will be designed to promote the project towards: SynBio, Precision medicine and 3-D printing in biomedical field diverse sectors (institutional, academic, public and industrial); the media, which can act as multipliers; society at large. The website will be designed in accordance with the visual project identity. All the public project materials, documents, data, reports as well as communication products (printable and digital) will be accessible from the website, which will be regularly updated throughout the project. Its post project on-line availability will be guaranteed for at least two years.A special room will be designed for the general public with introductory text and tools on the 3 innovation topic and RRI. In addition to the public access site, the website will also provide a private working area, including community tools to facilitate documents sharing and co-working among the partners, which will serve as a platform to exchange material, knowledge and practices. All the partners will actively contribute to the production of the website content (texts).

Introductory Project Video

production of a a video to introduce the aim and the stages of the project, in order to be used in public meetings and conferences and to be spread through the web


Steering research and innovation through RRI. What horizon for Europe?

Veröffentlicht in: Journal of Science Communication, Ausgabe 17/03, 2018, ISSN 1824-2049
Herausgeber: Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA)
DOI: 10.22323/2.17030302

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